Annual Report MobileSchool.org 2020

Enjoy our annual report and read about our realisations with MobileSchool.org, StreetwiZe, and StreetSmart.

Enjoy our annual report and read about our realisations with MobileSchool.org, StreetwiZe, and StreetSmart.


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Arnoud Raskin

2020 started very promising.

StreetSmart planned to start up 5 new ‘Wheels projects’ (mobile schools) in Georgia, Poland, Turkey, Uganda and Sri Lanka. Logistics and trainings were planned, our partners ready to hit the streets and reach out to the street connected

children and youth. The first new project started up early 2020 in Sri Lanka. Meanwhile we received the fantastic news that Google.org decided to invest in our case and impact measurement technology: StreetSmart_Impact.

We geared up, concretized the partnership with our developer Halcyon Mobile and started building the apps, databases and websites. We aimed to bring the product to market at the end of 2020.

Backed by Erasmus+ we started researching and preparing the design of StreetSmart_Learn, an online and app-based learning platform where youth workers can find training and inspiration. This product is part of our strategy to

start sharing and offering all our content, materials and know-how with the world.

Previously this was only accessible for the Wheels partners while receiving the mobile school carts, printed games and face to face trainings. But technology changed the game, bringing new opportunities for more impact. In 2019

we already took a first step in opening to the world with the launch StreetSmart_Play, our online game and activity platform for youth workers.

As well, the StreetwiZe sky looked bright. We started 2020 with an impressive list of exciting projects to be delivered for different clients in retail, healthcare and financial sector. Leadership deep dives were planned to bring company

leaders to the streets for immersive learning. The pipeline looked very promising, filled with more interesting projects to be closed.

Looking back at the first months of 2020, it’s remarkable how Covid-19 only existed as a problem in China. We were certainly part of the collective naivety, not having a clue of what was waiting for us, … until the uppercut of lockdown

1. After some weeks of rejection, fooling ourselves it would be over by summer, we started to realize that reality had changed dramatically. StreetSmart_Wheels projects were canceled. StreetwiZe clients postponed planned

business and the pipeline vaporized in no time. We started to understand that we got to the moment we had to show the world we deserve our brand names StreetSmart & StreetwiZe. We had to walk the talk by showing positive

focus, resilience, agility and creativity. And yes, we did! Yes, our team showed to be what they preach.

In no time, the StreetSmart team delivered a Covid-19 response package to the Wheels partners in 30 countries. They offered online support and started focusing on speeding up the development of the tech. They delivered the

Impact tool and started with the implementation. Lliterally in between lockdowns, they even managed to startup a second new Wheels-project in Poland. The StreetwiZe crew redesigned the full StreetwiZe curriculum into an unorthodox

but crispy and impactful, online workshop alternative. They even started using the StreetSmart apps and platforms and tweaked them to design Digital Learning Tracks for our clients.

2020 feels like a crash test we have survived! And now we feel stronger than before. Using the cliché, … we have not wasted the crisis.

BUT, it’s not about us! MobileSchool.org is just a structure designed to realise a mission. It’s about that mission, the impact on vulnerable children and youth.

And in those communities the Covid-19 measures have hit crudely. Millions of children are dropping out of schools. Populations of street children are growing. The impact of the lockdowns on the mental health of teenagers in small

apartments of social building blocks is collectively underestimated. We witnessed the absurd reality of homeless children being arrested for not respecting lockdowns. Partners report on increasing numbers of abuse and violence.

For any corrigenda found subsequent to printing, please visit our website at www.mobileschool.org/our-impact

© MobileSchool.org April 2021

In times of crisis, solidarity is needed more than ever.

We engage! We will bring more impactful products to the StreetwiZe clients and create the financial leverage for the StreetSmart team. Together with our partners in more than 30 countries, they will reach out to the streets and

support the forgotten children and youth. We must be ambitious. It is simple. It’s our duty.

Enjoy much more stories and data about our 2020 activities and results in this year report.

Stay safe and be StreetwiZe,

FRONT COVER: Children during a mobile school session in Kandy with StreetSmart Wheels partner Child Action Lanka. © Sander Degeling (January 2020)

BACK COVER: Street educators during a mobile school session in Racibórz with StreetSmart Wheels partner Pomocna Dlon. © Adam Reszka (November 2020)

Arnoud Raskin

Director MobileSchool.org














StreetSmart Wheels partner Pomocna Dlon, Racibórz, Poland.

Want to know more about their new mobile school? Check out p. 50!





One organisation, two brands

Two hybrid brands, one mission, one set of values




MobileSchool.org is a hybrid organisation that uses its experience with complex and competitive street communities

to increase the sustainable development of youth and business communities. With game-changing educational

tools for youth workers and high-impact learning products for businesses, we strive to create a 360° impact

on society and vulnerable young people worldwide.


In all our initiatives we want to at least inspire people,

but strive to activate and even engage people. We

work on the development of competences as a

means and opportunity to increase sustainable development.


We believe in the potential of each child and strive

to develop their strengths and talents through social



In everything we do, we facilitate the (self)-discovery

and strengthening of identity,

aspirations and talents, and make a difference

based on common values


StreetSmart develops game-changing tools for youth workers to enable them to unlock

the potential of young people worldwide. With our integrated on- and offline offer, we

invest in an opportunity-oriented methodology to maximise personal development of

youngsters growing up without a safe and caretaking environment.


StreetwiZe develops high impact learning products for companies, inspired by the

complex and competitive reality of street communities. With a unique combination

of academic research, business insights and straight-forward street savviness, we support

businesses and their employees to deal with change, develop leadership and foster-well-being.

All StreetwiZe profits are reinvested in MobileSchool.org to guarantee a

360° positive impact on trainees, businesses and society.


“Be and act according to

your own values and the

values of the organisation”



“Find balance in all situations

between cooperation and competition

to make the mission of

the organisation come true”



“Be convinced you can find and

address opportunities”


4 5


“Take, give and respect

responsibilities in an

honest way”


“Commit yourself



A year of agility & resilience

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 strategy got shaken up drasticly.

Planned projects got cancelled and new were launched. Roles and responsabilities shifted requiring people to be agile.

