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Pastor Choice Hills


H I L L S ?

Choice Ruvimbo Hills is a wife to

Brighton Hills; a mother; a

daughter to John and Widi Bota

and a sister to four brothers. The

only girl in the family. In 2013 I

became a wife to my husband, an

Apostle at Word Ministries

(formerly known as Grace

International Ministries). That is

where my journey in ministry

started, as a co-pastor to my

Husband. However, Isaiah 60:4

says, lift up thine eyes round about,

and see: all they gather themselves

together, they come to thee: thy

sons shall come from far, and thy

daughters shall be nursed at thy

side. The daughters of God have

unique challenges and need to be

nursed in order to get on their feet

and inspire others. So this came as

another dimension of my calling, to

nurse the great physician's patients

by my side in word as well as

sharing the spirit. Therefore, I am a

preacher of the gospel and a

marriage counselor.

When I was a bit older, my mother

told me that she gave birth to me at

a Catholic clinic called St Clements

nursing home in Harare Zimbabwe.

In the agony of her labour pains as

the young mother then, she felt like

giving up. At the time she had her

own marital issues and pains she

was discovering. When the scan

showed that it would be a girl, the

pain took a greater emotional

twist. She couldn't imagine her

little girl growing up, and maybe

fall into life's ugly marital

predicaments. God sent a Catholic

nun who worked at the facility,

as Jesus when He wanted to give

up in Gethsemane was comforted

by an angel. This sister, her name

still unknown came and

encouraged her to push and give

birth. She encouraged her that a

girl child is loved by God and would

be like her, a nun, and if God

permits minister in God's service.

In my family my mom was the God

inspiration. My father is not a

believer. She was raised in AFM

and so we all got our spiritual

foundation there.

I attended AFM mission school

Rufaro High. That is where my

spiritual life had a great shift. It is

where I had an encounter with

God, and my personal relationship

with Him began.

Growing up among boys, I was very

competitive and always took

challenges. I wasn't afraid to take

the difficult subjects. I was used to

boys at home and always wanted to

challenge them and become better

than them. It wasn't hard for me

because intellectually I was bright

and thought that excelling was

evidence that I’d be a future

doctor, yet God had His own plan.

I met with fire branded students

and quickly joined the Scripture

Union Group, their zeal awakened

something I didn't know I had

inside of me. My SU teacher shaped

me into a responsible leader, so I

learnt humility to serve. I started

having prophetic dreams, Christ

drawing me into service.

When I met my husband, he was

still in Bible School training.

Accepting his proposal meant

accepting his calling. I was a very

logical person growing up, anything

that didn't add up to me was a total

turn off. That is when I knew that I

received a touch of God, because

after I met him, that strong edge of

control and logic was washed away

with peace.

I grew up in a society where I saw a

lot of women suffering from

identity crisis and very low selfesteem,

and that bothered me. The

marriages that I saw stirred zeal in

me to study the word of God, and I

discovered that there was more to

marriage and more to enjoying


Growing up as the only girl in the

family, I believe there was always a

unique way the Lord wired me

which made me feel for a girl child

and women. I desired for them to

live in freedom of the Holy spirit

and stand for themselves, not

vulnerable but well able. If a

woman was created a helper, I

discovered that there was a device

which the devil has been using to

keep women in unnecessary

anxiety, to waste their time

battling for equal rights ignorantly.

Not knowing that they were

created helpers, better than the

one who needs help. So a woman

can be better than a man, not in an

arrogant way but in God's way if

she has the right tools to let the

God given potential out.

16| EQUIPPING OF THE SAINTS exoduscm | may 2020

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