Spring Lausanne

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Spring 2020

Prayer Needs

Connecting artistic influencers

and ideas for global mission

The Lausanne Arts Network exists to catalyze and connect artistic

Christians and evangelical influencers concerning the role of artists and

the arts for global mission—through gatherings focused on biblical prayer,

reflection, training, and ministry action.

We hold two mandates. The first is to the artists of the world. We aim to

catalyze and call artists back to the service of the church in global mission

through their specialized, God-designed creative imagination, intelligence,

and artistic abilities and gifts. We aim to equip artists biblically on the role

of the artist and artistic expression in life, worship, and ministry.

The second mandate is to the church and to the mission and academic

leadership of the world. We aim to call the church to re-engage artistic

kingdom servants for the sake of empowering culturally relevant worship,

evangelism, and compassion throughout the world. We aim to assist

current mission and church leadership to realize that for the body of Christ

to express itself fully in line with God’s design, we must involve the

church’s artists as strategic ministry practitioners of the church.

Byron Spradlin

Catalyst for the Arts

Uday Balasundaram

Catalyst for the Arts

On Our Cover

Santosh Gnanakan is

currently one of a team of

4 at Astha Guitar. He is a

musician and proudly plays

a 5 -string Astha bass


(See related article on

Page 8)

The Lausanne Arts issue network exists to catalyze and

connect artistic Christians and evangelical influencers

concerning the role of artists and the arts for global mission.

Lausanne Arts Newsletter Editor

Ann Boland

Table of Contents

4 Inspiro Arts Alliance

6 the Broken Leaf by Roger Lowther

7 Arts Advocate Update-Open-Mic

8 Astha-Guitars of Hope

9 SIL-Justin Randolph

10 VMSF-Approaching the Finish Line

11 World In Motion Discipleship Program

12 JP in Brazil

13 Whistle in the Wind by Danyce Gustafson

14 Pandemic by Natalie Meeks

15 Prayer Needs

With the full integration of HSI and OM Arts, we’re excited to announce that INCARNATE, the flagship

training program of Inspiro Arts Alliance, will now feature ethnodoxology at an even greater level.

A new CURATOR track has been added to train artists as ethnodoxologists and all artistic disciplines

will learn the Creating Local Arts Together (CLAT) approach to ministry.

Celebrate with us and spread the word! In preparation for 2021, we’re offering the following training:

What is it? Incarnate Leadership Training will focus specifically on how to cultivate beautiful worship

and witness in a local community along with introducing the new ethnodoxology component of


Who is it for? Artists who want to think creatively about how to connect with their community of

focus. Experienced artists and ethnodoxologists interested in engaging with Incarnate as mentors,

teachers, or cross-cultural guides. Local Hosts who want a clearer picture of what hosting Incarnate

teams in their communities will look like.

What will we do? This ILT will focus on three areas. You can choose which you’d like to focus on.

Participants will work in groups related to their interests.


Ethnodoxology (what is ethnodoxology?) will be a thread throughout

the relaunch of Incarnate. Every community is unique and needs a

unique plan. But, the process of developing that plan is similar. That

is where this training comes in.

You will have an opportunity to:

• Experience “10,00 Stories” – the portion of Incarnate that walks through the steps of empowering

ethnodoxology in a local community.

• Customize it – think creatively about how to customize these steps and teaching modules to best

connect with your community of focus.

You do not have to attend Incarnate to join this training.


After 2 months of learning together in Taiwan, Incarnate artists will

disperse in teams for 2 months of placement in various regions.

Incarnate placements will now be 2 months and include the 10,000

Stories (ethnodoxology) segment on-site, learned alongside a local

community and in partnership with the OM field and local artists.

Placements result in community arts projects that cultivate local

worship & witness and empower your field’s goals.

At the Leadership Training, you will have the opportunity to:

• Explore what a placement would look like in your area

• Speak into what a placement would look like in your area


What role might you play at Incarnate? You will have an opportunity to

hear details of each of these roles and speak into their responsibilities.

Incarnate Alumni, Incarnate Artists in Residence, Incarnate Field

Guides, Incarnate Story Teachers, Administrators, Technical Gurus,

Calling All Servants in General, Worship Leading, Group Discipleship,

and Mentoring.

These roles are fluid. You can apply to join Incarnate in a customized

role that fits you – including, but not limited to, any combination of the above roles. The Leadership

Training will be a place to explore what that might look like for you.

When is it?

June 2 – June 8, 2020

First session starts 15:00, June 2. Last session ends at 20:00, June 8.

Where is it?

Epicentrum Event Center in Érd, Hungary (https://epicentrum.eu/en/)

How Much Does it cost?

$300 all-inclusive (housing, food, local transportation, excursions, and materials). You are responsible for

visas and travel to/from Budapest International Airport.

Private rooms and family suites are available upon request for a slighter higher rate.

Registration and in partnership with OM Hungary

Sign up HERE to receive updates and registration information.

Questions? Contact us at incarnate.arts@om.org for more information.

Contact us at incarnate.arts@om.org for more information.