Despite those challenging circumstances and by focusing on the opportunities rather than on the problems we managed to deliver a series of innovative projects.

In this annual report, we will highlight some of our 2020 realisations.

Despite a 40% drop of the learning and development market our business venture StreetwiZe sold services to 72 clients, serving 6323 trainees.

Our social venture StreetSmart was only able to realise 3 field visits in 3 countries this year, due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

The StreetSmart team therefore focused on expanding their digital offer and organised 76 online training sessions for youth workers worldwide.

Our volunteers linked their two campaigns to the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable children: #BlijMetMijKot and Radio Coronials.

They also helped develop new educational materials on COVID-19, health, learning styles and on puberty and sexuality.

Want to know more? Then read on and find out all there is to know about the projects we realised in 2020.

StreetwiZe trainer Eric in action during a workshop for

client Accenture. Want to know more? Check out p. 48!


Elia Group • Faraday program

10/09/2019 • 30/09/2020

Bart Vanbellinghen

Hans Lamberts

Arnoud Raskin

Elia Group - 50 Hertz

Brussels / Belgium

Berlin / Germany

Iasi / Romania


The Elia Group Faraday Program is a one-year

development programme for high performing

young potentials within Elia (Belgium) and 50

Hertz (Germany).

Active in a sector in the core of the energy transition,

developing the crucial skills of future

leaders to cope with, guide and lead change

successfully is key for the Elia Group to be future-proof.

In the Faraday development programme these

leaders are prepared for their future role. To

kick off this programme, StreetwiZe sets the

scene with an international expedition in Iasi.

In this international out-of-the-comfort zone

experience, we focus on the importance of being

aware of your own perspective and the ability

to shift it, on the importance of proactively

asking for feedback, on dealing with ambivalence

and on immersion and the difference

between ‘real’ limits and ‘felt’ limits. The 2019

- 2020 edition was the 5th time the Elia Group

subscribed for an international StreetwiZe expedition.

What was different from the previous years is

that StreetwiZe became the partner to deliver the

entire programme. So after setting the scene in

Iasi there followed 5 extra modules on leadership

and change management. These sessions

were alternated between Germany and Belgium

during 2019 and translated into a virtual format

during the second half of 2020 due to the

COVID-19 crisis.


Building a strong Faraday team

Shifting perspective

Dealing with ambivalence

Practising immersion

Enhancing leadership en change management skills

8 9


01/11/2019 • 31/05/2020

Bram Vandeputte

Hans Lamberts

Arnoud Raskin

PWC Belgium

Brussels / Belgium


PwC provides audit, tax and consulting services

to public and private clients in Belgium and

internationally. It’s one of the so-called Big 4

worldwide, making them one of the main players

in tax and consulting services in Belgium.

Being confronted with a world client-base and

employee-population in evolution, PwC contacted

StreetwiZe in the first half of 2019 to

review one of its main development programs

for directors; an audience that might in the

near future join the PwC-partnership. In the

new “Expedition towards Inclusive Leadership”

(or X-TraIL), the foundation was laid for a more

people focused leadership within PwC.

StreetwiZe kicked of the program with a keynote

by Arnoud Raskin for a mixed audience

of directors and partners, in which our ideas

on inclusive leadership were shared. After

that keynote, the 16 PwC directors joined

Bram and Hans in De Zande, where they could

experience the value and the impact of inclusive

leadership in a real-life setting.

The outcomes have been reported to the partnership.

On top, two more training days focusing

on leading change, leading teams (cooperative

competition) and communication (pitching and

storytelling) closed the first X-TraIL edition.


PwC directors have a once-in-a-lifetime experience

Directors learn about inclusive leadership in an impactful way

Directors learn specific skills crucial for their current role

New valuable, creative material is added to StreetSmart Play

In a follow-up session, the learnings were

translated to the PwC environment. Directors

Youngsters in De Zande enjoy two empowering days

made up their minds on the value of these

principles for PwC, what they could bring to the

organisation and the steps to be taken to create

10 progress on inclusive leadership internally.


Volunteer Work

01/01/2020 • 31/12/2020

MobileSchool.org crew

MobileSchool.org volunteers

Online + at the office


At MobileSchool.org we have the best volunteers

in the world! Without them, it would be

impossible to do what we do. Up until last year,

our volunteers had the best volunteer coordinator

in the world: Saskia Dieleman aka Sas.

We unexpectedly had to say goodbye to her in

July 2019, when she suddenly passed away.

With the entire team, we are doing the best we

can to fill Sas’ amazing shoes.

To brainstorm about the future of Mobile-

School.org’s volunteer work, we set up two

online meetings with our volunteers. We listed

everything Sas did for and with them, alongside

her many talents and strengths as a volunteer

coordinator. Together, we came up with

initiatives we can take to make sure our volunteer

work keeps running smoothly. To commemorate

Sas, we went on a corona-proof walk

in July, which she herself had mapped out for

our volunteers.

Usually, we organise 2 volunteer weekends per

year. The objective of these weekends is twofold:

informing our volunteers about the new

projects within the organisation and connecting

during fun games and activities. Due to

COVID-19, both weekends unfortunately had

to be cancelled. We therefore organised different

online activities.

To keep our volunteers updated, we sent out 5

newsletters throughout the year. In addition, we

shared a video update of all MobileSchool.org

employees in November, followed by an online

update quiz.

To maintain the connection with our volunteers,

we launched online challenges and organised 4

e-pero’s to catch up informally in April and May.

In December, we organised the online Mobile

School Universalis Game. Volunteers were challenged

to complete as many fun assignments as

possible to become the ultimate Mobile School


People interested in MobileSchool.org can take

part in an info evening, during which they get to

know all there is to know about our organisation

and can “meet” the mobile school. Two out of the

four info evenings this year were organised online.

In total, 26 new people have been informed

about MobileSchool.org.

Each year, we also organise something special

for our volunteers on 5 December, International

Volunteer Day. This year, our volunteers could

take part in a webinar on well-being in COVID-19

times, developed and given by StreetwiZe trainer

Bram Doolaege. Our way to give them an extra

boost before wrapping up the year.


