2020-21 Academic Bulletin fall

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Solebury teachers have a great deal of freedom in designing their courses and establishing classroom

policies. Some teachers, for example, routinely allow extra time for tests, others only by special

arrangement. Some teachers often give open-book tests; others never do. Although many non-LSP

teachers are experienced at tailoring lessons to individual learning styles, not all non-LSP teachers have

this expertise. Therefore, when accommodations are needed, the Learning Skills (LS) teacher is the

primary advocate on campus. The LS teacher will make arrangements with the student’s other teachers to

ensure the student has the maximum chance of acquiring the skills and knowledge taught in those classes.

Accommodations will vary on a case-by-case basis, and all accommodations need to be arranged in

advance. Although LS teachers act as advocates, a key goal of the LSP is to teach students to advocate

for themselves, as they will need to do in college. Other students with diagnosed learning differences, or

their parents, may request that the Director of the LSP serve as the student’s advocate. Below is a list of

the sorts of accommodations that can be requested and will be considered, if appropriate for the individual

and if arranged in advance.


Textbooks on tape

Extended (but not unlimited) time for tests

Permission to copy another student’s class notes or, if available, the teacher’s notes

Note-taking accommodation to use technology (SmartPen, Sonocent)

Permission to use a laptop computer or other electronic aid in class

Use of a word processor for tests and quizzes

Test directions (or whole tests) read aloud

Permission to take tests in a more distraction-free environment

Homework assignment book checks

Frequent reminders of deadlines

Extra advance notice of written assignments

Reasonable extensions of deadlines if requested in advance

Preferential classroom seating

Conferences with teachers as appropriate

Regular telephone or e-mail reports to parents by advisors and/or LS teachers

Duplicate texts (available for purchase in the bookstore)

However, it is important to let families know that some accommodations will not be possible, either

because we are such a small school or because we feel they could not be implemented without

compromising standards. Below is a partial list:


Texts of a reading-level or difficulty lower than those used by the class

Shorter assignments than those for other students in the class

Versions in writing of classroom activities

Adaptive testing that avoids course requirements or skills taught in the course

Use of electronic aids when test security would be compromised

(e.g., spell checker in spelling test)

Grades based primarily on effort or improvement rather than achievement

Exemption from major course requirements, including homework and class attendance

Formal written reports to parents beyond those provided for all students


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