The Later Elmshaven Years: 1905-1915 (vol. 6) - Ellen G. White

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before me."--Letter 237, 1905.

She advised the congregation:

Such a move should not be made hastily. The delegates to our

conferences should be chosen men of wisdom and capability, men whom the

Lord may use to prevent rash movements. God has men of appointment,

whom He has fitted to judge righteously.--Letter 263, 1905.

Then, referring to light given in early years, she continued:

It will be impossible for me to relate here all the instruction that was

then given me, but I will say that the motion has never carried at any time,

because it is not in harmony with the mind of the Lord.--Letter 237, 1905.

"The resolution," she wrote, "was finally laid on the table."--Letter 251,


She spoke six times in the large tent, at times to a packed tent of 2,000.

And while some speakers found it difficult to make themselves heard by so

large a crowd, the Lord gave her "strength to speak so that all could hear"

(Letter 241a, 1905). "The Lord greatly sustained me in my work at the camp

meeting," she wrote.--Letter 251, 1905.

At the close of the three-hour meeting when the Loma Linda project

was presented, the people began to testify to their confidence in the work,

and to tell of the money they had in the bank, which they would lend to the

enterprise. Others promised to sell property and to invest the proceeds in

sanitarium enterprises. By one o'clock the blackboard showed the responses:

Gifts subscribed on June 20 $1,100


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