Camden Lifestyle Magazine Issue 02 "The Outdoors"

Camden Lifestyle is the magazine representing the very heart of South Georgia. There’s no place like Georgia - and together we bring the cities of the Florida/Georgia border to life through Camden Lifestyle. Our mission is to celebrate the outdoor life, from lush lands to gardens, from historical architecture to new developments, the pursuit of adventurous travel, from food and drink to visual splendor.

Camden Lifestyle is the magazine representing the very heart of South Georgia. There’s no place like Georgia - and together we bring the cities of the Florida/Georgia border to life through Camden Lifestyle. Our mission is to celebrate the outdoor life, from lush lands to gardens, from historical architecture to new developments, the pursuit of adventurous travel, from food and drink to visual splendor.


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Written by Brenda Hall

As soon as the very hint of cool weather arrives, we are virtually bombarded

with ads for “cold and flu season”. In place of stocking up on over the counter

“cures” in your cupboard, let’s not just accept the theory that just because the

season changes, you and your family are “doomed” but plan to just strengthen

your immune system, just in case. After all, the fall and winter season

should be a very uplifting and joyous time! Being a researcher, natural product

business owner, natural life consultant and mom to five, and Mimi to 3,

I would love to share what has worked well for us to maintain good health…

any time of year!

Begin including SEEDS daily as snacks or in your family meals. Chia seeds

are a great choice! Coming from Mexico and Gualtamala, these seeds have

been considered a form of great nutrition since 1500 BC. Traditionally,

they have not only been used in meals, but also recorded as very essential in

folk medicine. These jewels are 20 % protein, 25 % fiber, a great combo because

your average person is low in fiber causing many health issues. In our

country right now fiber is far more important than protein for maintaining

good health. The value of chia seeds for all ages is amazing and they contain

a higher content of calcium, magnesium and potassium than milk. (Animal

milk is not a good choice when taking measures to build a healthy immune

system.) I toss chias in salads, cereal, and smoothies! (and I use them in one

of my natural sugar scrubs!) Chia seeds can also be made into a very nutritional

pudding for the kiddos. There are many seeds which will drastically

improve your immune system, choose now to research their abilities and

include them in your life!

Add berries into your regime…even if you have to buy dried or frozen! As I

type this, I am snacking on some dried Goji berries...worth their weight in

gold, why? Goji berries are considered by many as a true superfood for good

reason. Also called “Woolberries”

I hunt for unsweetened types and they are so nutritional and tasty. I spread

mine on rice cakes!

Asians traditionally recognized the benefits of this fruit for whole body

health. Building the immune system, strengthening eyesight, memory, wonderful

skin, and anti-ageing! The polysaccharides which are in the berries

are thought to actually assist and regulate the immune system. They help it

to ward off germs and infection, but also increasing the immune response

to prevent problems such as certain allergies. Studies involving the elderly

showed a strengthening of the immune system with the addition of the

berries in the diet. Goji berries are stacked with Vitamin C and their super

high Vitamin A content insures better skin...what an added benefit! Dried

Goji berries may be snacked on, add to warm and cold cereals or soaked to

add to smoothies and yogurts. Make or grab some Elderberry Syrup and

take a couple spoonfuls daily, the antioxidants are great! I also purchase

homemade berry jellies at our famers’ markets...even though they are a bit

sweetened, ( you will get far less sugar than processed canned jellies at the

grocery stores, by far! )

Welcome some aromatherapy into your lifestyle! Through candles,

diffusers, oil burners,or a small crockpot use essential oils to kill germs

and boost your immune system! Yep, folks, it’s science. Aromatherapy

through breathing in the essential oil molecules or by massage is one of

the best (and great smelling) means to keep your home cleansed from

yechy microbes that can decrease your immune system and make you

“sick”. On the other hand, chemical fragrances may cause upper respiratory

issues disguising themselves as bad headaches, sinus difficulties,

bronchitis, and other health issues…toss them out! A nice and

affordable recipe for your home diffuser is 4 drops lemon essential oil,

4 drops lavender essential oil, and 2 drops peppermint oil. Many folk

consider Sage burning within the home as witchcraft or some Spiritual

procedure when in fact, burning this lovely will indeed kill germs and

odors. Both white and blue sage are used by many as well as essential

oils to kill airborne creepies in your home when someone had been ill,

etc. Again, this is simple science and proven effective!

Deep Breathing with exercise is essential for a healthy immune system

so…even in cold weather (and you will burn more calories than in

warm weather) get up and get out! You need the negative ions outside,

the oxygenating of your blood stream through deep breathing, and the

movement for preventing osteoporosis, preventing heart disease, and

even some types of cancer. Even only 20 minutes of constant movement

such as walking the dog, will build your immune system and

could cut your chance of cardiovascular disease by up to forty percent!

When you or a family member is sick, get them outside! Even in the

winter, essential vitamin D can be obtained. Stress pulls your immune

system down dramatically whereas exercise and deep breathing will

help eliminate some of that stress. After the exercise, enjoy a very long,

warm, bath. Our culture is so busy that folks, especially men, will not

soak. Soaking promotes circulation and good circulation maintains

and regulates the vital organs. A warm bath preferably with Epsom

salts, massaging the soles of your feet which will help all muscles

and aches could make a world of difference in your mood, sleep, and

health overall.

Purpose now, to guard your sleep. I may have listed this last, but restful

sleep is the number one factor to maintain a strong immune systems.

Folks, this means, no electronics and social media about one

and a half hours before bed. Bathe or read a book (not on electronic

devices) to decompress some. Your body does most of its regenerating

and repair work at night and especially between the hours of eleven

to three a.m. Your room should be dark and cool. I use a fan but some

may use the white noise apps and machines to drown out any outside

noises. Many chronic illnesses could be reversed with proper diet and

proper sleep entirely. Eating before bed may disrupt sleep because

of the digestive process and eating a starch combined with a fat will

definitely do so, and add weight! Strive to get 7 to 8 hours sleep and

you will have more energy and mental clarity during the day. Sleep,

once again, is essential to a good functioning immune system. Your

body must have consistency in its sleep pattern and if you have children,

this will really help them stay well and be able to resist catching

illnesses from those they are around.

Above all, from life experience, 36 years of marriage and parenting, a

person’s food habits will either help you stay well or hinder your good

health. Eat as many plant based foods as possible in your diet and far

less processed empty type foods. Include lots of homemade vegetable

soups including LOTS of garlic and onions! Put on some old comedy

shows and laugh a lot...it’s great for your health!

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