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government. When Marcos was removed from the office in 1986, the 1973 Constitution

was jettisoned and replaced by the 1987 Constitution.

Under the 1987 Constitution, many new provisions were recognized. One of these is the

recognition of national parks or protected areas. The 1987 Constitution now became the

primary legal basis for establishing protected areas. Two significant clauses acknowledged

this and state the following:

“Section 3. Lands of the public domain are classified into agricultural, forest

or timber, mineral lands and national parks.” (Article XII, Section 3)

“Section 4. The Congress shall, as soon as possible, determine by law the

specific limits of forest lands and national parks, marking clearly their

boundaries on the ground. Thereafter, such forest lands and national parks

shall be conserved and may not be increased nor diminished except by law.

“(Article XII, Section 4)

The first provision heightened the importance of national parks and distinctly identified

them as one of the land classifications in the Philippines. This is a crucial development for

natural resource law in the Philippines. In the previous constitutions, for example the 1935

Constitution, there was no specific provision for classifying public lands but merely

mentioned agricultural, timber and mineral lands in Article XII, Section 1. In the 1973

Constitution, lands were classified into seven categories, namely: (1) agriculture, (2)

industrial or commercial, (3) residential, (4) resettlement, (5) mineral, (6) forest or timber

and (7) grazing land, and protected areas or national parks were not included in the


The second provision under the 1987 Constitution directs the congress to determine the

specific areas and legal identities of national parks as soon as possible. Furthermore, the

provision modifies the old practice of establishing and defining national park boundaries by

presidential proclamations.

In the 1987 Constitution, there are new provisions requiring that the State and particularly

the congress shall recognize the rights of the people, especially the IPs, as follows:

“Section 16. The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a

balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of

nature.” (Article II, Section 16.)


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