Jeonbuk Life 2018-3 Fall

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs (JBCIA) which is a specialized public diplomacy agency established by the Jeollabuk-do Provincial Government. Our goal is to spread news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea and abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs (JBCIA) which is a specialized public diplomacy agency established by the Jeollabuk-do Provincial Government. Our goal is to spread news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea and abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.


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World Boyscout Jamboree p. 10

FALL 2018


Leaves p. 28

Trip to

Imsil p. 30


Wine p. 34



Park p. 36

It's Festival Time!

Jeollabuk-do Fall Festival Guide p. 18

Gunsan Writer,

Ch'ae Man-sik p. 14

Jeonbuk Life

Cover Story

Jeollabuk-do’s International Magazine

Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284

전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2)

PHONE 063-214-5605




Jeonbuk Life Magazine is published by the Jeonbuk Center

for International Affairs (JBCIA) 전라북도 국제교류센터.


Manager Peter Yi

Editor Joon-Beom Chu


Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger aaron.kr


Dianne Pineda-Kim, Alexandra Prévôt, Joon-Beom Chu, Axel

Lemus, Aaron Snowberger, Darian Figuera, Peter Yi, Haeun

Lee, Chaerin Kim, Mina Jeong, Daniel Kilduff, Bonnie Lee


Seong Jin Kim, Umesh Sampath, David Buule,

Marli Janse Van Vuuren, Caitlin Cobb

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do

Center for International Affairs (JBCIA). Our goal is to

spread news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as

well as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea

and abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.

It's Festival Time!

Story by Aaron Snowberger

In Korea, the changing of seasons into fall brings

with it many welcome changes. Among these

are cooler temperatures, fresher air, a bountiful

harvest, and numerous holidays and festivals

to celebrate under the lengthening sky as the

sun fades steadily further from this half of

the world. So whether you want to partake in

delicious festival foods, experience the rich

cultural heritage of Korea, or enjoy the brilliant

fall sunlight, Jeollabuk-do’s festivals have

something spectacular to offer for everyone.

Read the story on page 18.

To get involved, email jblife.magazine@gmail.com

2 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Fall Festivals Guide

Compiled by Aaron Snowberger

Food Festivals Utensils

Dates Name Website Region

9.14 - 9.16 Gomso Fermented Food Festival http://www.buan.go.kr/index.buan Buan

9.14 - 9.16 Jangsu Hanwoo and Apple Festival http://www.jangsufestival.com/ Jangsu

10.5 - 10.7 Wanju Wild Food Festival http://www.wildfoodfestival.kr/ Wanju

10.6 - 10.9 Imsil N Cheese Festival http://www.imsilfestival.com/ Imsil

10.18 - 10.21 Jeonju Bibimbap Festival http://www.bibimbapfest.com/ Jeonju

10.18 - 10.21 Jinan Red Ginseng Festival http://jinanfestival.com/ Jinan

10.19 - 10.21 Sunchang Source (Jang) Festival http://www.jangfestival.co.kr/ Sunchang

10.25 - 10.29 International Fermented Food Expo http://www.iffe.or.kr Jeonju

11.2 - 11.4 Muju Firefly Farming Products Festival http://tour.muju.go.kr/mall/main/index.do Muju

pages 19-21

Cultural Festivals store

Dates Name Website Region

9.6 - 9.9 Int'l Intangible Culture Film Festival http://iiff.iha.go.kr/service/main.nihc Jeonju

9. (mid) Sasun Cultural Festival http://tour.imsil.go.kr/?imsil=3O1O5O Imsil

9.14 - 9.15 Jeonju Cultural Festival http://www.jeonju-night.kr/ Jeonju

9.14 - 9.16 Gunsan Time Travel Festival http://festival.gunsan.go.kr/ Gunsan

9.29 - 9.30 Goodwill Cultural Festival http://www.seonunsa.org Gochang

10.5 - 10.6 Iksan Cultural Festival http://www.iksan-night.kr/ Iksan

10.5 - 10.6 Sori Music Festival http://www.sorifestival.com/ Jeonju

10.5 - 10.9 Gimje Horizon Festival http://festival.gimje.go.kr/index.gimje Gimje

10.17 - 10.21 Moyang Fortress Festival http://www.gochang.go.kr/moyangfestival/index.gochang Gochang

10.19 - 10.21 Jeongeup Cultural Festival http://www.jchf.or.kr Jeongeup

10.19 - 10.21 Namwon Heungbu Festival http://www.heungbu.or.kr/ Namwon

10.25 - 10.29 National Bull Fighting Competition http://www.jeongeup.go.kr/culture/index.jeongeup Jeongeup

pages 22-25

Nature Festivals Cannabis

Dates Name Website Region

9.1 - 9.9 Muju Firefly Festival http://www.firefly.or.kr/ Muju

10.5 - 10.14 Jeongeup Daisy Festival http://www.jeongeup.go.kr/culture/index.jeongeup Jeongeup

10.26 - 11.11 Gochang Chrysanthemum Festival http://www.gochang.or.kr/page/sub01 Gochang

10.25 - 11.4 Iksan 10,000 Blossom Festival http://www.iksan.go.kr/gukhwa/index.iksan Iksan

11. (early) Gunsan Migratory Bird Festival http://gmbo.gunsan.go.kr/ Gunsan

pages 26-27

11. (early) Naejangsan Fall Leaves Festival http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/ATR/SI_EN_3_1_1_1.



Consider the above “Fall Festivals Guide” your roadmap for

navigating the many happy events that take place throughout

Jeollabuk-do during the Fall. Each city or county has at least

one big fall festival - with many enjoying more than one - and

there are three different categories under which these festivals

fall: Food festivals, Cultural festivals, and Nature festivals.



Editor's Letter


Letter from the Editor

The land of the morning calm.” It is the siren call that beckons outsiders

to cross the threshold of this amazing country. In this issue of JBLife!

magazine, the authors reveal the many big and little wonders that await

open-minded, adventurous visitors who venture into paths across North

Jeolla Province, both wide and narrow, open and hidden.

Whereas the footsteps of the foreign authors take them closer to the wished-for

promise of the “morning calm,” for Koreans, the same footsteps is a different journey.

Rather than reaching towards something they wish to realize, for the Korean

contributors, traveling through North Jeolla Province is a movement from what

they already know about this land too well.

To understand this strange idea, I ask you to do something unusual when you “read”

JBLife!—I want you to “hear” the Korean voices. This voice might be hard to find,

however, hidden as it is behind the sounds of busy cafes and bustling streets, and

the effervescent clamor of holiday and weekend festivals, respectively making up

and celebrating the loosely-orchestrated tune of hard work, entrepreneurship, and

what Korea proudly displays to the world as its miraculous “progress.”

Of course, progress has its gains and losses, and it tends turn blind on the latter.

The loss is still there nonetheless, not as visible perhaps, but still felt and heard

in the undertones of those who travel the paths you see in this magazine. Can you

hear the gentle sigh in the visit to a tea—not coffee!—shop hidden deep inside a

mountain? Can you feel the tenderness by which the author describes the history

and tools of an ancient martial arts? It is not nostalgia per se, but an insistent,

tenuous hold to what, in spite of unrelenting progress, makes Korea really “Korea.”

It is as if Koreans have to travel deeper and deeper in space and time to find a lost

essence, even finding refuge in communion with foreigners who seem to have a

clearer sense of where, and what, it is.

All the authors share with you their common fascination with this wonderful, everchanging

land, fed by the breaths of progress and the sighs of reflection of past and

future travelers that, upon their first step, become co-creators of this Korean essence.

Joon-Beom Chu

JB Life Editor

4 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

In This Issue

Sport Festivals Fall Pics Food

Soobyeok Chigi - p. 16-17


Fall Festival Guide - p. 18-27

Photography Corner - p. 46-47



A Jeonju Bakery - p. 40-41


Fall Festival Calendar p. 3

Korean summaries p. 6

World Boyscout

Jamboree p. 10




Naejang & the Donghak

Peasant Museum p. 28-29

One Fine Day in Imsil p. 30

—Haru Tea House p. 30-31

—Imsil Tour p. 32-33



Culture p. 14

Writer Ch'ae Man-sik

Feature Story p. 18

It's Festival Time!

—Food p. 19-21

Muju Wine Cave p. 34

Plein de Bon Bon p. 40

A Jeonju Bakery

Sport p. 16

Soobyeok Chigi

—Culture p. 22-25

—Nature p. 26-27

Namwon p. 36

Chunhyang Theme Park

Mexican Food p. 42

Chico's in Gunsan

Jeolla Dialect ~햐 p. 38

Eat like a Veteran p. 44

Veteran Kalguksu

Special trip to Dokdo p. 39

Creative Corner p. 46

JB Life Contributors

Joon-Beom Chu

Alexandra Prévôt



Aaron Snowberger

Haeun Lee

Mina Jeong

Chaerin Kim

Axel Lemus Darian Figuera Daniel Kilduff Marli Janse

Van Vuuren

Umesh Sampath David Buule Peter Yi


Korean Preview

가을 축제 가이드→

번역: Peter Yi

pages 16-17

수벽 (한국 문화에 빠져드는 놀라운 여행기)

번역: Peter Yi

pages 14-15

군산출신 작가, 채만식

많은 외국인들이 항상 한국문학을 알고 싶어하지만, 어떤

책부터 읽어야 할지 감이 잡히지 않을 것이다. 그렇다면, 여기

군산에서 태어난 지역 작가인 채만식의 소설을 추천한다.

작가 스타일

탁류는 채만식의 대표작 중 하나로 군산을 배경으로 한다.

이 소설은 감성적인 이야기는 아니며 풍자소설에 가깝다. ‘

채만식'은 거의 매 페이지 마다 독자를 웃게 하는 특별한

캐릭터와 상황 묘사력을 가지고 있다. 이 소설 속의 모든

등장인물들은 약간 모자라게 느껴지는데 이로 인해 우리는

이들에게 애정이나 연민감을 느끼게 된다. 왜냐하면 그들은

우리와 같은 소시민으로 묘사되기 때문이다.

채만식 박물관

채만식 박물관은 군산 중심가에 있는 것이 아니라 도시 외곽에

위치해 있다. 박물관에는 금강변의 논 옆 산책하기 좋은

정원이 있어 매우 즐거운 곳이다. 이곳에는 채만식의 일대기와

그의 책들이 전시되어 있다. 하지만 박물관은 매우 조용하고

모든 정보들이 한국어로 적혀 있어 외국인들은 많이 없다.

채만식은 1902년에 태어나고 1950년에 사망하였으므로

그의 일대기의 대부분은 일제강점기 시절이었다. 그렇다보니

채만식의 소설 대부분은 일제강점기 전후의 배경위주로

진행되며 그 당시의 사회적 상황과 사고방식을 풍자하고

있다. 채만식은 일제강점기 당시의 지식인들을 비판 및

풍자하였지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 본인의 친일행위와 관련하여

논란이 많은 사람이었다. 그는 죽을 때까지 일제강점기 및 광복

후의 사회를 풍자하는 것을 멈추지 않았다. 박물관을 방문하면

채만식에 대해 더욱 많은 것에 대해 알 수 있다.

