Christianity, Pluralism, and Public Life

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precisely because every man is made in the image of God. One day we will learn that. We will know one day that

God made us to live together as brothers and to respect the dignity and worth of every man. 39

This truth is as potent and necessary today as it was when Dr. King first shared it. Diverse Christian traditions attest to the

truths of Christianity and embody them every day through their institutions and in their lives in community with others. That

Christians might embrace such values anew and bring those values into public life in word and in deed should be a great

source of hope for the future of our pluralistic nation.

39 “The American Dream,” The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute, July 4, 1965, Accessed September 10, 2019. Available

at: https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/publications/knock-midnight-inspiration-great-sermons-reverend-martin-luther-kingjr-4

Christianity, Pluralism, and Public Life in the United States | 51

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