Fine Winter 2019

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pupils having access to laptop and tablet

devices, it is perfectly possible to create

a unique and meaningful piece of music in

a comparatively short time using readily

available apps.

Music at Hurst has a key role as part of

the weekly timetable – both curricular

and co-curricular. Protected time is set

aside within the weekly timetable for

instrumental ensemble music – orchestra,

wind band, jazz band etc – as well as for

the choirs. Music is an inclusive activity

where all pupils are welcome to participate

in all aspects regardless of experience

and ability. “If you want to be in it, you’re

in it” is the key phrase that we repeat and

this means that the numbers taking part in

music are high. The choir contains some

120 pupils and, for many of them, this will

be their first experience of choral singing.

It is most gratifying to discover that it is

by no means their last either. To hear of

former pupils who have left here to go

on to join choral societies or other vocal

groups at university or in the wider world

means that we are getting something right.

Similarly, all of our instrumental groups are

open to all and this means that in many of

our smaller ensembles, more experienced

pupils can take the lead and can play an

important role in shaping the sound and

direction of the group. All styles of music

are accommodated – there are jazz, rock

and classical concerts every term. We

value the importance of live performance

– barely a week goes by without a concert

or recital of some sort, either here on

campus or in the wider community. In

these performances, we are always striving

to ensure that the musical interests of all

pupils are catered for.

This inclusivity is all very well but how

does this enable the most able to thrive

too? In a school like Hurst, we are lucky

enough to work with many exceptional

musicians many of whom will go on to

make performing music their profession.

The Chamber Choir exists to nurture and

train our best singers who will be applying

for choral scholarships to top universities.

Our vibrant team of visiting music staff will

always be found in our suite of practice

rooms coaching and guiding our most able

to help them prepare for performances

and competitions both in and out of

school. This, alongside leading and playing

in ensembles with our pupils. We have a

large network of professional musicians

who have become connected with the

department over the years who often give

mock auditions and feedback to those who

are preparing to apply to conservatoires.

Many of these musicians teach at the

country’s top institutions so are well placed

to give expert advice and insider’s insight.

Whilst music at Hurst is about inclusivity

alongside quality, it is also about allowing

the most able to fulfil their potential and

achieve the best that they can. It is about

all of us, both pupils and staff, working

together as equals to make the best music

possible both now and in the future.

Education | 19

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