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my name is

joseph oliver crackett

i am a photographer

a artist manager

a barista

a son

a friend

to some

maybe many

i come from a supportive family

a family of plenty

theirs 6 of us

all boys

5 straight

1 gay


i enjoy my alone time

i enjoy creating

i enjoy my imagination

almost too much

a lot of my work

is behind the scenes

my expression of art

is based on capturing moments

of what i see

someone to be

its my comfort

i’m safe in this zone

but under this blanket

are feelings of my own

some come by


some never go

when i create

they come to the surface

if i ponder

my creations

they become


to me, anyways

i started writing down my thoughts

in the form of poems

whether they are or not

i dunno

i just see how they go

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