2019 May

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The unfortunate thing about my past perception of

beauty is that it was fueled by my acceptance of others

opinions. Instead of being anchored in something

of substance, pure love and compassion. It wasn’t until

I began to grow spiritually and think about what

I believe the definition of beauty is, that I began my

journey to changing my beliefs. I have always been able

to see the beauty in others regardless of their physical

appearance, because that is not what I find valuable in

an individual. The ability to see someone and appreciate

them beyond their physical appearance, can only

happen when you don’t judge them and view them

with “Christ-like” compassion and love. Yet, for myself

I did not have the same compassion and clarity. My

need for perfection blinded me from seeing myself as

others. I believed that I had to have high standards and

be my toughest judge. There were times I would look

in the mirror I didn’t like what I saw, and spiral into a

cycle of negative self-talk, which led to believing that I

wasn’t enough. I felt ashamed in a sense, and I lacked

compassion for myself. Now I realize love of self is the

key. I don’t need to be my toughest judge or biggest

critic, I need to be the number one fan of myself! Finally,

I am beginning to feel confident in who I am, because

I understand that having compassion for myself

is paramount. I work to control my thoughts because

I believe in the power of the mind and that positive

self-talk can make a big impact in changing deep rooted

false beliefs. Me not seeing myself as beautiful was

a symptom of not loving myself, and lack of self-love is

like a ticking time bomb waiting to self-destruct. It can

affect your family and even professional relationships,

rearing its ugly head as egotism or jealousy. So I work

hard to focus on biblical concepts like “you are what

you think about”, because I know how important it

is to be my own best friend. In your own life, regardless

of what people have told you about yourself, you

need to take inventory of all the amazing things you

have accomplished, and understand whose you are

and place value on what’s important. Most of all have

compassion for yourself so you are able to appreciate

all the beauty you bring in to this world. That is where

you will find confidence and your inner beauty will

shine bright for all to see.


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