Everyday Heroes 2020

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Born and raised in Warner Robins, Georgia, Tony Graham hasn’t left

his beloved hometown.

Playing sports and being outdoors is what Graham lived for growing

up. Whether it was football, baseball, golf, hunting or fishing; it was

about all he did.

After graduating from Houston County High School, Graham first

picked up a career as a welder, but it didn’t last.

“I was welding at this shop and kind of realized I wasn’t going to

make the kind of career I wanted out of it, and be able to stay

home,” said Graham. “So, one of the guys I worked with brought up

(working as an electrical lineman); I didn’t know anything about it

at that time, but I started looking into it and got interested. I looked

more into it and decided to leave my welding job and go to school

to be a lineman.”

To make the transition, Graham went out on a limb by completely

leaving his welding job to enroll into lineman class. The classes he

took were full time, eight hours a day, every day, for eight weeks,

and the classes were not even required in order to become a

lineman. Graham took it upon himself to take the classes and learn

about the job.

Being a pedestrian, watching linemen casually work elevated high in

a bucket, it seems like they simply fix what’s wrong, but it’s not as

simple as they can make it seem. The job can be demanding, risky

and tough to endure. So, having knowledge of the job made it much

easier for Graham.

After completing his courses, Graham was employed as a lineman.

He’s coming up on his fourth year working at Flint Energies and has

been a lineman for seven


Once Graham worked on

calls, he realized his knowledge

wasn’t as important

as the teamwork it took to

complete a job. With his

sports playing background,

being a team player is second

nature to Graham.

“When you’re up in the

bucket or dealing with

any hot wiring, you have

someone else up there

working with you too,” said

Graham. “The decision you

make might not only affect

you, but it might affect him

too. So, you have to pay

attention to what they’re

doing and let them know

what you’re going to do.”

While in the bucket,

Graham is also exposed to

the elements, and weather

conditions can change the difficulty of a job significantly. His most

memorable call was repairing lines after an ice storm hit Oklahoma.

“We went out to Oklahoma, worked a big ice storm and kind of

worked our way back home,” Graham remembered. “We were

gone for a couple of weeks, met a lot of people and saw a whole

different part of the country. They had a big ice storm there and

had some tornadoes on top of that, so they had a lot of damage.”

Working as a team under harsh and potentially dangerous circumstances

builds camaraderie. For Graham, his favorite part of the job

are the bonds he’s built with coworkers.

“My favorite part hands down is the camaraderie between all the

guys I work with,” said Graham. “I see them more than I see my

family. We can joke, cut up and still do our job; that’s definitely my

favorite part.”

While fixing a line is a very risky job, workers like Graham are

generally in a completely safe environment when everything is

done correctly. The number one risk is getting shocked by the high

voltage, but Graham will tell you he’s “100% safe” while working.

Graham’s assignments aren’t just fixing the big power lines though.

Linemen can vary from changing out a pole, to giving new service

to a new house, or rebuilding a whole sectional line; those are just

a few of many tasks Graham must be ready for everyday.

Come October of 2020, Graham will be employed at Flint for four

years, and his apprenticeship will be completed. Graham will soon

get the official lineman title at Flint and plans to keep moving up.

After two more years of being a lineman at Flint, Graham can test

to become a journeyman, the highest rank of a lineman. Next step

is crew leader or service lineman, if everything permits.


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