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the lesson to draw from the death of a loved one? What did that

person teach you? What would that person want you to do as you

proceed to build a great life and career? This is a fantastic mindset,

rather than simply dwelling in the emotional dumps and not

seeing any light at all. Your first question when the boss tells you

that staff cutbacks have included you should be: ―What am I to

learn from this?‖

If the unexpected is negative, as it often is, remember that the

most successful people in the world talk about how they learned

more from failure than success. Abraham Lincoln lost many

elections before becoming president; Thomas Edison had

hundreds of failed experiments before he invented the light bulb.

The list goes on and on, and many of these great people will tell

you that failure was a wonderful teacher. View the unexpected

not as a roadblock, but as a wise instructor. That way, you can

embrace your lack of control, not fret about it. People who have

achieved greatness did not let failure shatter their self-image.

They kept all failures separate from their belief in themselves,

which never wavered. This is a key concept in Mind Hacking.

Realize that of all the elements of life that you can’t control, one

element that you can control is your response. That’s an old

saying that we don’t always want to hear, but it has lasted

because it’s true! Nothing, no one can rob you of a positive

attitude as you seek greatness. Many successful entrepreneurs

testify of the necessity of a positive outlook. They refuse to let the

unexpected stop them from achieving their goals. They have the

perspective that calls to mind the maxim: if the door is closed,

look for an open window. The unexpected can often mean a

closed door. Step back, absorb this reality, then determine to

either push harder on the door or look for a window. That’s what

successful people do, rather than sit in the hallway and mourn,

convinced that the world is against them or that they are not

worthy of open doors.

Frame the unexpected as a challenge to keep you stimulated. If

you are going to see true change in your life and career, you are

going to have to have a little Bulldog in you. In other words, you

are not going to quit easily. That’s one reason why smaller targets

are best; when you don’t reach them, it’s easy to pick yourself up,

dust yourself off, and try again. So, when you are told that there

are no spots available in your company at the next, higher rung of

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