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session - EC GI & GIS Portal


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Swedish preparations for INSPIRE<br />

S. Jönsson, U. Sandgren<br />

Lantmäteriet, Gävle, Sweden<br />

This paper summarises the Swedish preparations for the foreseen implementation of the proposed INSPIRE<br />

directive.The general situation on spatial information in Europe is characterised by lack of harmonisation<br />

between datasets at different scales and with different data themes, duplication of collection and maintenance<br />

of data, and difficulties to identify, access and use data that is available. Therefore, Lantmäteriet – the National<br />

Land Survey of Sweden – supported by the Government has taken an active part in activities aiming to<br />

overcome these problems and create interoperability between data within Sweden as well as cross-boarder.<br />

Lantmäteriet has an active role in the European and international standardisation of geographic information<br />

and in EuroGeographics activities aiming to support interoperability and easy access to national maintained<br />

databases. We are also leading or participating in different projects aiming to harmonise and make available<br />

information easier to access, e.g. EULIS, EuroRoadS and RISE.<br />

Also the handling in Sweden of geographic and cadastral information has been changed during the last years<br />

based on an SDI approach. Instead of being a “map factory” Lantmäteriet has developed as the national<br />

coordinator of SDI and the guiding principles for this development are, in fact, the same as the basic principles<br />

for INSPIRE. This means that standards and processes are developed to make it possible to collect and<br />

maintain data at the level where this can be done most effectively, to share data between different<br />

administrative levels and to combine data from different sources.<br />

Saying that, it has been logically to give a general support to the INSPIRE initiative. A legal framework will<br />

support a coordinated approach and be of advantage for more efficient governance, lead to better services to<br />

citizen and support market development. In the long run cost savings in production and maintenance of data<br />

will be achievable, while the costs (or the financing of costs) for the transition from today’s situation might be<br />

a problem. Another advantage with the initiative is that geographic information has been placed on the<br />

political agenda. We who are active in this sector have a good opportunity to show the benefits from efficient<br />

handling of geographic information and <strong>GI</strong>S tools.<br />

Swedish preparations<br />

A number of activities have been carried out in order to prepare Swedish standpoints during the negotiation<br />

process as well as to prepare for the implementation of the proposed Directive.<br />

A reference group was established to support the Swedish participants in the INSPIRE Expert group in order to<br />

widen the discussions to a larger group representing data producers and data users as well as researchers. This<br />

has given the representatives in the Expert group a clearer and better defined mandate as they – as far as<br />

possible – can speak for common Swedish interests. However, during the active phase of negotiations the<br />

timetable made it impossible to send documents to the reference group for review, why the Swedish positions<br />

only could be sent for comments to concerned ministries.<br />

Sweden also had a full and active representation in the working groups, which prepared different matters<br />

before the Commission presented the first proposal on the Directive. These groups looked into technical as<br />

well as organisational, financial and administrative issues. The outcome was position papers on Implementing<br />

structures and funding, Reference data and metadata, Data policy and legal issues, and Environment thematic<br />

user needs.<br />

In 2005 Government presented a bill to Parliament on priorities within information technology developments.<br />

This bill included proposals on how to organise and coordinate the future development of the Swedish SDI,<br />

including the foreseen handling of issues raised by INSPIRE. This bill has later on been approved by<br />

Parliament. The decision includes a stronger coordination role for Lantmäteriet and the setting up of a National<br />

Advisory Board on Geographic information. This Advisory board will handle strategic issues on the national,<br />

European and international level and coordinate development of standards and specifications, metadata and<br />

metadata services, services for data access, policies for data use, etc.<br />

In the letter of regulation Government commissioned Lantmäteriet in December 2004 to work out a report<br />

describing effects from the proposed Directive and actions needed in order to prepare the implementation.<br />

After consultation with a number of authorities and other interested bodies Lantmäteriet presented this report<br />


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