TEST DRAFT 3 With LLaregub footnotes The Boy Who Shot Flimzy Bubbletrumpett- macbook 2

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row after row of almost identical houses lined the roads; some with a square patch of grass in

front, some with a patch of gravel and a few potted plants, some withhold fashioned looking

bow windows and others with flat double glazed windows, some with a tiny porch, others

with doors that opened on to the front step. Tiny differences that are only noticeable if you

looked carefully, and The Six were driving slowly and looking very carefully through sheets

of falling rain. Nils touched Kathy’s and said, pull over I think we’re here. Kathy parked the

bus and turned to look at the others sitting behind her. They checked the directions and Paul

nodded, This is it.

Two of them , Nils and Bhawang Putih clambered out of the bus and ignoring the rain, opened

a gate, crossed a small patch of lawn and peered in through a window. What they saw made

them hesitate and then return to the bus where they told the others what they had seen.

Was that really our President? Has there been a mistake?

They consulted their instructions and the instructions were quite clear and there was no


I think some people are going to quite surprised, said Kathy.

The others looked at her.

That’s meiosis! she said.


In the caves of ice beneath The Palace of the Golden Moon Ahmad Shannon and The

Custodian had finished installing TRUDI and linking the computer to every room in the place.

The whole building would respond to the mood of the new President, the lighting, the heating,

the scented sprays that were wafted through the rooms. All could be overridden with the touch

of a button or just a word; the President could lock doors, turn on music, summon help, order

food, or call up a screen on almost any wall and speak to anyone anywhere in the world, all

with just a word. It had not been easy working with The Custodian, who had, had described

what was needed in the fewest possible words been very reluctant to allow the architect in the

same room as TRUDI, let alone speak to him face to face. But Ahmad Shannon had insisted,

the job had exhausted him and he was eager to leave. He felt he worked himself too hard and

that the strain was beginning to tell. Exploring the still empty rooms, with their shining

marble floors, gold and silver walls, climbing the grand staircases and walking down a maze

of seemingly endless corridors he felt strangely disorientated. He heard the sound of laughter

in locked rooms that should have been empty, he heard running footsteps behind him and

when he turned all he saw was empty corridor. He began to smell the smells of his childhood,

the scent of ripe guavas, kitchen spices, coriander, cumin, cloves and the smell of mould and

damp that lingered after the long rains. Later he caught glimpses of small children dressed in

black disappearing around corners or into rooms he found locked when he tried to follow.

Most of the children in black seemed like shadows, but one child he saw several times, before

she darted out of view, had a bright thatch of orange hair.

He left The Custodian alone with TRUDI, said his goodbyes and left The Palace of the Moon


The palace was filled up with furniture, fittings and equipment, these were followed by

cleaners, gardeners, cooks, servants, clerks, officials and administrators. All preparing for the

arrival of The President. There had been some argument about who should speak for the

thousand world leaders and lead the Inauguration. A vote was taken and unsurprisingly James

McQuarry was nominated.

Word was received that The Six were returning with the President and the thousand leaders

assembled in The Grand Hall of the Palace of the Golden Moon.

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