Senior Edition of The Brave Reader

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“My great host family I spent almost the whole school year in and

our trips. My new friends I spent a lot of time and made awesome

memories with. Cool and kind teachers and their help with

everything.” - Adam M.

“Friends.” - Brady W.

“The people.” - Luke K.

“Sports with friends.”- Kolton W.

“The connections you make with people throughout those 4

years.”- Abby R.

“Friends” - Tristen G.

“The people.” - Emery R.

“All of the people I get to talk to everyday.” - Jarron V.

“The amazing support from the school and community.” - Zach M.

“The teachers and the closeness. Plus the feeling of safety and

being able to talk to anyone about anything.” - Mckenzie R.

“Sports” - Dakota K.

“Hanging out with friends and sports.” - Justan E.

“Everything, especially Mr.Crase and how he was always there for

me and picked on me.”- Katrina S.

“My teachers and friends.”- Ashley K.

“I will miss the people: my peers, teachers, and community.” -Lizzy


“Everyone and the motivation!” - McKenzie S.

“My friends and a select few teachers.” - Mackenzie S.

“Mrs Kletecka and sports” - Cody L.

Most awkward moment?

Highschool can be awkward sometimes.

by Luke Kamps

“8th grade spring pictures after I ran into a fence post with my bike”

- Hailey L.

“Tripping over every line in volleyball practice” - Caitlyn C.

“My entire high school career” - Taylar S.

“Singing in the musicals.” - Brady J.

“Anytime the teacher is yelling at the class.” - Tommy L.

“We as exchange students had a meeting in a park and each of us

had to stand up and said something about ourselves” - Adam M.

“When you fart in the middle of class.” - Brady W.

“Everytime you get called on to read to the whole class.” - Luke K.

“When Jarron was goofing around in basketball practice”- Kolton W.

“Calling a teacher mom or dad haha.”- Abby R.

“Tripped on an invisible wire in the hallway” - Tristen G.

“Just the question gives me nightmares” - Emery R.

“Getting in trouble” - Jarron V.

“Every Football, Baseball, and Basketball Game I played... I really just

didn’t know what I was doing.” - Zach M.

“I remember when I really liked Brady J and so did Lili. Well I told

Mackenzie and she told him. I broke down in the hallway and

embarrassed myself so badly.” - Mckenzie R.

“No Idea.” - Dakota K.

“Sophomore year basketball. We showed up really late and had

everyone waiting for us. “ - Justan E.

“Getting sick in Ms. Rand’s class.”- Katrina S.

“Having a one on one talk with Seabrooke”- Ashley K.

“Un-asking someone to prom.” - Lizzy H.

“Secret!” - McKenzie S.

“Freshman year skit for stunt night.” - Mackenzie S.

“Accidentally went in the boys locker room when the girls were in

there before the volleyball game” - Cody L.

What was your favorite year in

school and why?

Everyone has that one year that stands out just a little more than the

others. It may be from a class trip, sports, or even having a good year.

by Hailey Jentz

“Junior year” - Hailey L.

“Junior year because we went to state in softball” - Caitlyn C.

“Junior year; I stopped caring which made life so much more fun.” -

Taylar S.

“Senior year; I knew I was almost done with high school.” - Brady J.

“Senior year, because it was such a fun year. Unfortunately we

weren't able to do much for the end of the school year, but senior

year was pretty fun.” - Tommy L.

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