The Later Elmshaven Years: 1905-1915 (vol. 6) - Ellen G. White

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Mrs. White spoke with even more than her usual strength and power,

and many hearts were melted by her earnest appeals.--D. E. Robinson, in

Ibid., December 9, 1909.

Writing of it, she said that "the power of God came upon me, and gave

me utterance, as it did during the recent General Conference held at

Washington, D.C."--Manuscript 25, 1910. She was impressed that it was

"one of the most solemn meetings" that she had attended for years, as she

presented a discourse "accompanied by the manifest power of the Holy

Spirit" (Letter 174, 1909).

"I did not stand before them because I felt able," she wrote later; "I

stood there because of the opportunity to let them hear the message of mercy

that is being given to the world."--Manuscript 25, 1910.

For nearly an hour that Sunday afternoon she held the attention of the

audience. At the close she made an appeal for a response:

I asked all who would pledge themselves to carry on a personal study

of the Scriptures, to find out whether the truths presented before them that

day were in accordance with the Word, to rise to their feet.

You can imagine my feelings as I saw nearly everyone in that large

congregation standing on their feet, thus pledging themselves before God to

search the Scriptures, to find out whether these things were so. The Spirit of

God was present in that meeting.-- Ibid.

Those connected with the courts, and others high in office, have come

out to hear.-- Ibid.

As a result of this camp meeting and of the efforts that followed,

several have taken hold of the truth.--Letter 174, 1909.


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