Annual Report StreetwiZe • Mobile School 2019

Enjoy our annual report and read about our realisations with StreetwiZe, Mobile School and StreetSmart.

Enjoy our annual report and read about our realisations with StreetwiZe, Mobile School and StreetSmart.


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agfa • trainee programme

18/06/2019 • 10/03/2020

Lore De Muynck

employees from AGFA

Mortsel & Ghent / Belgium

In recent months, through CEVORA, AGFA has

offered its employees all the standard StreetwiZe

workshops, both at the Mortsel site and

in Ghent.

A branch of AGFA was in a takeover process

(which has since been completed) and through

workshops such as Positive Focus, Resilience &

Agility, Connect and Proactive Creativity, the

company wanted to give their employees the

opportunity to prepare for this.

All employees were given the opportunity to

get to know our programs through a monthly

workshop. The learning and development

manager also attended all sessions in order to

gain insight into what we have to offer and to

decide how we can further expand our cooperation.

Even though the site in Mortsel has

many more employees, the number of participants

was lower than in Ghent, where a workshop

had an average of twelve participants.

personal questions; how they have to, and can,

align themselves more with their audience and

target group; Positive Focus is a mindset they

can learn and how surprising it is that there can

actually be a balance between cooperation and

competition. At the end of 2019, the Ghent department

decided to support our organisation

in the context of the Warmest Week with no less

than 570 euros.


Stimulate connection

Different teams participated at Cooperative Competition workshop

Since the learning & development manager

9 employees participated in at least 5 of the 8 workshops

was enthusiastic about our interventions, we

looked together at how we could continue

Stimulate self leadership: what can I do?

to work in the future. A number of lessons

learned from the participants are: through

Strengthen business with both streetskills and techniques

Pitching they can vigorously defend / transfer

their case in a limited time; from the Connect

workshop how to get into deeper contact with

82 a colleague more quickly by daring to ask


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