2020-21 Academic Bulletin fall

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Media Arts I: Media Arts is an introductory course in basic design principles and how they are applied to

the world of digital design. From postage stamps to giant billboards, photography to fabric, digital design

permeates our environment. Understanding how to apply basic design concepts to the presentation of

informative, persuasive and dynamic material is crucial to communicating with an audience. The main

emphasis of this course will be the skillful combining of images and text to solve visual problems.

Typography, image, space, color and form will be integrated as the year progresses. Students will learn

about digital illustration, painting and multi-media solutions through lectures, demonstrations and hands

on experiences. Students will be introduced to Adobe Creative Suite that includes Photoshop, Illustrator

and InDesign. 1 credit

Advanced Video Editing: Learn advanced video editing techniques including graphic animation, editing

with proxies, editing multiple cameras simultaneously, tracking and rotoscoping masks, creating a nested

sequence, using Audition to enhance your audio, appropriate editing to music and much more. You must

have a solid foundation in Adobe Premiere. (Permission of instructor required). 1 credit

Video Editing: This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of nonlinear video editing. The student

will gain an understanding of video formats and concepts of video and audio compression used in

recording, editing, and for final display. Cutting techniques will be explored including concepts of

continuity, frame matching, using varying angles effectively, editing multi camera footage, techniques to

avoid jump cuts and the use of parallel action. An introduction to sound editing will include fundamentals

of mixing for film, Foley effects and processing audio to enhance the audience experience. Students will

use the following software in this course: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Aftereffects, Adobe Audition,

Adobe Photo Shop and Adobe Media Encoder. 1 credit


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