The Broken Leaf invites you to explore the

beauty and gospel images found in Japanese art

and culture. Through ten short meditations,

discover for yourself just how God might be

revealing his story in the everyday objects of your

life wherever you may be. Available in hardcover,

paperback, e-book, and audio versions.

What is the message of The Broken Leaf?

We can worship God in the everyday life of the

world around us. God reveals himself and leads us

in worship through the art and culture of every

nation. Meditations in this book are a journey of

discovery while showing the heart of Christian


“God is not new to Japan. He was in Japan before the first missionary set foot here. So how can we see the God of

the Bible clearly as he exists in this culture with all of its unique beauty? How can we see, hear, taste, smell, and

touch God in a truly Japanese context?” The Broken Leaf

Roger W. Lowther

is founder and director of Community Arts Tokyo, assisting church planting

through the arts. Roger is also director of faith and art at Grace City Church

Tokyo and coordinator for the MAKE Collective, a global network of missionary

artists. He has been serving with Mission to the World in Japan since 2005.

Roger received degrees from The Juilliard School and Columbia University and

is currently studying at Reformed Theological Seminary. He lives in downtown

Tokyo with his wife Abi and four boys.

Open-Mic Invites Creativity

Arts Advocate Update

Our church operates near an international university

in a western suburb of Jakarta, Indonesia. In the

basement of a high-rise condominium directly across

the street, the student ministry team has set up an

environment for students to study and hang out in

between their classes. The “Study Bunker” is

available throughout the week but isn’t just for

studying. It’s also a gathering place for students to

come and take a break from their intense study

routine, whether it is conversations with one

another, enjoying a games night, or watching videos,

either a movie or whatever they find on YouTube.

Our creative arts

ministry partnered with

our students team to

co-host an open-mic

night for anyone

interested and familiar

with the study bunker.

The word got out to those involved inviting students,

friends, and members from our church to submit

performances to share during the evening.

There were 7 acts that made up the evening’s

program on Saturday, November 9, 2019. The

program included covers of worship songs along

with traditional contemporary songs from Indonesia

that students wanted to share. One friend of the

ministry is an Indonesian songwriter and rap artist.

Two students share a traditional Dayak welcome

dance for everyone gathered for the evening. From

the 20 or so people who attended, there was a

boisterous and lively

atmosphere throughout

the evening. Refreshments

were available and

plenty of opportunity to

interact with the

performers during the

two intermissions.

Photos were taken and

shared. New appreciation for the talents among

the students and the heart behind what they had

to share prompted deeper conversations. These

open-mic cooperative events are expected to

continue in the months to come. They are

providing alternative atmospheres for the study

bunker that will invite other students to take

advantage of the space and build relationships

with their peers. The goal of the student ministry

is to prompt discipleship relationships to form

among those who get involved in what the study

bunker has to offer.

March 2020

Robert C. Bartz

Far East Broadcasting



The main vision of Astha Guitars is to build

premium high-end acoustic and electric guitars

and at the same time give young motivated people

a chance to learn special skills and to build up their

confidence to face the future with hope!

We really want this to be a multiple

win/win situation! You will receive a

high quality guitar for a fair price and

at the same time you enable young

guys to learn the very unique trade of

guitar building and on top of that support

children in need with schooling!

We run primary and secondary schools (we have

six across India), as well as a Bible college. We are

based out of Bangalore in India. We also have

an amazing community development

proramme amongst women in a few villages in

North India.

Around five years ago, I partnered with a Swiss

guitar builder to start a social enterprise in

Bangalore. Our goal was to build high-end guitars

and, at the same time, provide employment

opportunities to young people... and, eventually,

use a portion of the profits to help under

privileged children go to school.

Astha Guitars is a social enterprise where the

profits flow back into the guitar workshop to be

self sufficient and 10% of every sold guitar will go

into supporting children from lesser privileged

backgrounds with education which will provide for

one year of schooling for one child. People will

then get the opportunity to keep supporting that

specific child with annual schooling fees if desired.

Astha Guitars

Our prayer request is that

God will now lead us to

customers (and viceversa!)

and that God will

continue to help our social

enterprise grow.

Santosh Gnanakan

email: santosh@asthaguitars.com

SIL Eurasia EthnoArts

team recently hosted

an online training for

colleagues in the

region looking to

discover local art

forms in their communities, build

relationships with local artists, and work

towards evaluating meaningful ways of

sharing scripture in those contexts. The

course centered around research and

observation skills to learn what exists and

what it means to the community.

Please pray for the participants

as they apply what they learn to

their ministries.

Justin Randolph

SIL Eurasia EthnoArts Consultant and


SIL Mainland Southeast Asia EthnoArts



Welcome to the Virtual Visual Media Strategy Forum

Approaching The Finish-Line

Online Event

Thursday, April 2 12:00 – 14:30 UTC

Due to the recent Corona virus outbreak we were

not able to run the VMSF 2020 conference in Chiang

Mai, Thailand. But we are so thankful to God for

providing an exciting alternative to our face-to-face

event, the Virtual VMSF 2020.

