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Highlights From the B’nai B’rith Australia/

New Zealand Triennial Meeting

B’nai B’rith Australia and New

Zealand delegates, during their

triennial meeting in Melbourne in

September, elected a new set of officers,

to be led by President David Samuels.

They also commended outgoing

president Morris Tobias for his past six

years of leadership. Tobias currently

serves as a senior vice president of

B’nai B’rith International.

International President Charles O.

Kaufman installed the new officers

and delivered an address about surging

anti-Semitism around the world,

including recent events in Australia.

He suggested an annual Seder-like event

that would tell the story of blood libels

and lies that have been used to promote

anti-Semitism for millennia.

“We retell the story of the Exodus every

year at Passover,” he said. “We know how

it begins and ends. We must educate and

remind our community and society about

anti-Semitism. A Seder-like event would

be an important tradition.”

The meeting highlighted two highly

successful B’nai B’rith Australia/New

Zealand initiatives. For many years,

Courage to Care has fought hatred by

bringing Holocaust survivors and rescuers

into the schools to augment the work

of specially trained educators. Click to

Connect is a new program in which B’nai

B’rith members help underprivileged

youth in Israel improve English skills

through engaging conversations and

online videoconferencing.

David Southwick, a member of

Parliament in Australia, addressed the

convention and presented a Heroes of

Caulfield Award to Tania Tobias. The

award recognizes the work of “unsung

heroes” in this community in Victoria.

Stéphane Teicher, a senior vice

president of B’nai B’rith International,

discussed anti-Semitism in France and

Photos credit: Arie Offenberger

B’nai B’rith UNESCO Representative Stéphane Teicher (r) and Morris Tobias, whose

leadership during six years of service as president of B’nai B’rith Australia/New Zealand

was recognized during the District’s September convention and gala. Both men are

currently senior vice presidents of B’nai B’rith International.

elsewhere in Europe. He also spoke

about his work as B’nai B’rith’s

representative in Paris to UNESCO

(United Nations Educational, Scientific

and Cultural Organization).

B’nai B’rith Australia/New Zealand’s new

president, David Samuels, (l) and B’nai

B’rith International President Charles O.

Kaufman, who installed new officers and

spoke at the convention.


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