CIA-Lagos 2020+ Beyond COVID-19 Interim Review 02 & Talk by Fola Laoye

The pace quickens. Cells continue to propagate, albeit at different rates. Catch up on the latest trajectories and mutations.

The pace quickens. Cells continue to propagate, albeit at different rates. Catch up on the latest trajectories and mutations.


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Seventeen concerned


C u l t u r a l I n t e l l e c t u a l A s s o c i a t i o n

L a g o s

citizens in teleconference.

Fola Laoye of YPO narrates

the process & the resolute

will shown by all to suppress

COVID-19. An incredible

example of WE CAN!


YPO pillars: life long & community leaders; diverse

nationals; 160 strong in Lagos inc. spouses; initial idea

proposed by non-medics; importation of tent enclosure not

possible; local solution sought; rapid response form

technical team; extreme volunteers that went beyond the

call of duty; immediate supplies often in excess of

requirements; incredible goodwill;unable to use existing

hospitals or Landmark Centre hence Landmark tent was

deployed; bio-safety; red zone; green zone; protection

zone; patient welfare; HEFAMAA; LASEMA; PPE changing

rooms; N500m worth of goodwill, 3 months working capital

set aside; isolation wards should be standard in

hospitals;the work continues....

CIA-Lagos Listening Session 02: Fola Laoye 02 May 2020

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