Senior Edition of The Brave Reader

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Most memorable quote:

“"We have birthed a new" - Brady Johnston” - Hailey L.

“"We have birthed a new" - Brady Johnston” - Caitlyn C.

"I have birthed a new" - Myself -Brady J

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” -Tommy

"What if I get second hand crack!" -Jarron Vinger” - Taylar S.

“All my love quotes are about you.” - Adam M.

“Figger it oot.” - Brady W.

"I'm gonna do whatever I want. -Tristen Gilbertson” - Luke K.

“The roof is the ceiling.”- Kolton W.

“We are birthing a new.” ~Brady J.- Abby R.

“Whatever you do, wherever you go. Make a difference.” - Tristen G.

“The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a

lesson and then given a test. In life you are given a test that

teaches you a lesson-Tom Bodet” - Emery R.

“Freaking Jeremy, Oh MY JEREMY, You Have got to Be freaking

jingling me” - Jarron V.

“"We have birthed anew." - Brady Johnston” - Zach M.

“God is greater than the highs and lows.” - Mckenzie R.

“Basically anything Hodge said to me.” - Dakota K.

“You miss 100% of the shots you don't take- MJ” - Justan E.

"You're giving me amnesia"- Jarron Vinger- Katrina S.

“Just gonna send it”- Ashley K.

"We have Birthed anew," and "I can do what I want." - Lizzy H.

“Winners are not people who never fail but people who never

guilt” - McKenzie S.

"Hip Hip Hooray" -State Champion Softball Team 2019.” -

Mackenzie S.

“Cody, put that down” - Cody L.


Cool, but wasn't. Looking back,

what seemed cool at the time, but


Trends come and go, to the seniors these trends were ones they wished

they didn’t know.

By Allie

“Having feathers in the hair.” - Hailey L.

“Putting feathers in our hair” - Caitlyn C.

“Cussing.” - Brady J.

“Pokemon cards” - Tommy L.

“Wearing my hair in a bun everyday.” - Taylar S.

“When I broke my arm before summer. Everyone was asking me

what happened and I thought it was cool but wasn't because I

couldn't do anything, no swimming and playing games and sports at

all.” - Adam M.

“Swearing.” - Brady W.

“The really dumb quotes we said Freshman and Sophomore year.” -

Luke K.

“Fidget spinners”- Kolton W.

“Leggings underneath shorts”- Abby R.

“Wearing socks up to your knees” - Tristen G.

“Eating tide pods” - Emery R.

“The Dab or rolled pants” - Jarron V.

“Fidget Spinners” - Zach M.

“Fidget spinners.” - Mckenzie R.

“No Idea.” - Dakota K.

“Musicals and plays” - Justan E.

“Being the popular kid. You thought it was the big thing back then

and today you realize that popular kids want only one thing to make

others feel bad about themselves so that they can feel better!”-

Katrina S.

“Feather in the hair”- Ashley K.

“Crop tops and camis” - Lizzy H.

“Fidgety spinners” - McKenzie S.

“Jean shorts with leggings underneath.” - Mackenzie S.

“Screaming YEET down the halls” - Cody L.

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