Urban Refugee Integration in Rome of Prof. Hajo Neis Summer Program 2019

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Framed Views

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Many paths restrict views for the pedestrian, making navigation difficult in

dense urban enviornments. These paths are often seen to have no direction

and often avoided.

Many paths restrict views for the pedestrian, making navigation difficult in

dense urban enviornments. These paths are often seen to have no direction

and often avoided.

Creating an open side of a path, or making it more visible by removing disruptive objects,

can help someone navigate easier by knowing which direction they are heading towards to

their destination. Framing specifi c views can be memorable to the pedestrian and create a

place in which someone may stop and admire the specifi c view.

Creating an open side of a path, or making it more visible by removing disruptive objects,

can help someone navigate easier by knowing * * which * direction they are heading towards to

their destination. Framing specifi c views can be memorable to the pedestrian and create a

place in which someone may stop and admire the specifi c view.

If the sides of buidings were connected to paths that frame certain views and

simplify navigation, then travelling as a pedestrian would become easier and

more enjoyable.

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If the sides of buidings were connected to paths that frame certain views and

simplify navigation, then travelling as a pedestrian would become easier and

more enjoyable.

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Single women and single mother refugees require extra support from each

other to be able to safely and easily acclimate to their new surroundings.

Many women are forced to come alone or with children to a new country as refugees.

Many of these women are not used to the financial burden of being the sole caretaker for

themselves and their children. They arrive in a new country not knowing the language or

the culture, and are then immediatly required to support themselves and their children. It

is through their housing that they can begin to create a community among themselves and

support each other. With shared living spaces mothers can watch children and cook for

multiple families. Friendships and support systems are created through everyday interaction.

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Scanned with CamScanner

Single women and single mother refugee housing should have individual units

with shared kitchens and terraces between them. This allows the women to

support each other in their community.

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