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airplanes from endemic countries. Recently,

a massive cholera epidemic in Haiti that

killed over 200,000 was traced to soldiers

who had been brought from another country

to a military base in Haiti. Many infectious

diseases, including tuberculosis, small pox,

cholera, typhoid, and possibly measles were

introduced into Africa by the trans-Saharan,

trans-Atlantic, and Indian Ocean traders.

Population growth forces physical closeness

among people.

Close contact is an excellent avenue

to transmission of diseases from person to

person. As infected people mingle with

others in the population, they spread the

disease to several others. A person with

coronavirus spreads to 2 to 4 people while

one person with measles (the most infectious

disease in the world) spreads to 12 to 18

people. In the case of the COVID-19,

initially, it was thought that transmission was

only through contact with droplets of mucus

or saliva containing the live virus.

By mid-March 2020, it had been established

that the virus could remain airborne for 8

or more hours independent of the droplets

and that it could be spread through faeces.


It has been proven that the majority of

people who get COVID-19 do not become

severely sick and more than 90% recover.

Mortality is reported to be as low as 2% so,

why is everyone panicking and why is the

world shutting down? The reason is that

being a new virus in the human race, we still

have no immunity to it, meaning that it is

very easy for anyone to catch it since their

body is not yet ready to fight it and prevent it

from moving from infection to disease.

While the majority of the people who

get infected do not suffer severe illness, the

same is not true for people whose immunity

is weakened by age (new born babies

and the elderly) or underlying disease like

diabetes, heart disease, cancer, lung disease

etc. Mortality from COVID-19 among this

group of people is as high a 10% to 20%

meaning 1 to 2 out of every 10 infected die.

What does this mean: A young healthy

person gets infected but can continue with

business as usual because they are only

coughing and have a running nose. As they

move around, they infect other people who

then transmit the infection to their loved ones

who are at risk of dying from COVID-19. It

is the reason people are being asked to stay

at home.


The best way to stop the spread of an

infectious disease is to break the chain of

spread. If you are sick, decide to be the

last one to get infected by practicing what

will stop the spread. For COVID-19, it is

remaining in isolation until you are healed,

for HIV, it is taking antiretroviral therapy and

not exposing one’s sexual partner to the

virus, for typhoid, it is washing hands after

using the toilet and not handling food.

If you are not infected, prevent spread by

getting vaccinated if there is a vaccine,

keeping away from and taking precaution

around people who are infected is handy.


APRIL 2020


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