Connection with volunteers through online meetings & games

Volunteers updated through newsletters & video updates

26 new people informed about MobileSchool.org (5 info evenings)

1 webinar developed especially for our volunteers

12 13

Digital Learning Track Well-being

01/02/2020 • 31/12/2020

Bram Doolaege

Arnoud Raskin

Kim Swyngedouw




Nowadays we are having to deal with the

worst pandemic in recent history, one that has

killed 1,52 million people so far and physically

harmed about 66 million people. But also in

terms of mental health, COVID-19 has caused

a lot of damage. Steven Taylor, author of The

Psychology of Pandemics, and professor in

psychiatry at the University of British Columbia,

argues that “for an unfortunate minority of

people, perhaps 10 to 15%, life will not return

to normal”, due to the impact of the pandemic

on their mental well-being.

Strategies like quarantine that are necessary to

minimise viral spread can have a negative psychological

impact, such as causing post-traumatic

stress symptoms, depression and insomnia.

Job loss and financial struggles during a

global economic downturn have been associated

with a long-lasting decline in mental health.

Therefore we at MobileSchool.org are convinced

that investing in well-being will be a necessity

for years to come. And we’re not alone.

A survey among our top partners and clients

revealed that without exception every respondent

indicated that mental well-being will be

their top priority for 2021-2022. Therefore

StreetwiZe decided to formulate an innovative

training programme, enabling participants to

strengthen their mental well-being through

the use of webinars, the StreetSmart app, individual

coaching and on-site learning initiatives.

During this learning track they become acquainted

with the 6 topics that were defined by scientists

as the key pillars for well-being. The first one

is ‘self-acceptance’, a skill that allows us to shift

focus from the past to the future. The second one

is ‘purpose’ which can be defined as the search

for meaning, followed by ‘autonomy’ that encompasses

the feeling that professional activities and

goals are the result of our own initiatives. Next

we will tackle ‘environmental mastery’ as the

ability of each of us to deal effectively with challenges.

Second last we will deal with ‘personal

progress’, the pursuit of progress and therefore

self-development. And last but not least we will

discuss our ability to ‘connect’ in order to use our

network as an enabler for social support.

With our integrated approach, our experience in

strengthening the resilience of street children,

the use of an evidence-based backbone and the

experience of StreetwiZe as a talent development

company we will definitely make a difference.


Understanding what personal wellbeing means

Acquiring practical tips based on scientific research

Strengthen personal well-being using a blended approach

StreetSmart as an enabler for sustainable change

14 15

BARCO • Emerging Leaders Program

01/02/2020 • 31/03/2021

Hans Lambert

Bart Vanbellinghen

Bram Van de Putte

Arnoud Raskin



The BARCO Emerging Leaders Program is a

1-year development programme for BARCO

high potential employees. In this 1-year programme,

promising middle managers are

given the opportunity to develop both soft and

hard skills, in a cooperation between StreetwiZe

and Vlerick Business School. In this programme

StreetwiZe is the partner to cover all

topics related to leadership, Vlerick covered

topics related to business acumen such as

Finance, Strategy, Marketing and Innovation.

Participants fly in from all continents. For this

reason offline modules are limited to the kickoff,

a mid-term session and the closing session

(hosted by StreetwiZe), whereas all learning

components in between are online modules

hosted by Vlerick.

The groups (one in campus Wingene, another

one in campus Beernem) had a parallel experience.

Normally the programme should have

been finalised by November 2020, but COVID-19

decided otherwise. The scheduled module in the

middle of the programme was redesigned as an

online virtual classroom experience and also the

closing session will be deliverd virtually.

The leadership track will end with an online session

in which we will challenge participants on

how they applied the insights, what they came

across and what they have learned from these experiences

that could also be of interest to peers.


The programme kicked off with an offline

module in February 2019, hosted by StreetwiZe.

This first week focussed fully on leadership

development. Two parallel groups (30

participants in total) were taken to De Zande,

Tangible, impactful experience

Opportunity to practice crucial leadership competencies

Transfer insights to each individual’s professional reality


where they participated in a Belgian StreetwiZe

Expedition. The competencies needed to

co-create new Mobile School material, with a

very different target group in this unique experience-based

programme, are very similar to

those put forward by BARCO as crucial to thriving

16 as a leader in today’s BARCO environment.


New mobile school Sri Lanka • Cal

03/02/2020 • 14/02/2020

Sander Degeling

Andrei Craciun

Davy Caelen

Child Action Lanka

Provincie Vlaams-Brabant

Kandy / Sri Lanka


In early February, a team of Mobile School

trainers travelled to Sri Lanka to start up the

first new mobile school of 2020. From now on,

our partner Child Action Lanka will use the mobile

school to reach out to vulnerable youngsters

in communities in and around Kandy and

Kelaniya. And guess what … the first street sessions

immediately showed the potential of our

box on wheels in the island nation.

Our Partner Child Action Lanka runs educational

centres in seven districts all over the country.

In order to reach more young people directly

in their livelihood context, the organisation

reached out to mobile school to investigate

a potential partnership. After a successful exploration

in May 2019, both parties were convinced

the mobile school methodology had

great potential to bring creative non-formal

education directly to young people. During a

two-week implementation period, teachers

and social workers of the different centres of

Child Action Lanka were trained how to use the

mobile school and the educational materials


near a dumpsite on the outskirts of the city. The

street sessions showed not only that there was

a high need for creative non-formal street work

in the communities, but also that some former

CAL-beneficiaries were now taking the lead as

street educators in the new mobile school project.

During the second week of workshops and street

work in Kelaniya - a suburb of the capital Colombo

- the team got the support of some mothers

from the local community. Despite having no

experience with social work, the mothers immediately

connected with the mobile school methodology

and did a fantastic job in reaching out to

the kids in a playful and creative way. The team of

Child Action Lanka made an amazing start with

their new mobile school project. Unfortunately,

in March the Corona crisis prevented the team

from reaching out to the communities, but their

hope is to be back on the road in the coming

months to continue their outreach program to

reach vulnerable youngsters in Sri Lanka.