The Virtual VMSF 2020 coordination committee has

been working hard to create an online version of the

VMSF. While our original VMSF had 10 hours in the

program, this online version will be only two and a

half hours long. We will be including all of the keynote

and guest speakers that we had originally

planned for the VMSF, and incorporating as much of

the essential content from our original conference

agenda as possible. There will be opportunities for

further collaboration through smaller break out


Join us as we celebrate the completion of the 20/20

Vision campaign. “to see an indigenous evangelistic

audio-visual tool for every one of the Least

Evangelized Mega Peoples, so that all can clearly see

and understand the gospel message and embrace it

as their own.”

Create International and the Visual Story Network are

thrilled to host this very significant event. We believe

that these two and a half hours of focused

collaboration will result in continued partnerships

for bringing the knowledge of the glory of God to

many who still have not heard.

All those interested in media for unreached peoples,

film producers, mission strategists, content creators,

distributors and other partners are welcome. For a

brief report on the 2018 VMSF click here.

VMSF 2020 Major Objectives:

1. To celebrate the completion of the 20/20 Vision.

2. To showcase completed 20/20 vision projects,

testimonies and inspirational case studies.

3.To promote strategic initiatives‚ such as media to

movements that are impacting the unreached.

4. To develop partnerships in order to produce visual

media for unreached peoples.

5. To increase innovative distribution of current

indigenous gospel media tools.

Please Complete the Registration Form

Calvin and Carol Conkey, Clyde Taber

Registration & Info

Info & Application

Hello, hope you are well. I’m

finally starting the process of

returning to Tokyo Japan in

March 2020. I’m designated

to the same church, New

Hope Tokyo and to the same

work with LINK OMF ministry

to young adults!


JP From Brazil

I’ve started the process of

getting clearances so please

pray for me especially

finance clearances, still need

20% of my whole budget

figure. I’ve been sharing

about Japan at

small groups

and other


from my

church, which

has been a

great opportunity to mobilize

people to pray for Japan!

When I share with people I’ve been

using the OMF material 31 Day

Praying for Japan. We translated it

into Portuguese ad also my book

called QUEM means WHO.

If everything goes well I will be sent by my home

church at our church conference in March 2020,

where some OMF leaders will also be attending.

My relationship with Ria is going well, praise the

Lord, and we talk everyday. We are starting

planning for the wedding hopefully at the end of

next year. Please pray for us!

Thank you again for praying and supporting me

please let me know how I an pray for you too!

Mega blessings, JP Carvalho

A Whistle in the Wind

A children’s picture book by

Danyce Gustafson featuring

the illustrations of artist Ann


Available at amazon.com

“A Whistle in the Wind” is a recently

published children’s picture book. The tale

of Twiga, the little giraffe who is mocked

by hyena, conveys several messages,

concluding with the truth of God as our

creator whose ways are perfect.

One reviewer shared, “I am always looking

for books that teach valuable life lessons.

This sweet book with classic, timeless

illustrations is sure to delight both young

and old. Questions and activities at the end

stimulate further interaction. Author

Danyce Gustafson served as a missionary in

Africa for twenty years. Illustrator Ann

Boland ministers with the

Lausanne Arts Network. The

book is available online and

through retail booksellers.

The book is

incredibly well

written, and

the illustrator

is very

talented! I also

love that the

setting was in



Natalie Meeks

Little girl bounds skyward, higher

up and further in; propelled

by negative darkness underfoot.

Her tiny chest swells with

gasping, laughing, living breath.

“Look at me - See me!”

Hemmed in - she - by evergreen, shadowed by spring’s first dance of sun and cloud.

Far from sickness. Naive to hospital

beds and masks, to grieving sons and

daughters of Isolation. Immune (I pray!)

to intubated lungs and

gasping, contracting, weeping breath.

Hemmed in - they - and bedded down - alone- by viral crowns, shadowed by a growing


“Look at me. . . See me?”

Inspiro Arts Alliance

Prayer Requests

• Pray for a smooth integration of HIS and OMA .

• God to use the curator track in training artists as ethodologists.

the broken leaf by author Roger Lowther

• God will use the Broken Leaf to explore the beauty and gospel images in Japanese art

and culture.

Arts Advocate Update

• Pray for discipleship relationships to form among those involved in what the study

bunkers have to offer.

Astha Guitar of Hope

• Pray that God will lead them to customers (and vice versa ), and God will continue to

help their social enterprise grow.


• Pray for participants as they apply what they learn to their ministry.

Visual Medium Strategy Forum

• Continued partnerships with the Finish Line event will bring the knowledge of the glory

of God to the many who still have not heart.

Word in Motion

• Pray that God will use their 14 Day Discipleship Program.

JP Carvalho

• Pray for JP as he prepares for return to Japan and for sharing the OMF”s 31 Days of

Prayers for Japan.

A Whistle in the Wind by author Danyce Gustafson and illustrator Ann Boland

• Young readers will recognize that God’s ways are always perfect.

Pandemic by Natalie Meeks

• Prayers for the spiritual, physical, and economic health of our world.

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