TEST DRAFT 3 With LLaregub footnotes The Boy Who Shot Flimzy Bubbletrumpett- macbook 2

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bank in Mayoria Borracho; when this happened the one million dollar hand out was merely

pocket money.

Who owned the bank? It was NOT President General Arturio Astuto, as he frequently

explained. It was NOT the wife of President General Arturio Astuto. It was none of the

children of President General Arturio Astuto. In fact it was no near relative of President

General Arturio Astuto at all, but only a distant second cousin of his wife’s, who had

renounced the world and disappeared to live as a hermit in the grounds of a remote monastery

somewhere in the Himalayas. The bank was only held in trust by President General Arturio

Astuto, until the return, or death of this mysterious second cousin.

There were those on the islands who whispered that the second cousin had not disappeared to

the Himalayas but to a deep ocean trench off the islands, helped down by some heavy iron

chains. But they stopped their whispers when the million dollars duly appeared in their


Mayoria Borracho was just one tiny and insignificant country among the many on Earth, so

there was nothing to stop the inauguration of the first World Government.

It began with a meeting of the United Nations in New York, where delegates – with the

exception of Mayoria Borracho – decided unanimously to go ahead with the election of a

World President, and began a search for possible candidates.

The first person to put himself forward was President General Arturio Astuto. There was some

argument as to whether this should be allowed, as Mayoria Borracho was supposed to have

opted out and the President General only wished to be part of The World Government if he

was the President. But the idea was so new that no rules against this could be found, so

President General Arturio Astuto was accepted as a candidate. The next up was James

McQuarry the unbelievably handsome and popular American billionaire philanthropist actor

and rock star. The youngest multi-billionaire in American history.

Ivan Morcač quickly put himself forward, and then Colonel Kepala Besar; who claimed to

speak for the nations of both East and West. Then came a rush as several hundreds of

candidates registered. Strangely, most of them gave their country of residence as Mayoria


Less than a week after the decision to elect a World President had taken place the people of

the world, from the remote dusty villages of the Kalahari Desert and the high Andes to the

streaming cities of New York and Bejing, people awoke to see the face of President General

Arturio Astuto beaming at them from hoardings, their televisions, their phones, their

computers and on the leaflets that had been pushed through their doors. The President General

looked his best in a sky blue uniform dripping with gold braid and medals. No, ‘dripping’

does not do. It was a cascade, a waterfall; he was positively drowning in gold braid and

medals. And you could have used his smile to find your way home on a dark night.

But despite his smile the President General could not compete with the charm and good looks

of James McQuarry. It was said that when he gave the first TV broadcast a million young girls


Then for the second time Inknavar Marz said, No!

He sent out a message that said, we do not want elections, elections got us into all the trouble

in the first place. We no not want the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world buying

their way to president with adverts, bribes and subtle lies. We do not want to vote. We want

TRUDI to chose our president.

And so it happened.

TRUDI (Truly Deep Intelligence.) the most advanced computer in the world, housed deep in

a basement laboratory, Basement G, in The Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, and was

consulted by scientists, politicians and artists world wide who needed to plan a space project,

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