Senior Edition of The Brave Reader

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Dream Career

As the seniors move on to their next chapter in life we wish them the

best of luck with their career. Here are the senior’s ideal careers.

by Allie

“Large Animal Veterinarian” - Hailey L.

“Stay at home mom” - Caitlyn C.

“Owning my own clinic where I help children with mental illnesses.”

- Taylar S.

“Olympian” - Brady J.

“Something that has to do with IT” -Tommy L.

“Do what makes me happy and I like working with my dad in his

company.” - Adam M.

“Self Sustaining Farmer.” - Brady W.

“Electrician.” - Luke K.

“I have no idea”- Kolton W.

“Elementary teacher”- Abby R.

“Own my own business” - Tristen G.

“Retirement” - Emery R.

“Pilot” - Jarron V.

“Running my own small town business.” - Zach M.

“Math Teacher” - Mckenzie R.

“Carpenter” - Dakota K.


“Don't think I had one.” -Brady J

“No one.” -Tommy

“Klaudia Koberova” - Adam M.

“Sadie W.” - Brady W.

“Didn't have one.” - Luke K.

“Taylor F”- Kolton W.

“Simon Rossard”- Abby R.

“Taylor Foecking” - Tristen G.

“Did not have one” - Emery R.

“Ashlyn Austin” - Jarron V.

“Brittany Wedig” - Zach M.

“Jacob Amenda” - Mckenzie R.

“None” - Dakota K.

“??” - Justan E.

“I didn't really have one”- Katrina S.

“Logan Voigts”- Ashley K.

“......” -Lizzy H.

“Ethan” -McKenzie S.

“Dawson Howell.” - Mackenzie S.

“Bri Ernst” - Cody L.

“Electrician” - Justan E.

“Being an Astronaut or a spotter for NASCAR”- Katrina S.

“Child Care”- Ashley K.

“Singing on Broadway” - Lizzy H.

Cosmetologist” - McKenzie S.

“Bank Manager.” - Mackenzie S.

“Grain Farmer” - Cody L.

Who was your biggest

upperclassmen crush?

“Kyle Vanbogart” - Hailey L.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how hard

will it be to leave Belmont?

Throughout all the years of attending Belmont School,

some seniors can’t wait to leave. Others, on the other hand,

can’t bear to leave. From a 2 to a 10, here are the seniors'


by Hailey Jentz

“8” - Hailey L. “8” - Caitlyn C. “2” - Taylar S. "2" -Brady J

"10" -Tommy “7” - Adam M. “7” - Brady W. “8” - Luke K.

“8”- Kolton W. “9”- Abby R. “7” - Tristen G. “5” - Emery R.

“8” - Jarron V. “10” - Zach M. “10” - Mckenzie R.

“2” - Dakota K. “6” - Justan E. “5”- Katrina S.

“8”- Ashley K. “5” - Lizzy H. “4” - McKenzie S.

“10” - Mackenzie S. “8” - Cody L.

“Kyle Vanbogart” - Caitlyn C.

“Colin Austin” - Taylar S.

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