6 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

수벽치기라는 단어의 초기 언급 중 하나는 1925년에 출판된

최영이가 쓴 해동죽지라는 책에서 찾을 수 있다. 이 이름의

기원은 1798년 제물보라고 불리는 참고문헌에서 처음 찾을

수 있고 그 당시에는 수박이라는 단어로 표기된다.

일반적으로 전통무술의 움직임과 몸짓은 시간 경과에 따른

사람들의 경험 축적이라고 볼 수 있다. 이런 의미에서 수벽은

고대부터 여러 세대를 걸쳐 전수된 한국의 전통 무술이다.

그것의 이념적 기반은 신체적, 정신적 훈련을 통해 조상들의

정신을 새로운 세대에 물려주는 것이다.

수벽의 기원

수벽은 사람의 몸이 자연스럽게 역전된 기도의 위치에

도달할 수 있을 때, 마음과 몸이 정렬되고 사람의 에너지가

중심선에 집중될 것이라는 이론으로 시작됐다. 아래와

같은 사진처럼 양손이 이런 식으로 만나는 순간, 양손이

만들어내는 빛은 인간의 눈에 보이지 않지만, 들을 수 있는

빛과 소리를 낸다고 믿어진다. 그것이 바로 수벽치기가 "빛과

소리의 운동"이라고 불리는 이유이다.

수벽의 본질적인 철학은 하늘과 땅의 조화와 관계를 이해하는

것에 기반을 두고, 음양의

원리인 활동성과 수동성이

수벽의 움직임에 균형을

유지할 수 있도록 실천하고

있다. 수벽에 나타나는 철학적

원리를 이해하기 위해서는

한국 전통 문화에 내재된

역경의 상징적이고 은유적인

이미지를 고려해야 한다.

역경의 원리는 고대부터

현대까지 모든 문화와

시대를 통해 흐르고 있기

때문에 수벽의 철학은 문화로서의 기능을 가지고 있다. 이

원리의 주요 사상은 음양과 삼재(하늘, 땅, 사람) 사이의 조화가

핵심 요소이다.

기본적으로 수벽은 인류존재에 대한 주관성 및 객관성과

하늘과 땅 그리고 사람 사이의 자연스러운 관계가 음과

양이라는 개념으로 사용되는 한글의 모음과 자음체계처럼

이는 삼재와 음양 사이의 조화를 찾는 것으로 여겨진다.

다시 말해, 이 무술은 음과 양이 나타내는 균형을 유지하면서

하늘, 땅, 그리고 인간이 만든 삼위일체가 조화를 이루면서

모든 행동이 이루어져야 한다는 이념적 시스템으로 설명된다.

이러한 관점은 모든 한국 전통 문화에도 존재한다. 예를

들어, 태극기는 음양과 삼재의 개념을 포함하고, 또한 3

박자에 기초하여 리듬이 형성되는 전통적인 한국 음악에도

포함되어 있다.

이를 이해함으로써, 수벽을 배우는 학생들은 이 무술을 통해

한국 사람들의 축적된 문화를 경험할 수 있을 것이며 이런

경험은 세대를 통해 지속될 것이다.

Food Festivals Utensils


이축제는 전통 발효 방식을 장려하기 위한 취지로

개최되었다. 곰소에서 유명한 젓갈 담그기 체험,

장어잡기 체험 등 다양한 체험행사를 제공하고,

전통방식으로 제작한 젓갈, 소금절인 생선 등을

판매하는 시장도 열린다.


50년의 역사를 가진 치즈공장을 보유한 임실의

대표축제이다. 축제지인 임실치즈테마파크는

각종 유기농 치즈체험 프로그램 운영과,

테마파크 전역에 10,000송이 이상의 국화가

심어져 있다.


우리나라 전통 양념 ‘장’을 주제로 한 공연,

전시회, 체험 프로그램들을 마련하였다. 왕의

행렬 재현, 떡볶이 파티, 순창 전통 고추장 비빔밥

만들기 등 61여개의 프로그램을 즐길 수 있다.

Cultural Festivals store


무형문화유산에 대한 대중의 관심을 높이고

무형문화유산에 대한 영화 상영, 관련 공연,

강의를 제공하는 영화제이다. 상영되는

영화들은 국내 무형문화재들의 꿈, 희망

등에 초점을 맞추고 있다.


군산은 일본 식민지하의 독립운동에 대한

열정과, 고통이 반영된 도시이다. 군산은

지역민이 이 축제를 통해 올바른 역사적 시각을

갖게 되는 계기를 마련하고, 남녀노소 예술적인

축제 경험을 접할 수 있도록 하고자 한다.


매년 가을 전주 한국소리문화의전당에서

열리는 세계적 음악축제로서 세계 각지의

수준 높은 공연과 연극들이 개최된다.


정읍은 백제 정읍사 여인의 숭고한 사랑을

기리는 백제가요 ‘정읍사’, 동학농민운동

등 풍부한 문화유산의 도시이다. 정읍의

아름다운 단풍속에서 펼처지는 축제가

마련되어 있다.

Nature Festivals Cannabis

번역: Yujung Seo


청정구역에만 서식한다는 반딧불을 자랑하는

무주에서는 매년 9월 무주반딧불축제가

개최된다. 참관객들은 다양한 주제,

문화공연, 음식 등을 6개 지역에서 80여개

프로그램을 통해 즐길 수 있다.


열흘간 익산중앙체육공원에서 열리는

천만송이국화축제는 익산시 내 가장 큰

규모의 국화축제로서, 국화뿐 아니라 다양한

분재 및 농산물 전시와 함께 문화공연 등이



장수의 대표적 친환경 축제이며, "빨간색"

인 한우, 오미자, 사과, 토마토 등을 주제로

남녀노소 즐길 수 있는 64여개의 프로그램과

농산물 경연대회, 농산물 체험 등을 갖추고



전주비빔밥은 최고의 비빔밥으로 알려져 있다.

유네스코 지정 음식창의도시 전주에서의 비빔밥

축제는 한옥마을, 국립무형유산원 일대에서 30

여개의 각종 전시회, 공연, 퍼레이드, 비빔밥

만들기 체험 등을 참관객들에게 선사한다.


전라북도에서 가장 규모가 큰 발효식품

전시회로, 참여 기업들과 연구소들의 신제품

소개, 앞으로의 산업 동향에 대한 정보를

제공하는 자리가 마련되어 있다.


4명의 미인이 돌연 사라졌다는 사선대의

전설을 배경으로, 1987년 처음 사선문화재가

시작되었다. 이 축제에는 농산물경연대회,

미인대회, 공연 등이 펼쳐진다.


선운문화제는 고창 선운사에서 열린다.

방문객들이 아름다운 화원과 산의 절경,

그리고 특별한 콘서트 까지 즐길 수 있도록

기회를 제공 한다.


황금빛 물결을 이루는 김제 지평선에서 우리

민족의 아름다운 농업문화를 직접 체험할 수 있는

축제이다. 외국인들에게 전통 농촌 문화체험

기회를 제공하고, 다양한 계층의 참가자들이

즐길 수 있는 55여개의 프로그램을 마련하였다.


흥부전의 시초인 남원에서 1993년 시작을

알린 남원흥부제에서는 흥부놀부 그리기,

쌀 나누기, 예술 경연대회, 에어로빅 대회

등 각종 대회가 펼쳐진다.


정읍 옥정은 마을과 자연이 어우러진 뛰어난

자연경관으로 우리나라 사진작가들에게

찬사를 받고 있다. 매년 10월 옥정 구절초

테마파크에서는 정읍구절초축제가 열려 각종

특산품 전시, 야외 체험 공간이 마련돼 있다.

군산-서천 금강철새여행

매년 늦가을, 금강 습지 생태공원에서는

수천 마리의 철새들이 오고가는 모습을 볼

수 있다. 군산시와 서천군 사이 공동으로

개최되는 철새탐방은, 생태 체험프로그램과

탐조관광 등 다양한 행사가 열린다.

pages 19-21


2018년 문화체육관광부 유망축제로 선정된

완주와일드푸드축제는 축제지 전역의 들판과

개울에서 다양한 볼거리, 메뚜기잡기체험,

화덕체험 등 80개 이상의 프로그램으로 10

월 5~7일 3일간 진행된다.


진안은 대한민국의 특별한 홍삼 생산지로, 매해

10월 마이동 테마 파크에서는 진안홍삼축제가

열린다. 5개 테마, 61여개의 프로그램, 홍삼

칵테일 시음 행사, 홍삼 세일 등 참관객들이

국내 최고의 홍삼을 즐길 수 있다.


무주를 대표하는 반딧불을 주제로, 방문객을

초청하여 전라북도의 다양한 친환경 농산물

음식 체험 기회를 제공한다.

pages 22-25


여름과 가을에 딱 맞는 밤거리 산책을 주제로

한옥마을에서 펼쳐지는 이 축제는, 전주의

오래된 건축물들과 문화를 현대예술과

결합한 퓨전 프로그램으로 구성되어 있다.

익산 문화재 야행

살아 숨쉬는 백제문화유산들로 가득찬

익산에서, 여름날 밤 왕궁을 거닐어 볼 수

있는 축제. 국보 289호 왕궁리 5층 석탑을

포함, 백제 역사를 주제로 열리는 축제이다.


고창읍성은 1453년 건축되어, 호남지역을

지키기 위한 전초기지로서의 역할을

하였다. 이를 기념한 고창모양성제는 각종

축제행사와 기념식, 판소리공연, 답성놀이

등 다채로운 구성으로 되어 있다.


정읍민속소싸움대회는 투우사가 거친 소를

다루는 스페인의 투우와는 다르게, 소와 소 끼리

싸움을 하여 최종 승자를 가리는 방식이다. 또한

본 경연대회에서는 한국의 독특한 소싸움 문화,

전통 우시장을 체험할 수 있다.

pages 26-27


늦가을의 기분을 한껏 느낄 수 있는 국화와

각종 분재 들이 전시되어 있는 고창 고인돌

공원에서 고창국화축제가 열린다. 참관객들이

즐길 수 있는 소규모의 문화예술공연도


정읍내장산 단풍놀이

정읍 내장산 단풍들은 매년 10월 마지막

주부터 붉게 물들기 시작하며, 이즈음

거리에는 관광객들과 상인들로 북적인다.

2018년의 경우 10월 21일부터 단풍이 들기


Korean Preview

무주 머루와인 이야기

번역: Peter Yi

page 35

무주는 매년 세계 태권도 엑스포를 개최하는 태권도원이

있는 지역으로 알려져 있으며 태권도를 상징하는 지역이다.

또한 우리나라에서 단일코스로는 제일 긴 6km의 스키

슬로프가 있으며, 매년 14만에 달하는 방문객 이 찾는

반딧불 축제의 본 고장이다. 하지만 상대적으로 덜 알려진

명소로 머루와인 터널이 있다. 머루와인 터널은 우리나라

최대 규모인 무주 머루산업단지의 지원을 받고 있다. 무주는

야생포도인 머루를 자연적으로 재배하기에 최적의 자연

조건을 갖춘 지역으로서 이 지역에서 생산되는 머루와인은

다른 곳보다 훨씬 당도가 높다. 이 머루와인을 좋아하는 일부

애주가들은 시장가보다 저렴한 현지 와인을 구매하기 위해

전국 각지에서 이곳을 방문한다.

