Urban Refugee Integration in Rome of Prof. Hajo Neis Summer Program 2019

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I want to thank our twelve students, three graduates and nine undergraduates. They are

fantastic students, with the heart on the right spot, energy, creativity and lots of

determinism. They did an incredibly good job over the course of the UO Rome summer

Program. Most impressive, they came through in the final review, not only with their

individual building designs, but also with the experimental communal urban design. And

to top the list, they also met the deadline on the same day for the International Design

Competition 'Cities and Refugees', that includes a wonderful 45 second video expressing

the wish for dignity of refugees in a poem.

I also want to thank all of our guest lecturers and reviewers, starting with Pia Katharine

Schneider from Rome and ending with Joachim Kieferle from Wiesbaden, Germany.

Thanks to our main reviewers and guest lecturers. They include Giuseppe Strappa,

Rome; Antonio Latini, Rome; Tom Rankin, Rome; Howard Davis, Oregon; Ralf Weber,

Dresden; Alexander Schmidt, Essen; Ihab Elzeyadi, Oregon; Vicky Kynourgiopoulou,

Greece; Grace Aaraj, Lebanon. I am very thankful for all their contributions.

It is also with great pleasure that I can thank Adam Abusukheila, who did a tremendous

amount of work in putting the Rome booklet together, so that we all have a wonderful

record of this exhilarating summer project in Rome.

Hajo Neis, PhD. Rome Program Director

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