Start-up of first mobile school in Sri Lanka

Team of 16 social workers trained

Potential for new mobile schools in the future

Expansion of Asian Mobile School network


The first week of training was organised in

Kandy, a major city located in Sri Lanka’s Central

Province. After 5 basic workshops, the

team went out with the mobile school for the

first time to Gohagoda, a community living


Follow-up Philippines • Virlanie Foundation

17/02/2020 • 21/02/2020

Sander Degeling

Virlanie Foundation

Manila / the Philippines


In 2006, Mobile School set up its first Asian

partnership in the Philippines with local organisation

Virlanie Foundation. Almost 14

years later, this mobile school is still hitting the

streets of Manila four times a week with the

Mobile Unit team of the organisation. Since

the team of Virlanie is still going strong after all

these years, Mobile School decided to organise

further follow-up training for the street workers

of Virlanie. Two other social workers from

Childhope, our other partner in Manila that

has been struggling to implement their mobile

school project in recent years, took part in

the training since the organisation purchased

a new van which makes it possible to restart

outreach interventions with the tool in the near


The major challenge for the Mobile Unit team

of Virlanie was that the team only had a limited

package of educational materials. Due to

logistical and administrative barriers, the team

was not able to receive a shipment that was

prepared in 2015. As a result, the street educators

didn’t have enough resources to use the

mobile school to its full potential, and therefore

the mobile school was often only used as a

blackboard during the outreach interventions

in the different areas in Manila. During the

follow-up, Mobile School took the decision to

print the missing panels locally on tarpauline.

The Virlanie Mobile Unit coordinator already

printed the available Do-It-Yourself (DIY) games -

created by StreetwiZe clients during Belgian and

Romanian expeditions - in the same way, with

surprisingly good results. After printing 91 extra

panels, the team immediately got a huge boost,

and this was evident straightaway during the

street interventions in Aroma and Metropolitan.

Besides printing the missing panels, the team

also went through some workshops and co-creation

processes to develop new materials for the

context in the Philippines. During the training, a

treasure hunt game and a game on social media

were created and tested out by the educators.

Afterwards, the games were published on the

StreetSmart Play website, so that other educators

from around the globe can try out the games created

by the Filipino educators. The exchange of

experiences between the educators of Virlanie

and Childhope certainly boosted the determination

of both teams to continue the fantastic work

with the mobile school on the streets of Manila.


Team of 10 educators trained

Exchange of experiences between two organisations

New panels printed for partner Virlanie

New games created for Filipino context

20 21

Redesign HEALTH panels & COVID-19 material

01/03/2020 • 25/09/2020

Sander Degeling

Joke Verreth

Rob Sweldens

Lies De Vocht

Volunteers education group

Partner organisations



Together with our group of educational volunteers,

Mobile School aims to constantly

improve and revise our educational offer. Recently,

the COVID-19 pandemic proved to be

the perfect timing to rework part of our panels

dealing with health.

In March and April, six health panels were redesigned

to better meet the needs of social

workers worldwide. The older panels were

designed in the early 2000s and no longer

suited the context in which many of our partners

work today. Therefore, the Mobile School

team and the educational volunteers set up a

couple of meetings to give these panels a new

look and feel. Afterwards, our illustrator Gijs

Vanhee got to work and delivered a couple of

new high-quality panels, ready for use. All the

newly designed panels can be found on our

StreetSmart Play platform, where youth workers

can find a wide variety of educational activities

that they can conduct during their non-formal

educational sessions with their target

groups. In order to facilitate the launch of the

new health panels, Mobile School organised a

webinar for our local partner organisations so

street educators were immediately updated on

the new activities.

In June and July, a new package on COVID-19

was created to allow street educators to reflect

on and discuss the consequences of the pandemic

with the children. The new package contains

a brand new discussion panel with over

100 situations related to the current pandemic.

This panel was also used as a starting point for

our board game Coronials. Additionally, youth

workers can also find 13 further activities related

to COVID-19 and a brand new filter ‘physical

distancing’ to find activities you can play during

the pandemic. All materials are available for free

on our StreetSmart Play platform, and in order

to inform our partner network, another webinar

was organised at the beginning of September to

present the new materials to youth workers.


Redesign of 6 panels on HEALTH

New discussion panel on COVID-19

New COVID-19 package for youth workers with 14 activities

Two interactive webinars to present the materials to partners

22 23

StreetSmart Impact development

01/03/2020 • 31/10/2020

Wim Depickere

Lies De Vocht

Rob Sweldens

Arnoud Raskin

Halcyon Mobile

We developed a prototype of StreetSmart Impact

in 2018, in collaboration with Share.IT

and Erasmus+. Based on this prototype, we

defined the requirements to be implemented

in the first version. Thanks to the funding of

Google.org, we were able to start the selection

process of our future IT-partner. In the end,

Halcyon Mobile, situated in Cluj, Romania, was

able to convince us of their technical expertise,

their project plan and most of all of their drive

and commitment to support youth workers.

After a testing phase in September, we were able

to launch StreetSmart Impact in October 2020.

The tool is now available for all youth workers

worldwide to improve the monitoring of their

youth work activities, support their coaching

process with young people and visualise the

evolution of their impact.

Of course, this is only just a first version, we are

already working hard on the next, improved,

one. Stay tuned!

Belgium / Romania


In April 2020, after having clarified the technical

requirements, the development process

was started up with the design phase of the

youth worker app. By summer, we had a first

version of the youth worker app and of the web


Due to the impact of COVID-19, the need for

digital youth work increased dramatically,

which is why we decided to speed up the

development of the app for youngsters: the I

Am StreetSmart app. Instead of initiating the

development in 2021 as planned, we started

the development in July 2020, so the app for

youngsters could be finished at the same time

as the other StreetSmart Impact components.


Fully operational youth work CRM system

2 online components: secured database, web backend

2 apps: app for youngsters and app for youth workers

GDPR compliancy

Available on iOS and Android

4 languages: NL, FR, ENG, ES

24 25

Hogeschool UCLL • Excellence trajectory

07/03/2020 • 15/12/2020

Lore De Muynck

Students of UCLL



University College UCLL is convinced that some

of their students need extra challenges in addition

to their regular study track. At StreetwiZe

we saw an opportunity to develop further the

talents and personal skills of and with these

students. Thanks to this trajectory, the students

gain a better understanding of their talents

and competences, with which they can make a

social difference now and in the future. The trajectory

makes students’ talents more visible by

giving them extra opportunities and space to

develop personally and professionally within

the context of a social purpose.

