TEST DRAFT 3 With LLaregub footnotes The Boy Who Shot Flimzy Bubbletrumpett- macbook 2

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The palace was complete before TRUDI announced that after carefully searching all the data

that was available on all people currently living, the future president had been found. Some

weeks earlier it had been decided to move TRUDI, along with The Custodian – who

surprisingly raised no objection - from her basement to a specially designed computer room in

The Palace of the Golden Moon. It was there that the announcement was made.

An elite group of six messengers was picked from among the troops currently serving the

United Nations and sent to the palace where they were left alone with TRUDI in the computer

room. Only the six were told by TRUDI the name and whereabouts of the chosen one. Until

the formal inauguration it was to be a closely guarded secret.

Then at last The Six set of to find him…or her.

Chapter 4

Few are the birds that call, Shrill-voiced and seldom seen. Where silence masters all. 19

The path into the wood soon petered out and we found our way blocked by tangled brambles

and waist high clumps of nettles. I stopped, seeing no way through the barrier but Indigo

hissed into my ear, Go on! Push your way through. It gets clearer under the trees.’ So I forced

my way through the briars holding the heavy black bag above my head to prevent it catching

on the hooked thorns. I strode purposefully through the nettles trying to ignore the stinging I

felt on my arms and legs. Indigo was right, the overgrown tangle grew just at the edge of the

forest and as we came through under the spread of the dark spruce and pine the briars faded

away into the shade and soon we stood on open ground where only a few thin anemones 20

flecked the carpet of pine needles with green and white, though the forest floor was more like

the ragged dusty brown underlay left in an abandoned house than carpet. This forest had once

been a plantation, the trees planted in even rows, but after long years of neglect new saplings

had grown up between the rows and high winds had brought down some of the tallest trees

whose roots could not keep a grip in the thin rocky soil. They lay stretched out on the ground

tapering to a disc of twined and twisted roots, some newly fallen and still with the brown

scales of bark and green needles of a living tree, others whose trunks had become so rotted

that all that was left was no more than a narrow bank of moss. Some fallen trees had never

reached the ground, they slanted upwards, as though frozen in mid fall, their weight carried by

thin almost invisible branches caught and held by neighbouring trees,

The path that would ahead could be barely seen, just a scrape on the surface of the pine

needles that could have been scuffed by deer, rooting badgers or other forest animals, but it

was the only possible path so I went ahead twisting my way through the trees. I set off at

almost a run; it was a way of escaping the scratch and sting of the briars and nettles I still felt.

The faster I walked the less aware I was of the hot needling pain in my arms and legs as the

more I had to concentrate on finding the barely visible path, avoiding twisted roots that might

trip me up and scrambling over, or finding my way around fallen trees that lay across the path

and constantly looking out for low branches that threatened to whip across my face. As I

broke into a jog I felt Indigo’s claw like hands grip my shoulder and her reprehensible tail

tighten round my neck.

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