Urban Refugee Integration in Rome of Prof. Hajo Neis Summer Program 2019

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Urban Game 2

The second Urban Game was based on the same limited rules

but it was also based on a much larger level of prison building

elimination, only leaving the yellow front building in position so

that the main entrance building to the new neighborhood was

left in place according to the Roman urban rules for the'Centro

Storico', This game was played without the curator so that students

got a sense of what it means through own group experience.

It was noted that some of the experienced designers tended

to take over, and it also showed that more than one prison

building might be helpful for a next round, because it helped to

create stability and centeredness in the design structure of the

neighborhood. Furthermore, the use of the heavy prison wall for

design and building purposes became a matter of interest. An

exercise in between, where everybody should create his or her

own inclusive urban neighborhood, showed that may designs

were allotted along the external walls of the prison. In addition,

this game also started to indicate the growing complexity of this

urban game, and consequently a simplification was put into


Urban Game 2

Figure 1: Urban Game

Two hand-written records

of each game decision.

(recorded by Hannah


Figure 3: Urban Game Two Process. Graphic composed by students.

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