The Later Elmshaven Years: 1905-1915 (vol. 6) - Ellen G. White

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whole church. At seven-thirty the Tabernacle was full--auditorium, vestries,

and gallery. Dr. Kellogg was not there. His brother, W. K., and a number of

the doctor's supporters were there. Elder Daniells took the lead, telling the

congregation of how in times of old, God communicated with His people.

Sometimes the prophet delivered in person the message God gave him;

sometimes it was delivered through others. He pointed out that "from the

earliest days of this cause the Spirit of Prophecy had been in our midst, and

had been recognized by those who were loyal to this message, and that the

messenger had always claimed liberty to deliver the message either in person

or by sending it to others to be read."-- Ibid.

He read the telegram instructing him to wait in Battle Creek for the

testimonies. Now he had the two documents in his hands: Manuscript 120,

1905, "The Result of a Failure to Heed God's Warnings" and Manuscript

122, 1905, "A Solemn Appeal." He pointed out that both were penned by

Ellen White in her journal, one as much as two years before, but were not

copied until she was impressed to do so, Thursday, December 21. Both

documents carried solemn messages pointing out that leaders who were

spiritually blind were leading the blind, and unless "converted and

transformed," "leaders and their followers" "cannot be laborers together with

God."--Manuscript 120, 1905.

"They persist in trying to make it appear as if they have made no

mistakes, and have not been led by seducing spirits, when I know that they

have; for thus saith the One who is truth."-- Ibid.

Speaking of the "one who has long stood in the position of physicianin-chief,"

she declared that "no dependence can be placed in a man whose

words and actions reveal that he is spiritually blind.... What can be said

regarding a man who ... in his life practice disregards a plain 'Thus saith the

Lord'? He has a bewildered mind, an uncertain experience."-- Ibid.


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