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he immediately fell in love with the

country. In 1969, Fr. George reached

Kasaala which was a new Comboni

Parish. This Parish had just been

handed to them by the Missionaries

of Africa. He was in Kasaala Parish for

five years, after which he returned to

Italy, to a seminary in Florence where

he worked as a formator. While in

the seminary, he got news that the

two priests in Kasaala were returning

to Italy because their permits would

not be renewed by the regime of

Idi Amin. Since he had a life permit

to work in Uganda, coupled with his

love for the country, he requested the

Superior General for permission to

return to Kasaala.

In 1976, Fr. George returned to

Uganda and immediately went to

Kasaala. However, he was dismayed

to find that the mission had been

closed, as the priests had left before

he arrived. It was not easy work in

Kasaala after his return; the place had

been invaded by cockroaches and

dust. After seven months in Kasaala,

he was requested to serve in Mbuya

Parish in Kampala as the Parish Priest

from 1976- 1979. And, in 1979, he

was posted back to Kasaala Parish.

Fr. George is a missionary who loves

helping the young people achieve an

education. This is seen in the many

schools he has helped build during

his time in Kasaala Parish. He said

that the parish has 22 outstations and

he has made sure all the outstations

have got a school and a church. He

noted that his love to see the young

get an education without difficulty

came from his experience as a child.

Coming from a poor family, Fr. George

said he walked for long distances to

get to his school. He would take off

his shoes so that they don’t get dirty,

and when he was about to reach

school, he would wash his feet in the

streams near school then wear the

shoes. Fr. George said that he knows

what it means to suffer, a reason he

has chosen to build schools in all the

outstations to help children of Kasaala

get easy access to education.

A number of children in Kasaala have

got education through his help and

have achieved big in their lives. The

fact that the children are successful in

their lives makes Fr. George a happy


Out of the 22 schools, he has also

built two technical schools for boys

and girls to help skill the children and

youth of Kasaala in different fields.

He noted that despite his contribution

in building schools and churches, the

people of Kasaala also contributed by

laying bricks which were used to build

the churches.

Besides building schools in Kasaala,

Fr. George also aided build St. Kizito

Primary School Bugolobi when he

was the Parish Priest of Mbuya Parish.

The biggest challenge he remembers

from his days as a new young priest

“ One thing he

enjoys about his

missionary work is his

stay and service in

Uganda particularly,

in Kasaala and

Mbuya. He added

that the people of

these two parishes

were very kind

to him...

in Uganda was when he had to

learn Luganda, the language he was

supposed to use for evangelisation.

He said it was not easy learning the

language but as soon as he learnt it,

he visited one family in the parish,

who inspired him to begin a savings

group to help the people of Kasaala


Unfortunately, when the family got

paid, they decided to buy alcohol with

the money and when he asked them

why they did that, they told him they

were keeping their money safe from

thieves. That is when he opened up

the Agaali Awamu savings group to

help people save money and support

one another. He has also opened up a

St. Vicent De Paul Kateyamba elders

home where the elderly people in

Kasaala without relatives stay and are

taken care of.

One thing he enjoys about his

missionary work is his stay and service

in Uganda, particularly, in Kasaala and

Mbuya. He added that the people

of these two parishes were very

kind to him. Besides, his father also

contributed to his missionary work.

Fr. George says the last gift he

received from his father in the

2000 before his death was financial

assistance, which funded the building

of the schools. He added that after

his father returned from the mines

in Germany, he concentrated on his

dairy farm and saved money from

milk which accumulated with interest.

Before his death, he divided his

savings amongst all the six of them.

Fr. George said he donated his share

to the Comboni missionaries.

After that, his father would give

interest of his money accrued every

year to Uganda, to help build churches

and schools. Fr. George said that one

thing he was taught by his father is

being grateful to God all the time.

APRIL 2020


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