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Dealing with uninvited change is often difficult and painful.

But whatever change you, or someone you’re caring for, are

dealing with, how you cope with that change will have an impact

on your future.

“Enable”is a voluntary support group which has been

in existence for over 2 years and is the brainchild of

Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist Ray Daniel.

Ray, who owns Remedio Clinic, lives in Turre and

works throughout the local area. The idea for a

support group has come as a result of Ray´s

experience of working with clients who come to him

for treatment after experiencing any one of range of


Recovering from surgery for joint replacements,

having a stroke or heart attack developing arthritis,

coping with sight or hearing difficulties, living with

Parkinson´s, and even different forms of dementia are

all circumstances which can act to bring about a

fundamental change to our lives.

Something which affects our physical or mental health

almost inevitably impacts on our level of


Importantly, changes like these do not only affect the

actual person concerned. Daily life can also alter

drastically for those who care for them – more often

than not, that is a close relative or family member

facing the challenges of living with a life changing

condition, or being a caregiver to a loved one in that

position, can be physically,emotionally, and mentally

draining. It also has the potential to be incredibly

isolating and it is only when we are placed in that

position ourselves that we truly understand how

really tough things can be.

At Enable, Ray, assisted by Yoga and Pilates teacher

Sue, seeks to address some of these issues and to

offer support to people in this situation. By

undertaking gentle physical and mental exercises and

games, both physical fitness and mental health can be

improved over time.

Also, importantly, caregivers can either come along

and join in, talk with others in the same position as

they are, or simply take an hour for themselves

knowing that their loved ones are being looked after

in a safe, secure and stimulating environment. The

town hall of Turre kindly provides space in the rooms

alongside the town football ground, where Enable´s

weekly sessions are held Local

businesses have donated supplies for chair based

exercises and other support groups have been

incredibly generous in helping to publicise Enable´s

work and by providing exercise equipment for people

to use.

Enable´s physical activities and exercises focus on

building strength, balance and flexibility. Mental

games help to sustain and develop levels of memory,

reaction and multi-tasking capability. Together these

activities help to build back up confidence and

independence. Most of all, a session at Enable is fun

and the activities always result in laughter and a feel

good factor for the people who attend. At Enable we

know that no matter how challenging or difficult your

situation may be, doing activities where you are

laughing with others helps you deal with it. Enable is

completely free to attend and open to all nationalities.

Language is NOT a barrier.

If you would like to know more, or know of someone

who might benefit by attending, why not come along

to one of the m eetings. We can assure you of a warm


Enable meets every Wednesday, from 11.30 to 12.30 at

the rooms alongside Turre Football ground.

For more information contact:

Ray Daniel at Remedio Clinic on 617741564


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