Final_Booklet 2

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I loved my time in year 6. It is the experience that I will always remember.

My friends, my teachers, I wish that all of them come to my class in years 7, 8,

9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. But most of all I will remember my teachers.

Shreshth Dadhich

My experience in year 6 was out of the world! I met so many

people I will forever remember and who are now my best

friends. Being extrovert that I am, I had a mission to make

sure I found the best friends I could find and, if you’re one of

my younger audience, I want to say you should take your

time finding your friends, cause your time in year 6 will fly

by. I came to year 6 expecting a lot: new lockers, new people,

new teachers, but what I realised is that there’s no time to

worry about change cause in that time you should be getting

ready for it. We are all going to grow up eventually whether

we like it or not, so it’s our job to take the time we have and

make sure we do what our heart desires. I never thought I

could be a musician, never thought I had enough bravery to

get on a stage and rap in front of my whole Key Stage, but

as soon as I got on that stage I realised something - life is a

roller coaster and it’s my job to choose whether I’m going to

sit and grab on for my life or to put your hands up and have

the best life you can. And we all are going to go through that

moment in life. In conclusion, I have had many ups and

downs, time when I cried, time when I laughed, but most

importantly time when I learnt and at the end of the day

that’s what we all came to do!

Simon Mupambo

All my other 5 years of schooling had a normal learning

experience. However, this was the only one which was

different from the other 5 years, because this year I got to

learn through remote learning. I enjoyed MS Teams, Miro

and My On. But at the same time, I terribly missed my

normal school classes, my PE lessons, my class fellows and


In conclusion, this whole year was weird, sad, unusual, but

educational, and it was a fun experience also. I hope that the

Coronavirus comes to an end soon and everything comes

back to normal. I love everyone in the school, and I hope

everyone is all right. I wish I can see you all in the school

really soon!

Zayyan Farooqi

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