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his approval. Giuseppe started

his novitiate after completing his

specialization in London. Those

were very intense years: studies at

the Comboni Institute in Gozzano

absorbed him completely. It was a

hard time for Giuseppe; the rules

of the house were very rigid, all his

companions were much younger than

him and there was no one to share

mature thoughts with. As a matter of

fact, many of them were looking for a

father figure to turn to for advice and


After taking the temporary vows of

poverty, chastity and obedience in

1953, ‘Brother Ambrosoli’ continued

his theology course in Venegono.

His tutors had a special project in

mind for him. His medical degree was

indeed a blessing for the Comboni

missionaries. Father Alfredo Malandra

was an experienced and resolute

missionary; he had been working in

Uganda for years and had asked for an

additional helping hand in northern

Uganda. They needed a doctor.

Father Giuseppe was a surgeon.

Only three years after the beginning

of the third year of his theology

course, Giuseppe received a letter

from the Father General, of the

Comboni missionaries, informing him

that in a few months, he would be

ordained a priest. It was on the feast

for the Novena of the Immaculate

Conception. Giuseppe dedicated

everything to Mother Mary’s care:

‘May she take my priesthood to heart

and may her teachings and God’s will

turn me into a good priest.” (Call Me

Giuseppe, 2017, 27)

Everything was ready; Father

Giuseppe was ordained a priest in

December 17 th , 1955, at the age

of 32 by the Archbishop of Milan,

Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini-to

faithfully bear witness to Christ and to

demonstrate his adherence to Christ’s

commandment of love through his

life. (Call Me Giuseppe, 2017 9) A few

weeks after, everything was ready for

his journey to Gulu-the first leg of his

trip to Kalongo.

Fr. Giuseppe left his family and a

brilliant career as a doctor to devote

his life to the neediest. He got

to Kalongo’s small dispensary, in

northern Uganda, in 1956, on a ship

called Africa and there, he remained

until the day of his death, in 1987,

at the height of Uganda’s disastrous

civil war. During his thirty years as a

missionary priest, Father Giuseppe,

who is remembered in Uganda as

the ‘Doctor of Christy’ managed

to transform a small dispensary

into a modern and well-equipped

hospital and founded St. Mary’s

Midwifery School, now one of the

best midwifery schools in Uganda.

Faithful to St. Daniel Comboni vision,

he has left for future generations the

best example of how it is possible to

“Save Africa with Africans.” Is this

how it all ended? No. That story of

dedication to helping others and of

And today, this

300-bed hospital

facility provides


to thousands

of children,

women and men,

with unfailing

professional care

and love.

human perseverance continues to

this day, through the Foundation set

up by the family and the Comboni

missionaries, who picked up Father

Guiseppe’s legacy to provide

support and continuity to this miracle

of love. And today, this 300-bed

hospital facility provides treatment

to thousands of children, women and

men, with unfailing professional care

and love. Next to the hospital and the

operating rooms, the school is also in

full operation.

Como, Milan, Kalongo; Thousands

apart, Father Giuseppe and his work

were able to shorten the distances

between the Hospital and the

Foundation, Ugandan doctors, and

Italian volunteers, the need to receive

and the desire to give. “The operating

room had become his sanctuary” as

one of the nuns who collaborated

with him put it.

Father Giuseppe was a ‘martyr’,

namely a ‘witness’ to faith in Christ

and to Christian love, to which he

dedicated his entire life, his thoughts

and his energies. (Call Me Giuseppe,

2017, 12) On August 23 rd , 1952,

during his spiritual training, he

wrote in his personal journal: “we

must remember the imitation of

Christ, that is, that praise doesn’t

add anything to what we are; what

we are, we are. We are no greater

than what God sees in us.” (Call Me

Giuseppe, 2017, 13)

According to Mario Calabresi, (Call

Me Giuseppe, 2017, 8) the life of Fr.

Ambrosoli shows us how courage,

care and volunteer work can give

meaning to life and fill it with hope and

love. It teaches us how to get rid of

regrets, cynicism and indifference -the

greatest diseases of contemporary

society. Father Giuseppe breathed his

last on March 27 from kidney failure.

Fr. Guiseppe Ambrosoli’s beatification

is set for November 2020.

APRIL 2020


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