The kick-off took place on 7 March with 15

students of the Management Department of

UCLL Leuven and, because of COVID-19, the

programme was organized partly online.

In this excellence trajectory, we focused on

insights and skills from the street and on how

students can translate these into their own environment.

The central themes were resilience,

agility, positive focus, proactive creativity and

cooperative competition.

By focusing on strengthening these skills, students

can make a social difference now and in

the future.

One group of students will use their escape room

“Escaping the Future” to give youngsters (11-12

years old) an equal chance through good budget

management. They came up with this idea from

the observation that you cannot choose in which

family you grow up and which economic skills

you acquire.

Another group puts the topic of food waste in

the spotlight. They use the app “too good, to

go” through an advertising campaign and aim

to make young people aware of the problem of

food waste. They try to convince them to become

“waste warriors” themselves.

A third group of students is developing the content

for an app to provide extra mental support

to young people (over the age of 12) in difficult

times. Mobile help for children in need in Belgium

is currently severely lacking and yet necessary.

This group wants to see a change happening

at this level.

The students presented their process and product

to a jury (with the StreetwiZe trainer) on 15

December. Several students have already indicated

that they maintain their non-binding commitment

to these social projects.


Students learned and applied the principles of leadership.

Students learned and applied the principles of group dynamics

They applied the different competences in a concrete project.

This group of students chose three social projects

26 to make this difference.


StreetwiZe Opportunities in times of crisis

01/04/2020 • 15/12/2020

Lore De Muynck

Eric Vanbiervliet

Hans Lamberts

Kim Swyngedouw

Arnoud Raskin

All clients

Belgium and abroad


During the past 9 months our experience with

surviving in difficult situations in slums and

outdoors, gave us the energy boost that was

needed to face this COVID-19 crisis head on.

When, in mid-March, all our sessions were cancelled,

it was time to rethink ourselves and our

business. The Covid 19 crisis forced us into crisis

management, a context in which our Street

Skills became key to run our own business. We

were in it together and we needed to face it together

as well. And that is what we did.

We decided to share some content. In our own

StreetwiZe style we created ‘the StreetwiZe

Channel’. On our YouTube channel we posted a

weekly video and article on a topic that proved

to be relevant to our own approach in coping

with Covid 19.

As of mid-March we also shifted gear in our

core business. We started to do research into

online training and decided to develop quickly

answers to our clients’ burning questions. By

using PowerPoint as a presentation tool and

Zoom as a video communication tool, and by

focusing on interaction and pragmatism, we

managed to give our first webinar in April. We

replaced our one pagers – an A3 with a summary

of the workshop and space for own notes -

by action cards, fillable pdf’s with assignments.

During the webinars the trainer was aided by

an assistant, who is responsible for the follow up

of questions and possible technical issues. This

gives the trainer the opportunity to focus on the

content, the group energy and facilitation.

Many customers rebooked their offline session

to a webinar and new clients experienced the

benefits of online training for their national and

international employees.

In order to stand out with our online approach

and in order to increase the interaction and dynamics

with our audience, we decided to replace

Powerpoint with foam boards. Drawings and key

words on the foam boards guide the participants

through the workshop. These are alternated with

online polls, (reflection) exercises in group (in

break-out rooms) and individual assignments

(action cards). In addition to our standard workshops,

we will offer all online training and integrated

tracks in this format throughout 2021 because,

although it was a bumpy ride, we believe

that integrated and digital learning is here to

stay and can make a difference!


Reinforcing in the connection and reflection by remoted teams

Opportunity to explore online training on a higher level.

Expansion of the StreetwiZe portfolio

28 29

International day for street children


Lies De Vocht

Arnoud Raskin

Volunteers campaign group


Flanders / Belgium


On 12 April this year we not only celebrated

Easter, but also the International Day for Street

Children. This is the 10th year that we have celebrated

street children worldwide on this date.

And it was a very special edition.

In recent months, the coronavirus has taken

over the world very quickly. Home working,

lockdowns (light) and “social distancing” have

suddenly become part of our daily reality. In

the past Mobile School volunteers, in honor

of International Day for Street Children, organized

large campaigns to spotlight the 150

million guests who live and/or work on the

street every day. These included large-scale

pavement chalk actions on the Ladeuzeplein,

Leuven, working together on the street, and a

guerilla campaign in Ghent. Now that everyone

has to stay away from each other, probably

for a few more weeks, our volunteers had to rethink

the concept for this year…

In recent weeks, Belgians have been called

upon to stay in their home (“Stay in your

room!”). A slogan that must be followed to

this day. After almost 4 weeks of “home quarantine”,

this starts to weigh heavily for most of

us. We long for the street, for terraces, meeting

with friends and family… On the other hand,

we also realise that we can be happy in our

rooms. 150 million children have to do without

a safe room. Children who find their daily

bite to eat from a tourist on a terrace who does

not quite finish his pizza and shares the leftovers

with them. Children who beg for a daily survival

budget in a busy shopping street. COVID-19

currently means empty terraces and empty

shopping streets. It will be even more difficult

to survive. Some Mobile School partners even

report on street children being arrested for not

respecting the lockdowns and hanging out in

public places. But they don’t have a room. Yet

these guests also survive in these challenging

circumstances and show us again why they are

our source of inspiration! With this #BlijMetMijnKot

(“HappyWithMyHome) campaign, we put

street children in the spotlight.

This special day is not only celebrated by us, but

also by many organisations outside our network.

Mobile School is a member of the Consortium

for Street Children, a worldwide network of 90

organizations. The Consortium represents the international

interests and rights of street children.


Over 500 social media posts

5 news media reached

Positive campaign

30 31

StreetSmart Wheels • Online Offer

22/05/2020 • 17/09/2020

Sander Degeling

Joke Verreth

StreetSmart Wheels partners

& prospects

Global (online)


Worldwide, street educators are on the frontline

of the battle against COVID-19. Our

StreetSmart Wheels partners are tirelessly

giving everything they have to ensure that

street-connected youngsters have access to basic

needs and essential services. Since it is currently

not possible for us to organise international

training, we decided to organise online

exchanges and webinars to keep supporting

our partners in the best way possible.