어느 화창한 가을날

번역: Peter Yi

page 30-33

내장사 단풍 및 동학농민혁명


번역: Peter Yi page 28-29

(한국 문화와 자연속으로 당일치기 여행기)

정읍에 위치한 내장사 및 내장산은 단풍으로 제일 유명한

전북지역 관광지 중 한 곳이다.

내장사 초입에 이르면 방송사에서 리뷰를 한 인근 유명

음식점이 있으며 특히 인근에서 파는 산체 한정식은

백미라고 할 수 있다. 산채라는 단어의 의미는 산에서 나는

채소와 음식이라는 뜻으로 번역되는데 다양한 반찬과 주요

메뉴가 함께 제공되고, 외국인이 먹기에도 매운 맛과 순한

맛의 조화가 잘 되어있어 한번쯤 방문할 만하다.

오후 드라이브를 하며 숨막히는 도시에서 멀리멀리 벗어나

끝없는 녹음의 바다에 빠져드는 것을 상상해보자. 이런

장소에 도착한다면 평화로움과 고요함이 당신의 번잡한

머릿속을 말끔히 정리해줄 것이며 여러분은 집에 있는 것과

같은 상상을 하게 될 것이다. 전주에서 차량으로 30분 거리에

있는 임실이 바로 그런 한적하고 고요한 장소이다. 임실은

산과 자연이 만연한 특징을 가지고 있는 곳이다. 아직은

소규모지만 매력 넘치는 몇몇 전통식당, 카페, 치즈공장들이

있는 지역입니다.

하루라는 단어의 뜻은 영어로 day 라는 뜻이다. 그러나

임실군에 있는 하루 카페의 이름은 같은 의미가 아니다. 그럼

무슨 뜻일까? 흥미롭게도 익명으로 남길 원하는 이 카페의

주인장은 카페 이름의 뜻풀이를 해줬는데, 한자로 노을이

지는 정자라는 뜻이란다. 이 찻집은 임실군의 산속 깊숙이에

있고 주변에 녹차 밭과 전통 정자들로 둘러싸여있다. 석양이

질 때, 이 카페의 분위기는 주변 차밭의 숨결로 가득차고

낯선 이들을 다정한 세계로 이끈다. 여러분께서 도시 속의

바쁜 삶에서 벗어나 빼어난 자연과 전통 가옥, 그리고 그

속에서 마시는 한 잔의 차에 대한 빼어난 경험을 하고

싶다면 전라북도 속 숨겨진 보석과 같은 이 카페에 오기를


내장사에 이르는 산책로는 가을철에 형형색색 변하는 것으로 전라북도에서 어느 누구를 붙잡고 임실군에 대해 아는 것을

매우 유명하고 내장사 안쪽에 이르면 무료로 제공되는 물어본다면 모두가 이구동성으로 임실 치즈에 대해서 이야기

차를 마시며 즐길 수 있다. 내장사는 636년에 영운조사에 할 것이다. 이 임실치즈파크는 스릴 넘치는 놀이기구 또는

의해 창건되었으나 오랜 역사동안 손실되고 재창건되기를 다양한 게임을 즐길 수 있는 일반적인 테마파크가 아니다.

반복했다. 내장사는 1971년 내장산이 국립공원으로 만약 여러분이 치즈를 좋아하시는 분이라면, 이 장소는

지정됨과 동시에 복원되고 개조되었다. 단풍이 만연한 안식처와 같은 곳일 것이다. 일단 안에 들어서면, 여러분을

계절에는 관광객이 굉장히 많이 몰리는데 그런 경우에는 환영하는 꽃들과 사진을 찍기에 안성맞춤인 넓은 공간의

국립공원을 벗어나 조금 더 조용한 장소인 동학농민혁명 녹지, 그리고 유럽에서 볼 수 있는 미로와 같은 정원이

국가기념공원을 가는 것이 좋다.

있다. 추측할 수 있듯이 다양한 치즈 상품 만들기 체험을

할 수 있고, 치즈 캐슬에서 임실치즈 만드는 방법이나 임슬

이 공원에는 1894년에 농민 사상가들이 지나친 세금, 치즈에 관련된 역사 등도 배울 수 있다. 이곳에는 갤러리,

외세의 침략, 정부의 부패에 대항하여 혁명운동을 일으킨 교육 멀티미디어실, 4D 영화, 아이들이 좋아하는 입체모형

것을 기념하여 설립된 무료 박물관이있다. 이 박물관은 등이 있다.

농민들이 어떻게 진취적인 인본주의를 깨닫게 됐는지

보여주고 있으며, 이 사상은 ‘사람은 하늘과 같으며 신과 임실군에는 사선대라는 다른 주요명소도 있습니다. 사선대는

같이 동등하게 대해야 한다’라는 동학이라 불리는 철학의 소풍, 생활체육, 레크리에이션 등을 할 수 있도록 지어진

가르침에 처음으로 나오는 내용이다. 그리고 ‘그러면 왜 모두에게 열린 공원이다. 임실군은 가을날에 온 가족이 즐길

농민들은 사회에서 동등하게 대접받지 못했는지’에 대한 수 있는 여러 가지 관광지 및 축제를 제공하고 있다. 현대

논증도 따른다. 현재에는 동학농민혁명운동이 한국 최초의 생활의 스트레스에서 벗어나는 ‘하루’ 찻집, 한국의 치즈

민주주의 운동으로 여겨지고 있다.

역사를 느낄 수 있는 임실 치즈테마파크, 야외 녹지 공원인

사선대 등의 관광지를 즐길 수 있기를 바란다.

8 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

쁠랑드 봉봉(프랑스 빵집)

전주의 빵문화를 바꾸다

page 40-41

번역: Peter Yi

전라북도 전주는 오랫동안 대한민국 요리 수도로 알려져

있다. 그러나 최근 몇 년 간 외국 음식을 판매하는 곳들이

늘어나기 시작했다. 외국 식당과 카페 숫자가 증가하면서,

짧은 기간 동안 사람들의 입맛과 더불어 지역의 식풍경의

변화를 보는 것이 매우 흥미롭다. 이러한 현상을 명확히

설명할 수 있는 하나의 예시로써 예전의 제과점들은

일반적인 흰 빵 혹은 팥빵과 같은 제품들이 주요상품으로

판매되는 되던 것에 비해 요즘은 다양한 종류의 빵을

제공하는 소수의 장인 제과점들이 점점 늘어나고 있는

것이다. 그리고 효자동의 조용한 길거리에서 살짝 떨어진

쁠랑드 봉봉이라는 아주 새로운 빵집이 있다. 이 빵집은

시내 소비자에게 이색적인 진짜 프랑스 빵문화를 제공할 수

있도록 노력하는 베이커리이다. 본질적으로 쁠랑드 봉봉과

요즘 새로 생겨나고 있는 다른 장인 제과점들은 단순히

맛있는 빵을 만들고 파는 것뿐만이 아니라, 지역 주민, 즉

소비자들에 대한 외국문화에 대한 관점을 바꾸고 있다. 빵

한 덩어리에 하나씩.

번역: Peter Yi

page 42-43

Chico’s (치코스)

군산에 있는 미국인들의 제2의 고향

치코는 캘리포니아주에 있는 작은 소도시의 이름이며

또한 이 곳 군산에서는 규모는 작지만 외국인에게 친근한

음식점이다. 이 가게는 데릭 브라운과 그의 아내가 운영하고

있다. 데릭 브라운은 미국인 요리사이며 군산에서 오랫동안

거주하며 집에서 먹는 것과 같은 편안한 음식을 그리워했다.

이와 같은 이유로 데릭 브라운은 자신이 직접 미국스타일의

멕시코 음식점을 오픈하기로 결정하고 2017년 2월 이 가게를

오픈했다. 그는 어렸을 때 북 캘리포니아에서 처음 멕시코

음식을 먹었을 때의 그 느낌을 아직도 잊지 못한다. 이제

그는 수제 양념을 통해 그 당시의 느낌을 많은 사람들에게

공유하려고 한다. 데릭은 요리를 전문적으로 배웠음에도

불구하고, 그가 제일 신경 쓰는 부분은 요리를 통해 사람들을

행복하게 만들고자 하는 본인의 강한 의지다. 그가 가장

즐겨하는 것은 인스턴트 또는 패스트푸드나 공장에서

찍어낸 맛과는 거리가 먼 특별한 맛을 제공하기 위해 해당

요리를 즉석에서 직접 만드는 것이다. 그는 미래 더욱 많은

미국 가정식을 선보이고자 한다. 그는 이미 수제 패티와

양념을 곁들인 햄버거를 판매하고 있다. 데릭은 파히타,

엔칠라다, 치미창가와 같은 음식들도 선보이려고 생각

중이다. 데릭은 항상 자신의 가게를 찾는 손님들과 음식의

맛에 대해 소통하고자 노력하고 있다. 손님들과의 소통으로

얻은 피드백을 자신의 요리에 접목시켜 지역손님들의 입맛에

맞는 요리로 개선하고 있다.

베테랑처럼 먹는 방법


번역: Peter Yi

page 44-45

사람들이 전주로 여행을 올 때 무엇을 먹을지 계획할 때는

늘 비슷한 음식의 리스트(비빔밥, 떡갈비, 초코파이 등)를

생각하고 계획한다. 하지만 전주의 특별한 칼국수 가게인

베테랑은 다양한 종류의 면들과 함께 한국의 일반 칼국수

집들과는 색다른 음식을 선보인다. 만약 당신이 새로운 한국의

맛을 경험하고 싶다면 필자는 다양한 맛을 볼 수 있는 베테랑

칼국수를 추천한다. 베테랑이라는 단어는 특정 분야에서

오랜 경험을 가지고 있는 사람을 지칭할 때 쓰는 단어다. 이

단어에서 유추할 수 있듯이 베타랑 칼국수를 만든 사람의

높은 자부심을 알 수 있다. 전통 한국음식을 파는 가게답게

가게는 오래된 느낌의 나무가구 들을 사용하고 있으며, 이런

분위기는 이곳을 찾는 고객들에게 따뜻한 음식과 함께 정감

가는 분위기 또한 제공하고 있다.

이곳의 칼국수는 다른 곳의 일반적인 칼국수와 다르게 김,

고춧가루, 계란, 들깨가루 등을 뿌려서 제공하고 있으며, 국물은

일반 칼국수에 비해 훨씬 진하고 걸쭉하다. 쫄깃한 면발과

들깨가루의 조합으로 견과류의 맛이 나는 등 베테랑 칼국수는

익숙하면서도 독특한 맛을 자랑하고 있다. 베테랑 칼국수는

한옥마을 안에 있는 성심여고 바로 맞은편에 위치하고 있다.

요즘에는 한옥마을내에 베테랑 칼국수를 포함한 많은 유명

음식점들이 버뮤다 삼각지대 같이 형성되어 있다. 이 곳은

관광명소를 둘러보며 다양한 유명 음식들도 경험할 수 있는

기회가 있어 지리적 편리성이 돋보인다. 베테랑 칼국수가

한옥마을에서 매우 유명해진 후 전국 여러 곳에 분점을 내서

운영하고 있으니 기회가 된다면 찾아가서 맛볼 수 있길 바란다.




