Coweta Game Day February 2020

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The Importance of Good


for Young


By Bryon Blandlin


Millions of youth today participate

in some type of sporting event.

Whether it is football, swimming,

soccer, dance, ice hockey or

any other sport, very often

the importance of nutrition is

overlooked by both coaches and

parents. Good nutrition along

with adequate hydration and

proper vitamins and minerals

are essential for maximum

athletic performance. If these

are overlooked, the result can be

under performance or even more

critical is the increase in injury

and risk of dehydration. Sports

nutritionists stress the connection

between how young athletes play

and what they eat. By building

healthy eating habits, athletes

will be able to not only play to the

best of their ability, but also carry

over healthy eating habits later in

life. Young athletes are often told

that proper nutrition is like fueling

your car. In order to keep the

engine running you need to give

it gas. You wouldn’t add useless

or harmful ingredients to the gas

or your car wouldn’t run. When

sugary, fatty and processed

foods are added to your body,

your engines will simply not

run at their capacity. Parents

who are looking to help their

young athletes to improve their

performance should follow these

great tips.

1. Make sure you child eats a healthy

breakfast packed with eggs, cheese,

lean meats and whole grains. Whole

fruits are also a good choice. Stay

away from sugary cereals, pop tarts,

donuts, muffins, etc that provide no

nutritional value.

2. Increase your child’s water intake.

Proper hydration is essential for

athletic performance. Stay away

from sugary drinks including fruit

drinks, sugary sports drinks, soft

drinks, etc.

3. Eliminate Processed Foods. This

includes your stops at fast food

restaurants. Prepare fresh meals

that focus on whole foods including

fruits and vegetables.

4. Eliminate unhealthy snacks. Stop

serving chips, candy, cupcakes

and other sugary, processed snack

foods. Replace them with cut up

fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds,

yogurt or other healthy snacks.

5. Don’t buy foods your young athlete

shouldn’t eat. Bringing junk into

the home is a sure way to mess

up an athletic healthy eating plan.

Leave the junk on the shelf at the


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