We organised three online exchanges: one

global exchange, one exchange for our Latin

American and Spanish partners and one exchange

for our African prospective partners.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, our partner

organisations have shown great creativity

and flexibility in coping with the ‘new normal’,

and these local best practices were eagerly

shared with the network to inspire street workers

in other countries. 14 partner organisations

and 8 prospective partners from 17 countries

participated in all exchanges combined.

In addition, we organised two series of webinars.

In total, 5 webinars were organised both

in English and in Spanish. The webinar on the

Importance of (StreetSmart) Play was offered

in both webinar series to (re)introduce our

StreetSmart Play platform to our prospective

partners and partners. During the webinars on

the newly (re)designed HEALTH and COVID-19

materials, our partners got to work actively with

our brand new educational panels and activities.

Our prospective partners and partners also

co-created educational materials on COVID-19

online during the webinar on creativity. During

the webinars, our StreetSmart Play platform was

actively used. 63 participants from 27 organisations

in 16 different countries participated

during all webinars combined.


Exchange of experiences between StreetSmart Wheels partners

Strengthening of StreetSmart Wheels network

74 street educators (38 org’s - incl.13 prospects) & 24 countries

2 new games co-created on COVID-19 & shared on StreetSmart Play

Newly developed educational games actively shared

Active use & diffusion of StreetSmart Play platform

32 33

Street Child United • Change 10 Programme

06/07/2020 • 13/07/2020

Sander Degeling

Street Child United

Global (online)

Street Child United is a UK-based charity seeking

to improve the lives and protect the rights

of street-connected young people across the

globe. SCU’s goal is to inspire a brighter, safer

future for street-connected children everywhere.

Established in 2010, SCU organises

sporting events where street children from

around the world take part, to coincide with major

sporting events, such as the World Cup and

the Olympics. The events not only put a global

spotlight on street children through worldwide

media coverage but also help change people’s

negative perceptions and unite street-connected

young people through the practice of sport,

enabling their voices to be heard.

To celebrate Street Child United’s 10 year anniversary,

the charity invited ten former participants

and change makers of the future to take

part in a year-long training and development

programme called ‘Change 10’.

After the session, two of the Young Leaders - Jessica

and Drika from Brazil - shared more about

their game: “We made a game to raise awareness

about prejudice and how it gets in your way

to achieve your dreams. The objective is to show

everyone that there will always be an impediment

in achieving our dreams, but we are able

to face difficulties, prejudices and win this daily

battle, we must never give up on our dreams!”

After the short but succesful Change10 collaboration,

Street Child United and Mobile School

will certainly explore more partnership opportunities



Two online sessions with Street Child United Young Leaders

New contacts with youth work organisations on 3 continents

As part of SCU’s Change10 programme, the

Six new games on StreetSmart Play designed by Young Leaders

Young Leaders enjoyed a guest-session from


Mobile School. As part of this session, they

were tasked to design fun educational games

that would impact their communities. Working

in small groups, the Young Leaders designed a

variety of activities, which are now available on

our StreetSmart Play platform.

34 35

City Bilzen • New series of teambuilding

01/09/2020 • 30/09/2021

Eric Vanbiervliet

Lore De Muynck

City Bilzen

In 2018 StreetwiZe accompanied a series of

teambuilding sessions for Stad Bilzen. At the

time, we worked mainly on the street skill Cooperative

Competition and tested the ‘street

gang’ attitude of the organization. The plan

was to set up a sequel to this first series in

2020, but due to the corona crisis, the roll-out

of the new program was moved to 2021. In the

autumn of 2020, we took the time though to

perform a (completely corona proof) test run

with the HR team. And they saw that it was


Which surely benefits the employees, but also

the inhabitants of this ‘biesonder boeiende’ (absolutely

fascinating) city!

You bet we are looking forward to heading back

to Limburg soon!

Bilzen / Belgium


For this second series we built a brand new approach

to the Connect technique. Throughout

the workshop, we explored with the participants

the essence of successful human collaboration

and relationship building. Within and

between the different teams. The inspiration

from the streets came mostly from the street

workers this time.

The Connect topic ties in seamlessly with the

annual theme of the organization: ‘Samen (s)

maakt beter’ (Together makes/tastes better):

in 2020 and 2021, Stad Bilzen wants to focus

on its employees’ broader connection and network,

across the services and departments, to

increase general well-being and results.


Developing connection and trust between team members and teams

Building stong(er) teams

Personal development in reflecting on one’s networking skills

Building a strong vibe around the annual theme

Stimulate open communication and feedback between people

36 37

StreetSmart Impact • VVSG trajectory


01/09/2020 • 31/12/2021

Wim Depickere

Rob Sweldens

Joke Verreth

Sander Degeling

Lore Stanson (intern)

StreetSmart Impact user

Flanders / Belgium


As of September 2020, we started the implementation

of StreetSmart Impact in all Flemish

central cities thanks to our collaboration

with VVSG, the Association of Flemish Cities

and Municipalities. VVSG decided to set up

this pilot programme with us in 2019, in order

to better support Flemish youth workers

with our data registration and coaching tool:

StreetSmart Impact.

The collaboration consisted of 4 components:

• development of the StreetSmart Impact

tool, in line with the needs of Flemish

youth workers,

• training programme for all organisations

and 350 end users in 2020,

• licenses for all users in 2020 and 2021,

• support and further development based

on the feedback of all users in 2021.

The development of StreetSmart Impact finished

in September 2020, when we started

with the training programme. We offer all

youth workers in the 13 Flemish central cities

a full training course of 3 workshops, to give

insights into the model behind StreetSmart

Impact, to set up their organisation on the platform

and to actively test out the app and the

web platform together.

Currently, more than 400 people are already

using StreetSmart Impact, following up over

4300 children at the start of 2021. Our aim is to

continue to work with all Flemish youth workers,

providing tools and materials tailored to their

needs, to help them have more impact on the

children and youngsters they work with.

















Ontdek de theoretische onderbouw achter

Maak kennis met de strategische visie en de

StreetSmart Impact – gebaseerd op centrale

algemene functionaliteiten van het Streetconcepten

als persoonlijke ontwikkeling,

Smart Impact-dashboard en de applicatie en

motivatie en empowerment – en krijg inzicht

ontdek het potentieel voor jouw organisatie.


in het belang van de coaching

functionaliteiten in de app.