10 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12


12 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12


A delightful satire

of Korean society

Words & photos by

Alexandra Prévôt

Gunsan Writer, Ch’ae Man-sik

Perhaps you have always wanted to read some

Korean literature in your native language but did not

know where to start? Here is a local writer, born in

Gunsan, and his writing is very pleasant to read.

A Storyteller's style

Turbid River is Ch'ae Man-sik's most

famous novel and it takes place in Gunsan.

It starts with a description of the position

of Gunsan during the author’s lifetime

and it begins with a warning to the reader.

"Despite the fact that it takes places in

a harbor town, this story is not one of

those sentimental tales you hear around

harbors everyday." Indeed, it is not at all a

sentimental tale, even if there are a few

romances. It is more a satire.

This story is not

one of those

sentimental tales

you hear around

harbors everyday.

Ch'ae Man-sik has a special way of

describing the characters and situations

which makes the reader laugh at nearly

every page. All his characters are slight

losers for whom we feel love or pity,

because they are just as human as we

are. For example, he describes the town

pharmacy and its pharmacist, one of the

main characters of the novel, like so:

"It’s an ordinary-looking pharmacy, the kind you find in any city. Its scale, too, is

not at all remarkable. Its name, Jejungdang, however, is well known throughout

Gunsan, and carries special significance due to the extraordinary characteristics

of its owner and pharmacist, Bak Jeho. He’s not only competent enough to serve

as a doctor, diagnosing the simple diseases of country people and prescribing

for them, he also has many remarkable personal attributes. He has a long face

like a horse, and that stringy long face looks even longer because he’s been

quite bald since his thirties. Although he speaks with a stutter, his speech, in

fact, is glib and eloquent, and each of his utterances, without exception, is

punctuated with a « damn it! ». He has an unyielding perseverance and stout

nerves—enough to argue that a crow is white and make people believe it."

14 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Another example is when Ch'ae Man-sik

is talking about food. He will add only

a few words that completely change

the perception one had of the meal:

"The smell of the soup made with soybean

paste and ah-ook (late-season mallow leaves)

was quite tasty, to those who were hungry."

Ch'ae Man-sik novels may be long. But if

you don't feel like starting one with 600

pages, how about starting with a shorter,

but still very good one? Peace Under

Heaven, at just 250 pages, will instruct

you how rinsing your eyes everyday

with a glass of the first morning pee of

a young child will help you maintain

good eyesight. Well, at least, that's what

Master Yun, the main character of this

novel, thinks. Peace Under Heaven is a

black comedy about Master Yun, a very

greedy old Korean man—and the way the

character is described is very funny.

the ch'ae mansik


The Ch'ae Man-sik museum is not

located in the main district of Gunsan,

but lies a bit outside the city. It is a very

pleasant place to go as it is located

along the Geum River, next to rice fields,

with a lovely garden to walk around.In

the museum, one can learn more about

the life of Ch'ae Man-sik and his books.

The museum is very quiet and all the

information is in Korean, so you won't

find a lot of expats there. There are a

lot of black and white pictures of Ch'ae

Man-sik, also known as Baengneung

(his pen name). Because he was born in

1902 and died in 1950, Ch'ae Man-sik

spent most of his life under the period

of Japanese occupation. Therefore, most

of his novels take place during this

period and are a satire of the social

conditions and mindsets at that time.

He was a controversial man because of

his implication in the pro-Japanese

movement, although he also

criticized the work of intellectuals—

his own included—under Japanese

occupation. Until his death, he never

stopped making fun of his society, even

the post-liberation society. Visiting the

museum allows one to get to know

more about the man—not only as the

writer in his office, but also as a member

of his high school soccer team, a man

with a mistress (observe his family tree

at the bottom-left), and a journalist,

among others.

read his books for FREE

You can, of course, buy Ch'ae Man-sik

books in a typical English bookstore,

but you should be aware that they are

also available on loan for free from the

library at the Korean Literature Institute

of Translation of Seoul. This institute

has most of the published translations

of various Korean literature, available

in different languages (English, French,

German, even Dutch, Polish, and others).

If you miss reading novels in your

own language, then here is a great

opportunity to also enjoy classic Korean

literature at the same time. The library

is open from Monday to Thursday from

10am to 10pm, and on Friday from

10am to 6pm. They can also mail the

books to you after you go there once to

register with your ARC. Check out which

books are available on their website:


Ch'ae Man--sik Museum

449 Gangbyeon-ro, Guam-dong, Gunsan

전라북도 군산시 강변로 449

(내흥동 285)









Words by Darian Figuera

Pictures by Umesh Sampath



and culture:



(수벽치기) will

let you feel the

heart of Korean


martial arts.

Generally, the movements and gestures of traditional martial

arts can be considered the accumulation of a people's

experience over time. In this sense, soobyeok is a traditional

Korean martial art that has passed down from generation to

generation since ancient times. Its ideological base is that of

inheriting the spirit of the ancestors to the new generations

through both physical and spiritual training.

One of the earliest mentions of the word Soobyeok (수벽치기) as

a martial art can be found in the book, Haedong-Jukji (해동죽지)

by Choi Young-yi, published in 1925. The origin of this name was

earlier compiled in a 1798 reference book called Jaemulbo (재물보).

It explains that the name was derived from the word for watermelon,

soobak (수박), but which at that time was called syubyeog (슈벽).

Origins Of Soobyeok

Soobyeok began on the theoretical notion that when a person's

body can reach the position of a reversed prayer naturally

(palms together at the back), the mind and body would be

aligned, and a person's energy would be concentrated on the

central line of the body. It is believed that the moment when

both hands meet in this way, they produce a light and sound

that can be heard, although the light they produce is not

visible to the human eye. That is why it is called the "exercise

of light and sound."

The light and sound produced by this exercise eliminate dark

and low intensity energy both inside and outside the body.

The practice naturally contracts and activates the muscles of

the abdomen, and lengthens the body at the moment when

both hands meet.

In the practice of soobyeok, a

natural rhythm is maintained

at all times in movements

based on three beats. The

main purpose of the three

beats in this martial art is

to use the basic rhythms

of the body to create all

movements. The hands

and feet are in charge of

regulating the centers of

energy, and letting the inner

energy of the body, called

ki, flow naturally through

all parts of the body, with

the abdomen as its center,

by which the movements of

hands and feet are carried

out in a single gesture.


The weapons used in

soobyeok training consist of a

short, 60-centimeter wooden

stick called a danbong (단봉),

a longer, 180-centimeter

wooden stick called a

daebong (대봉), and a Korean

sword that is 90 centimeters

long. The first exercises are

carried out with the danbong

16 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12


Philosophy Behind This Art

The intrinsic philosophy in soobyeok is based on the

understanding of the harmony between heaven and earth and

their relationship to the active and passive principle of yin and

yang to maintain balance in the practice of its movements.

in which several movements

must be learned before being

able to wield the sword, such

as vertical and horizontal

cuts until acquiring the

necessary skill to make the

cuts fluidly.

Among the techniques that

can be used with the daebong

are vertical cuts and stabs,

which have been developed

since ancient times to help

the apprentice focus on

breathing and teach him

how to perform the cutting

motion in synchronized

harmony with his breathing

and movement.

In order to understand the philosophical principles that are

present in soobyeok, it is necessary to consider the symbolic and

metaphorical images of the philosophy of I-Ching inherent in

Korean tradition. The core of the principle of I-Ching is the idea

of harmony between yin-yang and samjae (삼재 “ 三 才 ”: Heaven,

Earth, and Man) as its key elements. The philosophy functions

as an archetype of the Korean culture because it flows through

all eras, from ancient times to modern days.

Essentially, soobyeok can be considered a combination of

the objective and subjective existence of human beings and

their natural relationship with earth and heaven, in the same

way that the vowel system in Hangul uses the notion of yin

and yang as the structure to compound all the sounds of

the spoken Korean language, seeking harmony between the

samjae and yin-yang principles.

In other words, this martial art can be explained by the

ideological system that all actions should be made in harmony

with the trinity made by heaven, earth, and mankind, keeping the

balance that the yin and yang represent. This perspective is also

present in all traditional Korean culture. The symbols on Taegeuk,

the Korean national flag, express the ideas of yin and yang and

samjae. Traditional Korean music also reflects this philosophy, as

its rhythm is formed on basis of three beats.

Fast movements,

flowing like water,

seeking the balance

between heaven

and earth; those

are the principles of

this martial art that

has accompanied

the Korean people

since ancient times.

These weapons are used as

auxiliary equipment to train

the body to adjust to their

unique characteristics. They

are comparable to modern

exercise equipment, where

the intrinsic qualities for

combat in the martial arts are

used to improve the body's

reaction and movement in

this art.

By understanding its rich philosophy, students of soobyeok

may acquire the accumulated experience of the Korean people

through this martial arts education. And later, the practitioners

who have been training for a long time will pass on their

training experience to future generations. •


Feature Story

It's Festival Time!

Compiled by Aaron Snowberger

In Korea, the changing of seasons into fall

brings with it many welcome changes. Among

these are cooler temperatures, fresher air, a

bountiful harvest, and numerous holidays

and festivals to celebrate under the lengthening

sky as the sun fades steadily further from this half

of the world. Consider the following “Fall Festivals

Guide” your roadmap for navigating the many happy

events that take place throughout Jeollabuk-do

during this season. Each city or county has at least

one big fall festival - with many enjoying more than

one - and there are three different categories under

which these festivals fall: Food festivals, Cultural

festivals, and Nature festivals. So whether you want

to partake in delicious festival foods, experience

the rich cultural heritage of Korea, or enjoy the

brilliant fall sunlight, Jeollabuk-do’s festivals have

something spectacular to offer for everyone.

18 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Food Festivals

Gomso Fermented

Food Festival

Jangsu Hanwoo

and Apple Festival

Wanju Wild Food Festival


The Gomso Fermented

Food Festival is an event

promoting traditional Korean

fermentation methods. Various

activities take place, including

the Five Senses Experience

where visitors can try pickling

and salting on their own,

food booths that offer unique

delicacies such as the famous

salted fish called jeot-gal

(젓갈), and a market promoting

local agricultural products..



위치: 전라북도 부안군

진서면 곰소8길 16

행사장소: 전북 부안군

진서면 곰소다용도부지

연락처: 063-583-4490

2004년도 (12회)

Local specialties - Salted fish

55,000 visitors

The Jangsu Hanwoo and Apple

Festival is an eco-friendly

festival that focuses on the

“Red Color” of natural and

agricultural products such as

beef, apples, omija or magnolia

berries, and tomatoes. There

are 64 programs in seven

areas, featuring contests and

experience programs that

focus on the theme, “Red Color.”

The festival’s many booths

offer a plethora of dishes and

activities to try.

장수 한우랑 사과랑 축제


위치: 전라북도 장수군

장수읍 한누리로 393

행사장소: 전라북도 장수군

의암공원 및 장수군 일원

연락처: 063-352-2011

2007년도 (12회)

Local specialties - Red

products (Hanwoo, apples)

119,000 visitors

The Wanju Wild Food Festival

was selected as a prominent

festival this year by Korea’s

Ministry of Culture, Sports,

and Tourism. It is a three-day

festival that offers a variety

of attractions, experiences,

and foods. There are over 80

programs in five areas that

include eating fried locusts, pig

nose, and chicken heads, playing

with rice straw and visiting

rice fields, and participating in

various other contests in nearby

fields and streams.



