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Most adults find themselves living a life of routine — dayto-day<br />

and month-to-month, broken only by the change<br />

of seasons.<br />

We do the same things repeatedly, watching as they quickly<br />

become habits. We continue to repeat those routines, because it’s<br />

what we’ve always done. This works for a period of time. We are<br />

happy without the extra pressure of having to think about where<br />

we’re going, or what we’re doing each day. It is less stressful, for<br />

some, when you know exactly what’s next. And you can plan<br />

your life around that.<br />

But what happens when you’re forced to step back — to pause<br />

and see the routine for what feels like the first time, even though<br />

you’ve been living it and consumed by it daily for years?<br />

In the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been given a beautiful<br />

moment to pause, breathe and to earnestly reflect on who we<br />

are, who we want to be, what we want to contribute to the<br />

world, where we spend our money and, most importantly, how<br />

we spend our time.<br />

Remember when you were a child, and you could spend hours<br />

without a care in the world? In hindsight, it seems we went<br />

around in states of utter joy and simple bliss. Do you remember<br />

what you were doing? Do you remember the imagination and<br />

the innovation you had to create something out of nothing and<br />

get so lost in your own thoughts and play that you lost track of<br />

time?<br />

Do you still do those things, or have you lost sight of what used<br />

to fill your days? When was the last time you simply sat with<br />

your thoughts, with no distractions or entertainment?<br />

Now, as adults, we often spend time watching television or<br />

scrolling through social media feeds. We can tell ourselves it’s to<br />

relax from a long day, to unwind, to take our mind off things or<br />

to zone out. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good movie, or new<br />

series on Netflix — there is nothing wrong with it once in a<br />

while!<br />

But there is a difference between zoning out to numb versus to<br />

nourish. Zoning out to numb your thoughts is to get into a state<br />

of distraction to avoid thinking about the things around you<br />

and to avoid any stress or uncomfortable feelings.<br />

Zoning out to nourish your thoughts is to get into a state of<br />

distraction to move through and process your emotions — to<br />

educate yourself, expand your mind and allow yourself to feel<br />

the emotions of the day.<br />

As adults, we often zone out because we’ve become so busy with<br />

our day-to-day routine, that we rarely question if we are actually<br />

enjoying it. We don’t step back and evaluate what’s working and<br />

what’s not. We don’t take time to see what’s draining us or what’s<br />

bringing us joy. We just move on repeat, checking things off the<br />

to-do list.<br />

When we feel unsettled, or dissatisfied in some aspect of<br />

our lives, it’s easier to zone out to numb than to actually<br />

acknowledge where something might be out of balance. If the<br />

routine has been zoning out to forget about the day, or to pass<br />

the time, then it can be hard to break that. It can be intense<br />

emotional work, and slightly daunting if it’s been a while since<br />

you have let your mind wander. But as a child, you did it<br />

effortlessly.<br />

You spent hours playing make believe, you played outside,<br />

or you got your hands messy. You cried when you needed to<br />

cry, you yelled when you needed to yell, you laughed without<br />

looking to see if other people were laughing too. You danced<br />

when you felt like dancing and you sang when your favourite<br />

song came on. It was so easy then.<br />

This was before society told us what we should and shouldn’t<br />

do — how we should and shouldn’t react. The truth is, though,<br />

you still know what you need to thrive. Your inner child knows<br />

what makes your heart sing, and they know what brings you joy!<br />

It’s easier than you might think to re-connect to this version of<br />

yourself!<br />

Time is the only currency<br />

that truly matters, so spend<br />

your time in a way that<br />

brings you joy.

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