Online sessie met open inschrijving

Workshop ter plaatse


Alle betrokkenen

(diensthoofden, coördinatie, eindgebruikers)









34 Flemish organisations working with StreetSmart Impact

300 licenses for youth workers


Jeugdwerkers (eindgebruikers)

4300 children reached at the start of 2021

Over 40 workshops delivered










Configureer de app volgens jouw organisatiestructuur,

maak teams, geef teamleden

verschillende rollen en bepaal de locaties

voor jouw activiteiten. Bepaal vervolgens in

team de relevante vaardigheden, activiteiten

en doelstellingen en pas de Street-

Smart Impact applicatie aan op maat van

jouw organisatie om tot betekenisvolle

impact dashboards te komen.


Workshop ter plaatse


Coördinatie betrokken diensten

(administrators en team leaders)









Ontdek en test jouw volledig operationele

StreetSmart Impact tools, en bereid je voor

op de implementatie ervan in jouw jeugdwerkactiviteiten.


Workshop ter plaatse


Jeugdwerkers (eindgebruikers)










APRIL – MEI 2021


Evalueer de huidige werking, stel vragen

over het dagdagelijkse gebruik en kijk hoe

jouw organisatie het volledige potentieel

uit StreetSmart Impact kan halen.


Workshop ter plaatse


Coördinatie en eindgebruikers



38 39

StreetSmart Learn • Erasmus+

01/09/2020 • 30/11/2021

Lies De Vocht

Rob Sweldens

Joke Verreth

Pam Franken (intern)


Leuven / Belgium


At the beginning of September we started research

and development for StreetSmart Learn,

a new online learning platform for youth workers.

The purpose of this platform is to provide

youth workers with training on non-formal education,

to increase their theoretical and practical

knowledge and strengthen their skills. In

this way, we aim to support youth workers in

setting up the right processes for their target


Together with the StreetSmart Wheels partners

PRAKSIS (Greece) and Salvati Copiii (Romania)

we aim to guarantee the youth workers a sustainable

platform for training and inspiration

in the future. Both organisations were included

in previous Eramus+ projects. Praksis was

a partner in the development of StreetSmart

Impact and Salvati Copiii partnered in the development

of StreetSmart Play.

Normally we planned a transnational project

meeting at the start of the project in Belgium,

when the partners from Greece and Romania

would visit us. Due to COVID-19 this meeting

was postponed, but we kicked off with a full

day meeting on Zoom. Here we discussed the

features and user requirements of different,

already existing, learning platforms. Based on

those insights, we discussed our own needs

for our own learning platform and created a

request for proposal to bring all this information


In October we started creating a survey for youth

workers to ask them about their preferences with

regard to online learning. The results of the survey

will give us the insights necessary for the

development of training and the platform in

general. The survey was sent out on 24/11/2020.

In total, 97 youth workers completed the survey.

Halcyon Mobile started developing the first components

of the web platform and the mobile app

at the beginning of November. At the same time,

Mobile School did research on interesting topics

in the field, such as online learing in general,

learning tracks, microlearning, and so on.

At the beginning of 2021, we will start to develop

pilot training based on our research and the

results of the survey. In addition, we will organise

focus groups to explore certain insights from

the survey in more detail.


Design & development of StreetSmart Learn

Close cooperation with two StreetSmart Wheels partners

40 41

New sales manager StreetwiZe


Marc Wouters

100% self-sufficiency

Flanders / Belgium


At 56, you forget how you felt on your first

school day. Except when you leave your successful

and 35-year long carrier at a large banking

and insurance company, and decide to enter

the Mobile School organisation.

Leaving all my routines and my comfort zone

behind created a kind of disruptive feeling at

first, to be honest. But all that melted away

from the moment I opened the doors of Brabançonnestraat

25 in Leuven on 1 October.

I have met lots of warm and people-centered

people in my professional life, but never before

was I surrounded by a gang of such enthousiastic,

highly engaged and warm people,

as from the moment I picked up the challenge

as Sales Manager for the StreetwiZe part of the

organization. Being able to contribute to this

100% purpose-driven organization with my experience

in people-centric selling, and to know

that the fruits of my commercial skills will benefit

this social impact enterprise gives me an

energy that I haven’t had for a long time.

After just a few months in this new environment

and having had a few dozen contacts

with existing and new (potential) clients up

to now, it is my expercience that the phrase

Become the trusted advisor to customers

Customers are ambassadors

‘untapped potential’ is also applicable to our

42 potential markets. Not only in the big corpora-


tions and large enterprises which StreetwiZe has

been used to working with in the last few years,

but also in the new markets of SME’s and smaller

entrepreneurs and even in schools. In order to

give these the opportunity to get familiar with

the Street Skills, we are setting up cooperation

with interest groups of entrepreneurs, with local

authorities and with various schools in higher

education. I am very excited to bring these new

markets to our portfolio of clients and deliver my

contribution to secure the prosperous future of

MobileSchool.org, and I look forward to reporting

on these steps and the successes in next

year’s Annual Report!


Restore revenue to pre-corona levels and beyond

Expand to SME-market

Seek leverage through network partners

Enlarge impact through educational partners

Coronials board game

01/10/2020 • 25/12/2020

Arnoud Raskin

Sander Degeling

Hydra Games / Dreamland

The restrictions applied during the COVID-19

pandemic have a huge impact on the well-being

of children and youngsters. The so-called

‘new normal’ causes a lot of incertainty, which

can result in stress, anxiety, loneliness and

boredom. Because of the challenging situation

young people are facing during the pandemic,

MobileSchool.org developed a board game

which allows young people to discuss and reflect

on the impact of COVID-19 on their livelihood.

for the streets was transformed into a state-ofthe-art

game board with 88 game cards, so the

game can be played easily by everyone from 6

to 99 years old. The board game will be available

just before the Christmas holidays and will allow

people to have a great time while discussing the

challenges and opportunities of the pandemic.