전라북도 완주군 고산면

고산휴양림로 246


고산자연휴양림 일원


2011년도 (8회)

Local specialties

- Local food

59,000 visitors


Food Festivals

Imsil N Cheese


Jeonju Bibimbap Festival

전주 비빔밥 축제

The Imsil N Cheese Festival

celebrates its 50th anniversary

this year, consolidating the

excellence of Imsil N Cheese,

the mecca of the Korean

cheese industry. Inside the

Imsil Cheese Theme Park,

over 10,000 chrysanthemums

are exhibited as visitors get a

chance to taste and experience

the creation of fresh dairy and

agricultural products.

Bibimbap is one of the top

three food items in Korea, and

Jeonju’s bibimbap is widely

considered to be the best in the

country. Bibimbap can be made

with 30 different ingredients

including pine nuts, chestnuts,

walnuts, bean sprouts, carrots,

and other vegetables of various

colors, flavors, and textures. At

the Jeonju Bibimbap Festival,

over 30 programs in five areas

cover such things as exhibitions,

performance programs, a

parade, hands-on bibimbapmaking

and eating experiences,

and a demonstration of the

food by UNESCO.

임실 N 치즈 축제


위치: 전라북도 임실군 성수면

도인2길 50 (성수면)

행사장소: 임실치즈테마파크,

임실치즈마을 일원

연락처: 063-643-3900

2015년도 (4회)

Local specialties - Cheese, Hanwoo

327,000 visitors

전주 비빔밥 축제


위치: 전라북도 전주시 완산구

서학로95 (동서학동)

행사장소: 전주한옥마을‧


연락처: 063-231-8969

2007년도 (12회)

Arts & Culture - Jeonju Bibimbap

150,000 visitors

20 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Jinan Red Ginseng


Sunchang Source


Int'l Fermented

Food Expo

Firefly Farming

Products Festival

Jinan is South Korea’s only red

Performances, exhibitions, and

The Jeonju International

This Muju Festival invites

ginseng special zone, and every

experience programs with

Fermented Food Expo is the

visitors to come and explore

October, the Red Ginseng Festival

the theme of Jang, meaning

best and largest fermented

various local products, foods,

takes place in the Maidong

both “soup” and “sauce,” are

food exhibition in the province.

and snacks. An exhibition

Theme Park near Maisan.

held in Sunchang where

Participating food companies

focuses on eco-friendly

Visitors can visit an exhibition

history, traditional culture,

and research institutes

farming products and fireflies.

hall, a large ginseng field, or a

and the natural environment

introduce new products and

The market area includes

festival fountain, and they can

meet. Over 60 programs in

provide technical information

performances by various

participate in tournaments,

seven areas include a King’s

about the latest industry

musical and talent groups.

observe the festival parade, or

procession, a ttokbokki or

trends. Since its inception in

try various foods and cocktails.

spicy stir-fried rice-cake party,

2003, over 3,300 companies


At the marketplace, visitors will

Sunchang traditional red chilly

and organizations have


happily note that red ginseng

paste bibimbap making, a

participated, bring in up to

무주군 무주읍 한풍루로 326-17

can be bought at a discount

tightrope performance, and a

530,000 visitors per year. It has

2015년도 (4회)

during the festival period.

national cooking contest.

been selected as one of Korea's

63,000 visitors

most promising exhibitions for

진안 홍삼 축제


three consecutive years and



has become an international

위치: 전라북도 진안군

위치: 전라북도 순창군

event representing Korea.

진안읍 마이산로 160

순창읍 민속마을길 6-3

행사장소: 마이돈 테마파크,

산약초타운, 사양제,

명인명품관, 가위박물관 등

연락처: 063-430-2391~3

2013년도 (4회)

Local specialties - Red ginseng

260,000 Korean visitors

행사장소: 순창전통고추장민속마을

연락처: 063-652-9301,


2006 (13회)

Local specialties - Jang (sauce)

148,000 visitors

전주 국제 발효 식품 엑스포


전라북도 전주시 덕진구

기린대로 1055 (반월동)


연락처: 063-210-6591~6

530,000 visitors


Cultural Festivals

Intangible Culture

Film Festival

Sasun Cultural Festival


Jeonju Night

Cultural Festival

The International Intangible

Two thousand years ago, fresh

Night is more attractive in

Heritage Video Festival is the

water from Mt. Maisan was

the summer and autumn

only film festival in Asia that

gathered at the foot of the

in Korea. In Jeonju, the city

aims to raise public interest in

Owon River in Gwanchon-

with the most Korean hanok

intangible cultural heritage. The

myeon and formed the

houses and traditional

festival offers film screenings,

beautiful landscape of

culture, a special late

related performances, and

Saseondae lake. In this place,

summer, early autumn nights

lectures on the theme of

young people gathered

festival is prepared. The

intangible cultural heritage.

together almost every day,

lively nightlife of Jeonju’s

The films focus on the stories

and legend tells that four

Hanok Village unfolds. The

of dreams and hopes that

beautiful women suddenly

festival presents a cultural

showcase the rich repository of

disappeared together in the


program that combines the

human cultural heritage found

mist. In order to introduce


old architecture of the city

around the world. Directors,

and publicize the sightseeing

전북 임실군 관촌면 사선6길 85

and its cultural heritage with

performers, and writers of

area, the first Cultural

행사장소 :관촌사선대일원

more modern, non-traditional

the featured films attend the

Festival was held in 1987

전화번호: 063-643-3988

cultural contents.

festival and discuss their work

and the festival includes

1962년도 (56회)

with the audience.

cultural events such as a

Traditional history - Beauty contest

전주 문화재 야행

farming contest, a national

20,000 Korean visitors



beauty contest, and televised

위치: 전라북도 전주시 완산구


전라북도 전주시 완산구 서학로 95

행사장소: 국립무형유산원


경기전길 75 (풍남동3가)

행사장소: 풍남문 및 경기전 일대

연락처: 063-232-9937

연락처: 063-280-1400

Traditional culture -

intangible heritage - film

22 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Gunsan Time Travel Festival


Goodwill Cultural


Iksan Night

Cultural Festival

In the history of modern

The Goodwill Cultural Festival

Visitors are invited to a

Korea, Gunsan is a city of

takes place at Seonunsa, a

beautiful summer palace,

suffering and a passion to

Buddhist temple in Gochang.

the beautiful royal palace of

protest against it, and many

Local residents and visitors enjoy

Iksan, filled with the breath

cultural assets from the

various experiences, including

of Baekje. The festival

Japanese colonial era are

exploring the beautiful flower

includes events focused on

well preserved around the

garden and mountain scenery,

the history of Iksan and its

original city center. Gunsan

eating delicious food, and

National Treasure number

City seeks to enable local

watching a special concert with

289, the five-story stone

children to establish a

invited guests.

pagoda Wanggungri.

correct historical view and to

provide the city a place for


선운 문화 제

익산 문화재 야행

creative, cultural, and artistic




festivals where everyone

위치: 전라북도 군산시

위치: 전라북도 고창군 아산면

전라북도 익산시 왕궁면 궁성로 666

from children to seniors can


해망로 240 (장미동)

행사장소: 근대역사박물관

및 시간여행마을 일원

연락처: 063-454-3305

선운사로 250 (아산면)

행사장소 선운사

연 락 처 063-562-1422

연락처: 063-853-6780

2013년도 (6회)

Traditional history - 1930s culture

92,000 Korean visitors


Cultural Festivals

Sori Music Festival


Gimje Horizon Festival


The International Sori

Festival is a world and music

festival held every fall in

Jeonju. It features many

high quality performance

acts from dozens of nations

around the world. The

colorful performances

and events are enjoyed by

general audiences as well as

the performers. The indoor

performance hall provides a

beautiful space harmonized

with nature and the best

sound facilities, where a

world of music coalesces

with nature.



전라북도 전주시 덕진구 소리로 31

행사장소: 전주 한국소리문화의전당

연락처: 063-232-8398

The Gimje Horizon Festival is

a festival in which the identity

of the beautiful agricultural

culture of the Korean people

can be witnessed first hand

in the golden wave horizon

of harvest fields. It provides

a traditional farming cultural

experience for foreigners

and unites all ages of people

who enjoy the natural

environment with the theme

of the wide plains horizon.

There are 55 programs in

5 areas including farming

experiences and games like

tug-of-war and legendary

sword fighting.



위치: 전라북도 김제시 부량면

행사장소: 김제 벽골제 일원

연락처: 063-540-3031

1999년도 (20회)

Traditional history - Farming culture

(Global / representative festival)

41,000 Korean visitors

24 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Moyang Fortress


Jeongeup Cultural


Namwon Heungbu


National Bullfighting


The Moyang Fortress was

Jeongeup is the birthplace of

The Namwon Heungbu Festival

Jeong-eup is a great place to

built by the Jeolla people in

Jeongeup-sa, a well-known

is local cultural festival held in

experience Korea's unique

the last year of the Joseon

song of a Baekje women's lofty

the Namwon City area since

culture and traditional markets,

Dynasty (1453). It is called the

love over 1400 years ago, and

1993. This area is known as

and a bull fighting competition.

Gochang Eupseong Castle and

the birthplace of Chuncheok,

the birthplace of Heungbujeon,

Unlike Spanish bullfighting,

played a role as an outpost

an esteemed literary poem,

a traditional folk story of two

which involves men fighting

for defending the inner land

as well as the birthplace of

brothers, and it is said that

bulls, Korea 's bullfighting

of Honam. The Fortress has

Jeolla Udo farm music and the

Heungbujeon was built on the

champions bull versus bull to bat

been remodeled and opened

Donghak peasant revolution.

basis of the fictional stories

heads and wrestle it out until the

to the public since 1973.

This festival celebrates the

that had been handed through

final winner is determined.

Festival events and ceremonies

rich cultural heritage of

generations. Festival events

include a street parade, barracks

Jeongeup amidst the beautiful

include Heungbu and Nolbu

정읍전국 민속소싸움대회

cultural experience, literary

red autumn leaves. Events

painting, rice sharing, a farming


performances including pansori,

include a street parade, song

competition, an art competition,

위치: 전라북도 정읍시 쌍암동

folk play performances, archery,

and celebration performances,

and the Jeonbuk Aerobics

연락처: 축산과 063-539-6351

and other sporting events.

and a fireworks show.

Gymnastics Competition.

1996년 (22회)

고창 모양성제


제26회 흥부제





전라북도 고창군 고창읍 모양성로 1

행사장소: 전북 고창군 고창읍성

연락처: 063-562-2999

1972년 (45회)

Traditional history -

Moyang Fortress

157,000 Korean / 3,000

위치: 전라북도 정읍시 정읍사로 541

행사장소: 정읍사문화공원 일원

연락처: 063-532-8880

1990년 (29회)

Traditional history - Baekje

songs & culture

100,000 Korean visitors

위치: 전라북도 남원시

양림길 12 (어현동)

남원 사랑의 광장 일원

연락처: 063-620-6169

1993년 (25회)

Traditional history

70,000 Korean visitors

Foreign visitors


Nature Festivals

Muju Firefly Festival


Jeongeup Daisy




Muju boasts the largest

population of fireflies in

the country and every year

in September, opens its

doors to host its annual

Firefly Festival. Visitors can

experience 80 programs in 6

areas such as exploring the

natural, unpolluted habitat

of these insects, and enjoying

various themed and cultural

performances and foods.



