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CHAPTER ONE - Set Small Targets

Goal setting and life change have a funny relationship: it’s absolutely

necessary to have a huge, life goal, an idea of where you want to be in 5, 10

or 15 years, even what you want your life to count for when it’s over.

Yet, at the same time, any attempt at goal setting has to begin with small

targets, or you can get very discouraged when events are not happening as

rapidly as you desire, or you face some sort of adversity, which we all do at

one time or another. If you can keep your eyes simultaneously on the Big

Prize and the Next Step, you will have mastered a key concept in obtaining

your objectives.

So, in preparation for setting smaller goals, take some time to think about the

largest goal of all: what do you want from life? What would success look like to

you later in adult life? Writing down the answer to these questions is

important, because as the old saying goes, when you aim at nothing, you are

sure to hit it. To use another illustration: would you go on a long journey with

no definite destination in mind? Of course not.

What rung do you want to reach on the career ladder? Similarly, what type of

financial goals do you have in terms of earning and debt-free living? Do you

have educational goals, relationship goals, physical goals, service goals, even

pleasure goals? As we think about Mind Hacking, we should mention attitude

goals as well. How do you want to change your mind-set in life? You’re off to a

great start by reading this eBook!

Once you have one or a few goals--and you’re sure that they are your goals,

not the goals someone else has for you—you will be better able to understand

where you need to concentrate your time, resources, and energy as you

pursue them. Additionally, you will be able to quickly recognize the distractions

that can easily keep you from achieving your aim, so you will not focus on

them at all.

To give you an example, if a young athlete has excellent abilities in the sport

of football (or soccer, as it’s known in a few countries), and he decides that he

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