PadPall Page March 20

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We inherit some of our Mother's fears

In another rodent study, scientists

showed that maternal fear responses

could be passed down to their children

just by limited exposure to the fear

stimuli. The 2014 paper, published

in PNAS, showed that scents alone can

pass fear onto newborns. In the

experiment, female rats were first

conditioned using electric shocks to

fear the smell of peppermint. Then, the

rats were impregnated. When the pups

were born, they too were exposed to

the peppermint smell but were not given a shock.

Nevertheless, the pups were still afraid when

exposed to peppermint, even when their mother

wasn’t present. This may explain

why, in humans, PTSD and certain phobias can

sometimes be passed down from mothers to


Brains get a boost from a Mom's


A 2015 study from researchers at Brigham and

Women’s Hospital in Boston found that our brains are

not only activated by the sound of our mother’s voices

but also actually grow because of it. Twenty premature

babies, who had spent more time in an incubator than

with their moms, were studied as the sound of their

mother’s voice and heartbeat were pumped into the

incubators with tiny speakers. The babies, each born

between eight to 15 weeks early, listened to these

recordings three times a day for 30 days, while a

control group of another 20 didn’t get the private DJ


By the end of the experiment, the scientists concluded

that the experimental group had developed

significantly larger auditory cortexes than the control

group. In other words, the sounds from their mothers

actually made parts of their brains grow. If only

calling your mom during finals could give you that

same brain-growing boost as well.

Our cells are in our Moms - and vice


We may inherit genes from our mothers, but while

we’re in the womb, we pass on some of our genetic

material to them as well through the form of cells.

As a mother’s placenta grows, it attaches to her

arteries, creating a two-way channel between her and

her baby. Large amounts of fetal material are slurped

off into her bloodstream, leaving mom with her

infant’s cells entering her organs, becoming heart

muscle cells, and sometimes even turning into neurons.

A 2015 study in Molecular Human Reproduction found

that tissue samples of women who had died during or

just after pregnancy and were pregnant with boys had

male cells in their brains, hearts, and kidneys — with

roughly one cell out of every 1,000 being male.

For a time, scientists thought that these fetal cells in

mothers may pose a danger, perhaps increasing the

likelihood of developing autoimmune disorders. But

more recently, scientists have shown that these cells

actually help moms be healthy and decrease the

likelihood of developing cancer and cardiovascular

disease. On the flip side, cells from moms cross the

placenta and e nter the fetal body — meaning that you

have a bit of her cells as well.

Happy Mother's Day to



of the world!



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