위치: 전라북도 무주군 무주읍

한풍루로 326-17 (설천면)

행사장소: 무주군 일원

(마을로가는축제장, 축제주제관

(예체문화관), 전통공예문화촌,

지남공원, 남대천, 반디랜드 등)

연락처: 063-324-2440

1997년도 (22회)

Ecological nature - Fireflies

(Representative festival)

137,000 visitors

In Okjeong, a place praised

by photographers throughout

Korea for its outstanding

natural scenery, the natural

environment and living

environment are blended

together. The Jeongeup Daisy

Festival is held every October at

the peak of autumn in Korea’s

largest paradise village (80,000

square meters), the ‘Okjeongho

Daisy Theme Park,’ which

includes a clear valley and pine

forest. Agricultural products,

local foods, and entertainment

acts are featured throughout

the outdoor exhibition space.

정읍 구절초 축제



위치: 전라북도 정읍시 산내면

청정로 926-79 (산내면)

전북 정읍시 옥정호 구절초테마공원

2005년 (13회)

Ecological nature - Daisies

627,000 Korean visitors

In late autumn, in Gochang’s

Dolmen Park, visitors are

treated to expansive displays

of chrysanthemums, bonsais,

and other flowers and

plants to suit the mood of

late autumn. Small-scale

cultural arts performances

enhance the experience as

visitors wander through the

flowering displays.



위치: 전라북도 고창군

고창읍 고인돌공원길 74

행사장소: 고창군 고인돌공원

연락처: 063-560-8863

2016년 (3회)

Ecological nature -

Chrysanthemums, ancient culture

217,000 visitors

26 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Iksan 10,000 Blossoms Festival


Gunsan Migratory

Bird Watching

Naejangsan Fall

Leaves Viewing

The Iksan 10,000 Blossom

Festival is held over the

span of 10 days in Iksan’s

Central Sports Park. It is

the largest country’s largest

chrysanthemum garden

within city limits and

includes numerous varieties

of chrysanthemums, bonsais,

urban agriculture, cultural

performances, and music





위치: 전라북도 익산시

하나로 322 (어양동)

행사장소: 익산중앙체육공원


연락처: 063-859-4977, 4334

2004년도 (15회)

Ecological nature

- Chrysanthemums

600,000 Korean / 60,000

Foreign visitors

Every late fall, at Geumgang

Wetland Ecological Park,

thousands of migrating birds

can be viewed entering and

leaving the water area. This

migratory tour event is jointly

organized between Gunsan

City and Seocheon County

and there will be various

events such as ecological

experience programs and

birdwatching tours taking

place in both locations.

군산-서천 금강철새여행


전라북도 군산시 성산면 철새로 120

서천군 마서면 장산로 916

금강습지생태공원, 금강철새조망대,

서천조류생태전시관 일원



2004년도 (16회)

Ecological nature - Birds

20,000 Korean visitors

Naejang mountain’s maple trees

typically begin turning red toward

the last week of October, and the

streets of the national park are

filled with vendors and tourists

during peak season. In 2018,

the leaves begin changing on

October 21, with peak brilliance

occurring between November

6 and November 9. The annual

Fall Leaves Festival is expected

to take place during this period.

내장산 단풍 놀이




Maple Leaf Viewing Experience

Naejang mountain’s maple trees typically begin turning red

toward the last week of October, and the streets of the national

park are filled with vendors and tourists during peak season.

In 2018, the leaves begin changing on October 21, with peak

brilliance occurring between November 6 and November 9.

Photos by



Donghak Peasant Revolution Memorial (opposite page)

(동학농민혁명기념관) Closed Mondays

742, Donghak-ro, Deokcheon-myeon, Jeongeup-si

전라북도 정읍시 덕천면 동학로 742

Mar-Oct 09:00-19:00 / Nov-Feb 09:00-18:00

28 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Naejangsa and the

Donghak Peasant Revolution Museum

A One-day trip into Korean Culture and Nature

Words & photos by Alexandra Prevot

Naejang Temple is nestled in the

gorgeous Naejang Mountains. It

is one of the best destinations in

Korea to admire colorful autumn leaves.

If you arrive on the street leading to

Naejangsa around lunch time, you can visit

a restaurant called Jeongwon that offers a

delicious and famous local food called

sanche hanjeongsik, or Korean mountain

vegetable meal course. The menu offers

various meal courses featuring a main

dish made of roots (teoteok) and a choice

of beef (bulgogi), fish, or vegetables. Each

meal course comes with numerous side

dishes from the mountain, which are well

balanced between spicy and non-spicy

flavors. Buckwheat-stuffed crepes add

something unique to try. These can be

served as a sidedish or, if you want more,

you can order them a full meal.

Naejangsa Temple

The path to the temple is full of maple trees

which are famous for their changing autumn

colors. Inside the temple area, in a traditional

building up from the second gate, you can

enjoy free tea. Simply enter the building,

serve yourself some tea, and sit on the floor.

The temple itself was build in 636 AD

by Youngunjosa but was destroyed and

rebuilt throughout history. It was restored

and renovated for the last time in 1971,

when the Korean government designated

Naejangsan as a national park.

If the area is crowded with too many fall

leaf observers, you might need to go to

a quieter place. The Donghak Peasant

Revolution Museum is such a place and

you can visit it on your way out of the park.

The Donghak Peasant

Revolution Museum

This free museum showcases the

Revolution that took place in 1894, an antifeudal

resistance movement organized

by Jeollabuk-do peasants and thinkers

opposing unfair taxes, the corruption

of the government, and foreign powers.

The museum shows how peasants tried

to realize the higher spirit of humanism

embodied in the Donghak philosophy:

"Humans should be treated like Heaven."

Originally derived from the religious idea

that all human beings are equal before

God, Donghak activists then asked why

human beings were not equal in society.

Today, the Donghak Peasant Revolution

is considered one of the first breaths of

people’s consciousness that sowed the

seeds of democracy in Korea.

Inside the museum, explanations are mostly

offered in English as well as in Korean,

and an English booklet is also available

for free. There is also an exhibition room

to help children understand the history of

the Donghak Peasant Revolution through

comic book characters and games, though

these are available in Korean only. There

is also a temporary exhibition room where,

until the end of October this year, the

exhibits focus on the revolution as seen

through Western eyes and showcases

some foreign newspaper articles covering

the movement. At the time, most Western

writers were quite scared of this revolution

and wrote negative articles about it. But

a few others such as Isabella Bird Bishop

share interesting comments about this

Donghak Peasant Revolution and compare

it to other Revolutions in Europe happening

at the same time. •

Words & photos by

Alexandra Prévôt


Explore Jeollabuk-do

One Fine Day

Enjoy breathtaking views,

a variety of cheese, and tea

in this traditional county that’s

worth the drive up a mountain.

Words by



Photos by

Seong Jin Kim,

Umesh Sampath

Imagine being greeted by an endless sea of greens as you get farther and

farther away from all the city hustle on an afternoon drive. A sense of peace and

calm will wash over you and when you reach your destination, you’ll feel like you’re

right at home. That’s what Imsil, a quiet, rural county just about half an hour drive

from Jeonju, does to most urbanites. It is characterized by mountains, natural areas,

a few traditional restaurants, cafés, and a cheese factory that have become the pride

of this small yet charming side of the North Jeolla province.

Silent Resistance Against Coffee

Haru Cultural Space

전라북도 임실 운암면

강운로 1175-17

Operating hours:

10:00AM to 7:00PM

Phone: 063-643-5076


Halu piece

& Photos by

Haeun Lee

"Halu" (하루) means day in English.

However, Halu cafe's name does not

mean day. So what else can it mean?

Interestingly, the owner of the cafe, who

wishes to remain anonymous, interprets

the meaning of halu from the Chinese

characters 霞 (sunset) and 樓 (pavilion),

which have the same pronunciation. The

tea house is located deep inside the

Imsil mountains, surrounded by green

tea fields and traditional pavilions.

When the sun goes down on the cafe,

the atmosphere is filled with the breath

of tea which invites a stranger to a

world of tenderness.

Tea is not a common drink for Korean

youngsters. Drinking coffee, especially

Americanos, is more popular nowadays.

Anyone who visits Korea will find lots of

cafes and people carrying coffee. People

will search for good-looking cafes and

post them on social media such as

Instagram. They will drink coffee when

they need to wake up and when they

30 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

need energy to work until till midnight.

It is not surprising, then, that a recent

article in The Korea Times called Korea

“The Republic of Coffee.” The Bureau of

Small Enterprises and Market Services

estimates that there are over 100,000

coffee shops in Korea, almost twice the

amount of convenience stores. Since

there are so many people searching for

coffee, tea rooms face an uphill battle

to survive in the Korean market. For this

reason, it is very rare for someone to

decide to run a tea room in Korea.

Despite Korea’s fast-paced culture,

Halu has succeeded as a cultural space

where tea is served and re-energizes

people with its warmth. The owner

desires for people to take a break

from their busy life and drink a cup of

tea to make their day memorable. She

thinks that tea is a “communication

tool between people and a silent

resistance against coffee and other

beverages that stir up desire.” She

was inspired by the surrounding

pavilions and decided to “devote into

the identity of a Korean traditional tea

room instead of another drink.”

Coming up to the entrance, you can see

an explanation about this cultural space:

The culture space of Halu consists of

an ancient pavilion called Songhajeon,

surrounded by green tea fields.

Originally, Songhajeon was called Song

Gye-jeong and was located in Daehaemyeon,

Gochang-gun, North Jeolla

province. During the late Joseon Dynasty,

the country’s fortune began to decline.

Because of this, government official

Sung Yeong-duk left his position and

returned to his hometown of Gochang

and built this pavillion. In 1991, it was

repaired. There is a record that his

son, Sung Han-soo, reconstructed it in

1921 and 1933. This place was used

as a guest house for scholars who were

raising funds for independence. In 2003,

it moved to its current location and is

now used as a tea culture space.

Halu’s recommended beverage and

dessert is wild green tea grown from

the Jiri Rock Mountain and sirutteok

(시루떡), a kind of rice cake made with

green tea powder and pumpkin powder.

The tea is made by same traditional

Korean method for making gujeunggupo

(구증구포), an herbal medicine.

In this process, the herbs are steamed

and dried nine times to eliminate toxins

and improve the quality of the herbs.

Sirutteok is a type of Korean rice cake

traditionally made by steaming rice in

a siru (시루), a steamer to make rice

cakes. The sirutteok is freshly steamed

immediately after ordering, so the rice

cake is very warm and fluffy.

Korea is a fiercely fast-paced country.

Everyone is in a rush, is mentally

pressured, and is looking out for

themselves. It is the bbali-bbali

(빨리빨리) or “hurry hurry” culture of

Korea. Coffee represents Korea’s fastpaced

culture;: Coffee comes out fast

and it temporarily boosts one’s energy

and speeds up work. In contrast to

coffee, tea symbolize relaxation,

peace, and comfort. Visit Haru and

escape the busy city life. Experience

the marvelous nature, the traditional

pavillion, and drink a cup of tea. This

cultural space tea house cafe in Imsil

is a hidden gem in Korea.


