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How, then, should we eat, sleep and exercise? Well, there are 1,000 different

diets out there, all screaming for attention, but the basics of taking care of your

body have not changed over the years.

By the way, even if you can ―get away‖ with a hard-driving, high-partying

lifestyle for awhile--you know, staying out until 4 and showing up at the office

at 8--it eventually will catch up to you. You can do that in your 20s, some

people can do it in their 30s, but no one can do it in their 40s and beyond. So,

if you’re thinking about long-term goals and the Big Prize, you should practice

good health habits early so that you do not have to make radical changes as

your metabolism slows down and your joints get creaky.

On to the proper diet that you need to stay healthy and sharp mentally.

As part of Mind Hacking, let’s begin by not viewing diet in a legalistic, painful,

annoying way. Let’s view it as putting the right fuel into a high-performance

vehicle—you. You wouldn’t think about putting ethanol into a Maserati, would

you? In the same way, you need to tighten up your diet a bit and start to fill

your body with good fuel, not crap.

We also are not going to start this section about diet with a bunch of negative

talk. If you slip up from time to time, strive to get better and exercise the

willpower that you are growing. It’s not the end of the world if you fall off the

wagon for one meal. In fact, it might be permissible, depending on how well

you do the rest of the week.

Here then are several tips to maintaining a healthy diet and overall physical

fitness regimen, easy ways to boost your energy so that you are at your best:

Drink water. This does not sound very exciting, but it is essential.

It also is much better for you than drowning in caffeine or gulping

down energy drinks, both of which dehydrate you. You should

down multiple glasses every day, choosing it consistently over

soda and coffee and tea. If you want variety in taste, there are

plenty of flavored waters on the market that do not add calories.

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