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Botanist and Researcher in Natural Products

Lavender is an aromatic plant with a

very pleasant and soothing scent.

It has numerous species and one of

such species is Lavandula dentata

which belongs to the plant family,

Lamiaceae. It is an evergreen woody shrub

growing up to 1m tall, with pale green,

narrow linear leaves, violet blue flowers

and has more traditional grey leaves

with serrated edges. It is a large, fast

growing shrub that is sometimes referred

to as ever blooming lavender. Lavender is

legendary among herbs as a healer, and

many of its historic uses have proven to

be legitimate. Herbalists regard lavender

as the most useful and versatile essential

oil for therapeutic purposes. In fact, the

essential oil has been utilized over the

years for a number of medicinal purposes

and is known to possess analgesic,

anti-convulsive, anti-depressant, antiphlogistic,

anti-rheumatic, antiseptic,

antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericide,

carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant,

cordial, cytophylactic, decongestant,

deodorant and diuretic activities.

The essential oil from lavender is

applied to burns and also has a healing

effect on scabies and other skin rashes.

The oil has some wonderful properties that

help with wound healing. When applied to

a wound, it promotes healing by enabling

it to contract and speeds up the process

of tissue repair. The oil also has antiseptic

and analgesic properties which eases the

pain of a burn and prevents infection. It

has cytophylactic properties that promote

rapid healing and helps reduce scarring.

The scent of lavender plant has a calming

effect on the body and it can be used to

reduce anxiety, stress and promote sleep.

In fact, lavender oil is probably best known

for its calming or sleep inducing effects.

The lavender essential oil can be

used as an antimicrobial, antiviral and

also a fungicide. It was used in wartime

for antiseptic purposes, because when

the oil was rubbed into a wound, the

infection rate significantly dropped. Many

people have used it over the centuries as a

headache remedy, and it is also popular in

aromatherapy as a tension reliever. In this

case, the lavender essential oil is inhaled

to cause the desired effects.

One of the very first uses for this

versatile herb was for flavoring food. It

is pleasant in desserts and also in savory

dishes. It lends a delightful contrast to

fruits that are sour. However, it is not

recommended to use the pure distilled

essential oil in food dishes, but flower

buds to give the right amount of diluted

essence to the dish.

Lavender has been used for restlessness,

insomnia, anxiety, diabetes and perinea

discomfort after childbirth. However, there

are limited clinical trials to support any

therapeutic use for lavender.

Lavender can be planted in gardens or

made into oil and applied to the skin or

mixed with other oils to keep mosquitoes

away. In fact, it’s believed that lavender

scent is discomforting to mosquitoes

and hinders a mosquito’s ability to smell!

Additionally, lavender repels other insects

too, including fleas and moths. Lavender

can thence protect nearby plants from

insects such as whitefly, while, lavender

planted under and near fruit trees can

deter codling moth. Likewise, dried sprigs

of lavender leaf extract repels moths.

However, despite its enormous health

benefits, lavender may possess

emmenagogue properties (Can increase

menstrual flow) and excessive internal

use should be avoided during pregnancy.

Large oral doses have been associated

with nausea, vomiting and anorexia.

APRIL 2020


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