Explore Jeollabuk-do

A Love Affair with Cheese

Ask any person in Jeollabuk-do about what he or she knows

about Imsil and surely you’ll get one answer: The Imsil

Cheese Park. It’s not your regular themed park where you can

experience thrilling rides or play games. If you are a fan of

cheese, then this is heaven for you. Once inside, you will be

greeted with the welcoming sight of flowers, greenery, and

wide spaces perfect for taking photos. This is the European

Garden, which was inspired by maze gardens around Europe.

Before the main attraction which, as you might guess, is the

sampling of cheese, you can learn more about the history and

making of the famed cheese in Imsil in the Cheese Castle.

Cheese Castle houses a gallery, educational multimedia tools,

4D movies, and dioramas that kids will surely love.

Imsil Cheese Park

Address: 전라북도 임실군 성수면 도인2길 50 (성수면)

Contact: 063-643-2300/ 063-643-3400

Website: www.cheesepark.kr/

As you go deeper, you will be tempted by the inviting smell

of cheese that comes from the restaurant which serves fried

pork cutlets (tonkatsu), pasta, pizza, and rice meals, all topped

with freshly-made cheese. Different tour packages are offered

for groups and families, and it includes making your own

cheese and pizza. The best part is that the entrance is free.

But if you want a guided tour and cooking experience, you

need to reserve a slot and pay a fee.

This fall, Insil county hosted a Cheese Festival, where

there was an exhibit of flowers, live musical and dance

performances, and a whole lot of food booths selling various

cheese creations.

32 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12


Address: 전북 임실군 관촌면 관촌리

A Walk in the Park

Another attraction in Imsil is Saseondae Park (사선대), a wide,

green space built for recreation, sports, outdoor picnic, and

simply an open place for people and their dogs to take a walk.

To introduce and promote Saseondae, an official Committee

was organized and the first Saseon Cultural Festival was held

in 1987. Every fall, the community holds a festival in the park

to celebrate and pray for good harvest. The festival also pays

tribute to the soldiers who have served and died in military


This year, various cultural events, such as the Honam Jindo

Music Contest and a traditional dance and musical instrument

competition, were held. Scattered around the fields were food

and product tents, showcasing all that this little yet proud and

friendly side of the county has to offer.

The park is open to everyone who wants to do a picnic and

enjoy the views, play soccer on the field, take their kids to the

playground, or see unique the sculptures and flowers that

abound in the area. •


Explore Jeollabuk-do

Colder; Stronger; Sweeter

Words & pictures by Aaron Snowberger

A Story of Muju’s




& Wine Cave

359, Sanseong-ro, Jeoksang-myeon, Muju-gun

전라북도 무주군 적상면 산성로 359 (적상면)

+82-63-322-4720, +82-63-322-5931

34 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Closed Mondays

Operating Hours

April-November 10:00-17:30

Dec-March 10:30-16:30

Adults 2,000 won

[15-min Wine foot bath]

- 5 seats for 2 (10 ppl)

- 5 seats for 4 (20 ppl)

- 5 seats for 5 (25 ppl)

- 3,000 won / 2,500 won

Muju is most famous for

Taekwondo (it hosts the

World Taekwondo Expo every

year at the 2 million plus square meter

Taekwondowon Park), skiing (its 6km Silk

Road slope is the longest in Korea), and

fireflies (it boasts the largest population

of fireflies in the country and its annual

Firefly Festival draws up to 140,000

visitors per year). But another, lesser-known

attraction is its Meoru Wine Tunnel which

is supported by Muju’s bustling wild grape

industry, again, the largest in the nation.

The Region: Colder

The Grapes: Stronger

The Wine: Sweeter

Muju is located in an mountainous

region located in the southern parts of

the Baekdudaegan mountain range. The

county has a wide daily temperature

variance that can at times exceed 12

degrees Celsius. This means that the

Muju area usually experiences cooler

weather than that of the rest of the

province, particularly at night and during

the cold parts of the year. Wild grapes -

called meoru - grow well naturally in this

climate, in the highlands between 500

to 900 meters above sea level.

The large variation in temperatures

throughout the day provides Muju

meoru a thicker skin than other wild

grapes and increases their sugar and

polyphenol (an antioxidant) levels. The

grapes take longer to ripen than other

grapes; they are cultivated during the

summer months and harvested in mid

to late September. So, wines made from

meoru have a tendency to be sweeter

and more refreshing than a typical red

wine. During the Shilla Dynasty, farmers

in Muju were the first to make wine

from meoru, and today, the

region produces 640 tons

of wild grapes each year,

accounting for 60% of

the country’s annual wild

grape production.

Around 110 farming

families and four wineries

in the area produce the

meoru wines that fill Muju’s

Wine Cave. This cave was

once used as an excavation

tunnel for the pumpedstorage,

hydroelectric Muju

Water Power Plant, but was

remodeled in 2007 to house

a wine café and cellar for

the purpose of increasing

the income from the wild

grape farms and to help

bolster the local economy.

The cave is located at 450 meters

above sea level and its temperature is

maintained between 12 to 18 degrees

Celsius year-round which is considered

an ideal storage temperature for wine.

Along the length of the 270-meter cave

lie rows of wooden cabinets housing

thousands of wine bottles in racks. As

you walk, you’ll enjoy photos of Muju

and the story of the area (in Korean).

At the back, you’ll find the wine cafe

and cellar which sells wines at 15% off

market prices. There are six local flavors

with at least three on hand to sample

freely. Five of the wines are meoru red

wines: Meoruwine, Luciole Vin, Chateau

Muju (the most popular), Magique

Muju, and Red Peral, and the sixth is an

apple wine. At the very back of the cave,

beyond the café and wine cellar, exists

another interesting program: hot water

and wine foot bathing.

So, even though the Wine Cave is a

little off the beaten path, if you ever

find yourself in Muju, it's well worth a

visit - if for nothing else than the free

wine tasting. Some Koreans who favor

this wine even travel in from all parts

of the country to restock their shelves at

below market rates. •




Namwon's Chunhyang Theme Park

Two destinated lovers

Words by Jukyung Jeong

Namwon is famous for the story

of two lovers, Chunhyang and

Mongryong. This story is called

"Chunhyangjeon." Chunhyangjeon

is a classic love story involving

two young lovers who cross the

class divide of the Joseon Dynasty.

In Namwon village, there lived a young girl named

Chunhyang, the daughter of a retired prostitute, and

young man named Mongryong, the son of the local

governor. The two were destined to meet on the fifth

day of the fifth lunar month during the Dano Festival.

While Mongryong was walking around the festival,

he saw a beautiful girl on a swing. He fell in love

immediately. He asked his servant about the girl and

found out her name was Chunhyang. After he returned

home, he could not stop thinking of her so he told his

servant to find out where the girl lived so he could

propose. However, the distance in their social status

created an obstacle. Chunhyang’s mother, Wolmae,

would not allow their marriage, but Mongryong went

to Chunhyang’s house every day and the two came to

love each other intensely. As time went by, the mother

relented and acknowledged their sincere relationship..

Unfortunately, as Mongryong’s father was promoted

to a position in the central government, Mongryong

was forced to move to Seoul with his family. He

promised Chunhyang he would come back and

marry her, but he would have to pass the state exam

first and become a government official. So, he asked

Chunhyang to wait for him. After Mongryong left,

Chunhyang lived a lonely life.

Now, a new governor surnamed Byeon came to the village.

He was a greedy and wicked man and he was fond of

women. As expected, the moment he saw Chunhyang, he

wanted her to be his mistress. However, she refused politely

saying she was a married woman. He threatened and

coaxed her in order to make her his concubine. Whatever

Byeon did to Chunhyang, she remained unmoved, so he

threw her in a prison.

Meanwhile in Seoul, Mongryong passed the state exam

and came back to the village as a secret royal inspector.

He was happy at the thought of reuniting with his fiancée

whom he had missed so much. Upon his return, he heard

the village people complaining about the tyranny of

the new governor. To his surprise, he also heard that

Chunhyang was imprisoned and would be forced to serve

the greedy governor at his party. On the day of Governor

Byeon’s party, he once again ordered Chunhyang to

become his mistress. Chunhyang said she would rather

die than serve him. The angry governor was about to

kill her when Mongryong appeared from the crowd as a

secret inspector. His men raided the party and Governor

Byeon was arrested for his many abuses of power. As

Mongryong approached Chunyang, she shed tears of joy.

She had been saved by her true love. After a few days,

Chunhyang and Mongryong were married. •

36 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Namwon's Chunhyang Theme Park: 5 Zones

The Chunhyang Theme Park opened in 2004 and it is

based on Chunhyang’s story. There are five locations

based on the themes in Chunhyang’s story.



The place of encounter is

where you can meet all of

the major characters in the

Chunhyang story.

2 Commitment

The place of commitment is where

you can see two rings made of jade.

Mongryong used jade rings as a symbol

of their love.

3 Love & Separation

The place of love and broken-hearted separation is where you can see the scene of

the separation of Mongryong and Chunhyang. In this scene, Mongryong is moving

to Seoul and leaving Chunhyang behind in Namwon. In this place, there is an old

house like the character’s house in Chunhyang’s story.



4 Suffering

The place of suffering is where you can

see the scene of Chunhyang in jail. In

this place, you can see and try out all

different kinds of torture tools used

during the Joseon Dynasty.

The place of celebration is

where you can see the scene

of Mongryong appearing as a

secret inspector and rescuing

Chunhyang from the greedy

governor. Also there is a

statue of the two getting

married. In this place, there

are many traditional Korean

games that tourists can play.


Namwon's Chunhyang Theme Park: 5 Zones

1 Operating Hours

April-October: 09:00 - 22:00

Nov-March: 09:00 - 21:00

2 Admission Fees

Adults: 3,000 / 2,500 won

Youths: 2,500 / 2,000 won

Children: 2,000 / 1,500 won

3 Tips

Jeollabuk-do Namwon-si Yangnim-gil 14-9

전라북도 남원시 양림길 14-9 (어현동)

If you go to Chunhyang

Theme Park in the summer,

then I recommend going after

4:00 p.m. By that time, the

temperature is nice to walk

around. Before then, it may be

too hot to move around freely.


Words by Axel Lemus




Jeolla Dialect



전라 사투리












Every region has its own unique dialect. Embracing it is to embrace

the local people, language, and culture in a warm and useful way. This

edition’s featured phrase is….







This phrase can easily be used to spice up any

conversation with a local. “햐” is another way to say

해, which comes from the Korean verb “to do” (하다).

“엄마, 돈 필요햐”

“Mom, I need money.”

“돈 쓸 일이 없잖아, 언능 공부햐!”

“You don’t need any money.

Hurry up and study!

“뭐여~ 돈 좀 줘~”

“Come on~ please give

me some money~”

38 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Two rocks in the tempest

Three days on Dokdo

Words by Alexandra PrÉvÔt

In the East Sea stand two rocks, with more birds than

inhabitants. It's the center of an international drama:

The infamous Dokdo island, the possession of which

has been debated by Korea and Japan for centuries.

Recently, the Korean government gave the opportunity to

more than one hundred students to visit the islands for three

days. Young people from all over the world, each representing

a different country, were to compare the Dokdo controversy

with their own country's history. Some impressive parallels

were drawn by people from completely different backgrounds,

such as Eastern Europe or Latin America.

After a long boat ride, the students were given the opportunity

to step on the islands. The grey sky and crashing waves

provided a good atmosphere to discover such a mysterious

place, with only one official inhabitant and some military men

protecting the rocks from an unlikely invasion.

This complex situation — with both countries claiming that

Dokdo belongs to them, and both basing their arguments on

ancient maps and broken treaties — was well respected by

the tour’s officials. You might expect to hear just one side of

the story, but that was not the case. They told us to write a

personal essay about the conflict, whatever we thought about

it, and not simply reiterate the officials’ version. The best ones

were sent to foreign newspapers, each in a different language.

Our Korean guides us felt very proud of Dokdo, and their

aim was to make more people aware of its existence. They

planned visits to the museum on Ulleungdo, speeches from

historians, and of course, indulgence in amazing island food.

After three days, we could get a better understanding of this

troubled place which is slowly turning into an attraction

and a symbol of peace and unity for Koreans. This is the last

territorial legacy of the Japanese colonial period that they

want to get over with. •


Taste Jeollabuk-do

Plein De Bon Bon

Changing Jeonju's Bread Culture

Written by Daniel Kilduff

Translation by Bonnie Lee

Photos by Marli Janse Van Vuuren

Jeonju has been known as the

culinary capital of South Korea for

a long time. But only in recent years

has international food started to have

much of a presence in the city. With the

growing number of foreign restaurants

and cafes, it is exciting to see the food

landscape of the city change in such a

short period of time, along with people's

tastes. One of the clearest examples of

this is the appearance of a handful of

artisan bakeries that provide much more

than just the usual white bread and

red-bean-filled pastries. Slightly tucked

away on a quiet street in Hyojadong is

the newest location of one such bakery,

Plein de Bon Bon.

40 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Raising the Bar

I first heard about Plein De Bon Bon from

a Korean friend who shares my passion

for all things edible. Though skeptical

at first, as soon as I walked through

the doors, I knew this was not your

typical Korean bakery. Behind the glass

counter were baskets filled with crusty

baguettes and sourdough bread and

rows of sticky cinnamon rolls lined up

next to fluffy cream pastries. My friend

and I bought a ham and cheese croissant

and a mushroom and apple sauce BLT

served on a freshly baked, poppy seed

ciabatta. Of course, we had to sample

some of the sweets, so we finished our

meal off with a crispy apple turnover,

and a glazed, orange cranberry scone.

Everything was absolutely delicious,

the service was fantastic, and there was

such an attention to detail that is hard

to find in most other bakeries. Needless

to say, I was impressed.

The Key Ingredients to Success

When asked about their philosophy

towards running a successful business,

they said there are two vital elements:

quality and people. To make delicious

food, it is essential to use only the best

ingredients. Whether it's imported

gourmet butter, organic sugar, or opting for

only the freshest local produce, they are

always striving to ensure that the taste of

their products meets their own very high

standards. This means that their prices are

higher than those of most other bakeries,

but it also makes for a product they can be

proud to sell. They believe their customers

are willing to pay that little bit extra for

the trustworthiness of the ingredients

and quality of the food they eat. They take

that responsibility seriously, which is why

it is so important for them to have welltrained

and knowledgeable staff who

can explain the product and the creative

process to customers.

The bakery café is owned and operated

by Jeonju natives, Kim Na Ran and Kim

Eun Hye. Friends since high school, Na

Ran majored in business, supervising and

managing various franchise stores over the

years, while Eun Hye studied baking before

eventually moving to Seoul to become a

baker. As she honed her skills working in

the bakeries and patisseries of Seoul, Eun

Hye saw how the bread scene there was

developing, and she wanted to bring that

same standard to her hometown. When the

two friends bumped into each other one day,

they got talking and realized the potential

for starting a business together in Jeonju,

and Plein de Bon Bon was born. Now, just

three years after first opening their doors,

they have built a reputation amongst locals,

not only for having some of the best baked

goods in the city, but also for their passion

and dedication to their craft.

Over the years, they have found that

people's interest in bread is growing

along with their curiosity. Customers

are asking more questions, wanting to

know more about the ingredients that

are used, and where they come from.

They then take this knowledge home

with them to their families, and their

children grow up eating a better quality

product with a different understanding

of what bread is. Essentially, Plein de

Bon Bon and other artisan bakeries are

not simply serving delicious food. They

are changing the local consumers' view

of bread culture, one loaf at a time. •

Plein De Bon Bon

132 Bongguk-ro, Hyojadong 2ga, Wansan-gu, Jeonju

Hours: Open Tues-Sat 11:00-8:00

063-228-2300 | Instagram: pdbb2300


Taste Jeollabuk-do



an American home away

from home in Gunsan

42 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Derrek Brown has a strong desire to

make people happy through food.

Chico is a small town in California. It is

also a small and friendly restaurant

in Gunsan. It is run by Derrek Brown

and his wife. Derrek Brown is an American

cook in Gunsan who had been missing

American comfort food for a long time. He

decided, therefore, to start his own business

in February 2017 by opening an American

style Mexican food restaurant. Derrek Brown

ate Mexican food for the first time in North

California when he was a kid. He never forgot

it. He is now trying to share this unique taste

through homemade seasonings.

Even though Derrek studied in cooking schools,

what really matters to him is his strong desire

to make people happy through food. Derrek

Brown has a real passion for good food and

you can feel it while talking with him and

while eating at his restaurant. What he likes

the most is to do everything from scratch to

offer a very unique flavor to his dishes--far

more delightful than the taste one gets from

instant, fast food, or factory-made Mexican

fare. The chef’s favorite is the burrito with pork

(very tender indeed) and sour cream.

In the future, he would like to offer more American

homemade comfort food. He already released a

special burger, with homemade bun, homemade

patty, and of course homemade seasonings, which

is personally my favorite burger in town.

Derrek is thinking about cooking more

Mexican food, such as fajitas, enchiladas,

and chimichangas. So I recommend regularly

heading over to Chico’s and be ready to try

all the new delicious food he plans to make,

as well to have a talk with him. He loves to

talk about his cooking and discuss the flavour

with customers in order to improve and adapt

his kitchen to the taste of local clients. •

Words by

Alexandra Prévôt

Photos by

Caitlin Cobb

Alexandra Prévôt

Derrek Brown

Tues-Sat 11-21:00

Sun 14:00-21:00


전라북도 군산시

나운안길27. 16호


MENU: Tacos, burritos,

quesadillas, daily special

(burger or… let’s see!).


Taste Jeollabuk-do

Veteran Kalguksu

Address: 135 Gyeonggijeon-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju

전라북도 전주시 완산구 경기전길 135

Contact: 063-285-9898

A veteran is a person who

has had long experience in

a particular field. The name

of the restaurant, Veteran

Kalguksu, shows

the owner's high

confidence in

Eat like a

their food.



Words and pictures by Chaerin Kim

When people plan

Along with selling

what to eat when

traditional Korean

they to travel to Jeonju,

foods, the restaurant is

they usually come up with a

decorated with old-fashioned

list of boring, "ordinary" foods: bibimbap,

wooden furniture. It provides warm food

tteok-galbi, or choco pies. But Veteran Kalguksu, a with a warm atmosphere. This is enough to

hidden taste place in Jeonju, has a special menu make people feel comfortable in a Korean

featuring noodles that are very different from "traditional" mood. Kalguksu literally translates

ordinary kalguksu noodles in Korea. If you are to “knife noodles.” It is named such because of

looking for a new taste in Korea, check out Veteran the method of preparing the cuisine. Kalguksu

Kalguksu. It offers a new variety of flavors. noodles are made by cutting dough with a

knife. Kalguksu is one of the Korean traditional

A veteran is a person who has had long foods from the Chosun dynasty. So, if you want

experience in a particular field. The name of to experience "true" Korean culture, this is

the restaurant, Veteran Kalguksu, shows the a great food to try while you look around

owner's high confidence in their food. Hanok Village.

44 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Specificity of flavors







Originally, kalguksu is served in a clear broth flavored with

dried anchovies, kelp, and clams. However, Veteran Kalguksu is

very different, having a white broth. The noodles served here

are also slightly different from regular kalguksu noodles. The

dish is served with kim (dried seaweed), chili powder, egg, and

perilla seed. The soup looks much thicker than normal and

the kalguksu noodles have a chewy texture, with the perilla

seed giving an extra nutty flavor. It tastes familiar but is much

more unique, and it will satisfy your appetite while eating at

Veteran Kalguksu.

Branch Locations

Veteran Kalguksu was originally founded in Hanok Village,

right in front of Sungsim Girl’s High School in 1977. At

that time, Hanok Village had few eateries and Veteran was

one of the best. In this district now, however, as Hanok

Village has been remodeled and become a tourist hotspot,

drawing up to 10 million tourists per year, a plethora of

fine dining experiences have arisen. But Veteran Kalguksu,

the original 맛집 (delicious restaurant), is still there, and

business is booming.


(Bean noodles)


After Veteran Kalguksu became famous in Jeonju's

Hanok Village, they branched out to other locations as

well. Another location has opened recently in Jeonju,

located in Shinsigaji. And two more have opened in

Seoul, one in Songpa and another at the Express Bus

Terminal. All branch shops utilize the same famous

recipe, so you do not need to worry about the taste—the

other branch restaurants taste same as the original. •




Shinjigaji ‣ 260, Ujeon-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

Songpa ‣ 240, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

Express Bus Terminal ‣ 176, Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul





- Pay in advance, when the food arrives at your table.

- Visit outside peak hours (dinner time) or expect a long wait.

- Food comes out hot within 5 minutes of ordering.

- Side dishes (radish and kimchi) can be refilled.

- Share your food with your friends! Order various menu items

with your friends and share with them to experience Veteran's

full range of flavors!


Creative Corner


46 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

Umesh Sampath

(page 46) is a Ph.D.

Student at Chonbuk

National University

in the Division of

Electronic Engineering.

He’s a photographer

who loves taking photos

of nature, people, and

off the beaten track

travel spots.

David Buule (page

47) is a graduate

student at Chonbuk

National University

pursuing an MSc.

Animal Science and his

originally from Uganda.

He is adventurous,

appreciates culture,

and is passionate about

coffee, photography,

traditional cuisines.


Do you Know Jeollabuk-do?























1. Which city was the

birthplace of the

Joseon period?

2. Which town is best

known for its wide

open plain that shows

a unique view of the

horizon in Korea?

3. Which county

surrounds Jeonju

and is the center

of local foods?

4. Which city sees both

the Geumgang and


Rivers flowing

through it?

5. Which county

includes one

of Korea's ten

natural wonders?

6. Which city is

located the shortest


distance from China?

7. Which city is

famous for Pansori,

Chunhyang's, and

Heungbu's stories?


8. Which town is

best known for

Naejang Mountain?

9. Which county is

scattered with

mountains ranging

over 1000m?

10. Which county is

famous for Maisan


11. Which county sees

3 million tourists

per year for skiing

and other outdoor


12. Which county is

most well-known

for its cheese?

13. Which county is

famous for its red

pepper paste and

mineral springs?

14. In which county

was a stone fortress

built "just in case" of

Japanese invasion?

Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon

8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang

48 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Fall 2018 • Issue 12

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