The board game ‘Coronials’ is inspired by the

COVID-19 discussion panel which was created

earlier this year for our StreetSmart Wheels

partners. However, it was crystal clear that

youngsters in Belgium could also benefit from

a playful methodology to talk about the current

crisis. The title ‘Coronials’ refers to the generation

that is growing up during the COVID-19



First MobileSchool.org board game created

Collaboration with Dreamland and Colruyt for 2200 board games

In order to increase the impact of Coronials,

collaboration was set up with retailers Dreamland

and Colruyt, and with the game develop-


ment company Hydra Games. Thanks to their

experience with designing board games, MobileSchool.org

reached out to Fabryka Kart in

Poland, one of the big board game production

companies in Europe. Our illustrator Gijs Vanhee

made sure the original discussion panel

44 45

Accenture • Team Leader Circle sessions

01/10/2020 • 31/12/2021

Hans Lamberts

Eric Vanbiervliet

Accenture Belux

Belgium / Luxembourg

Positive Focus is an essential part of the Leadership

journey at Accenture Belgium. This makes

StreetwiZe a great training partner. The cooperation

between StreetwiZe and Accenture started

in 2018 with running pilot workshops for a

selected group of 20.

Following these pilot workshops, we teamd up

again in 2019 and together with Neolis, developed

a new leadership program for Accenture’s

managers, senior managers and associate

directors. This tailor-made learning journey

shaped by Neolis combines training modules

on topics like personal productivity, innovation,

client relationship building and our very

own Positive Focus!

Throughout the programme, participants also

have 3 coaching sessions to translate the learnings

into concrete actions for themselves. This

programme had a pilot in February 2020 and

was scheduled to be launched in classroom format

as of September.

Francine Gordon (Human Capital Lead Accenture

BeLux): “More than 300 Accenture leaders will

benefit from this program over two years, boosting

their ability to grow as leaders in a constantly

changing world and contribute to sustainable


It’s clear that the positive focus at Accenture will

get a boost the coming years and will ensure

more employees take ownership in seizing opportunities

for company growth.


Invest in personal development

Look beyond the pure consultancy reality

Be aware of the responsibility that you can take yourself


Due to Covid-19, this programme has been

redesigned as a virtual experience offering the

same level of interactivity and impact as classroom


46 47

New mobile school Poland • Pomocna Dłon

15/10/2020 • 25/10/2020

Robert Cieślar

Agnieszka Gabriel

Joke Verreth

Pomocna Dłoń

Racibórz / Poland


It’s official: as of October 2020, we have 5 Polish

StreetSmart Wheels partners, bringing the

total to 58! The fifth Polish mobile school project

was implemented in Racibórz with brand

new partner Pomocna Dłoń.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we decided

not to organise any international StreetSmart

Wheels training until May 2021. So how were

we able to start up a new project? We have our

very skilled local trainers to thank for that! The

mobile school project in Racibórz was started

up by Robert Cieślar and Agnieszka Gabriel,

who both have extensive experience in working

with the mobile school in similar contexts

in Poland, in Bytom and Gliwice respectively.

Both our trainers and the local team made all

the necessary arrangements to set up COVIDproof

workshops and street sessions.

With the mobile school, Pomocna Dłoń is hoping

to reach the street-connected children and

youngsters they are not reaching with their

current offer. They will organise street sessions

in two different districts in Racibórz. The first

street sessions were a big hit!

themselves. The panel allows them to reflect on

the impact the pandemic has had, and is having,

on their lives.

The mobile school now starts its winter sleep in

Racibórz, but the trained local street educators

are already excited to hit the streets with their

brand new street-proof tool as soon as winter is



10 team members trained

Polish StreetSmart Wheels network strengthened

New COVID-19 discussion panel tested

Co-facilitator trained for (Polish) implementation expeditions


During the street sessions, the team was also

able to put our brand new COVID-19 discussion

panel to the test by getting feedback from

the real experts: the children and youngsters


StreetSmart Impact • Support

15/10/2020 • 27/03/2021

Wim Depickere

Lies De Vocht

Lore Stanson (intern)

Joke Verreth

Sander Degeling

Rob Sweldens

StreetSmart Impact user

Thanks to our collaboration with VVSG, the

Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities,

youth workers of all central Flemish cities

can actively test out the StreetSmart Impact app

until the end of 2021. To guide them through

the implementation process, which was kicked

off in September, StreetSmart organised a

demo and three three-hour workshops for each

central city, to give insights into the model

behind StreetSmart Impact, to set up their

organisation on the platform and actively test

out the app and the web platform together.

The user manual explains how to use the web

platform actively and the reporting manual gives

insights into all dashboards and reports automatically

generated on the StreetSmart Impact

web platform.

By making an inventory of questions asked in

demos and workshops, we also drew up a comprehensive

FAQ page, which can be consulted

on our website street-smart.be. This page will be

updated frequently, so users can easily find the

information they are looking for.

Flanders / Belgium


Offering continuous qualitative support is important

when implementing new technology.

That is why we regularly set up calls with the

organisations using the app.

To make sure we can offer qualitative support

to all organisations that will start using

StreetSmart Impact, we developed three manuals,

containing straight-forward, detailed

step-by-step explanations, that can be consulted

on our website. The customisation manual

explains how to set up your organisation on

StreetSmart Impact in the best way possible,

tailored to your way of working.

In April/May 2021, we will evaluate the functionality

and user-friendliness of the StreetSmart

Impact app as well as its added value for youth

workers. This will allow us to keep tailoring our

support to the needs of the youth workers.


Three user-friendly manuals

Comprehensive FAQ page

50 51

Radio Coronials • Music for Life Campaign

30/11/2020 • ...

Lies De Vocht

Arnoud Raskin

Volunteers campaign group


Flanders / Belgium


How do you discuss a complex topic like the

Coronavirus with children? How do you support

them in a period when an invisible enemy

is also turning their lives upside down? It

inspired the Mobile School volunteers for a

special Warmest Week campaign.

At Mobile School, we are confronted with the

enormous impact that the Coronavirus has on

children all over the world: due to lockdowns,

no fewer than 1.5 billion girls and boys could

not go to school; about 10 million of them will

probably never return to school. Many of them

are the street-connected children that our partners

work with on a daily basis.

In recent months, not being able to go to

school has also been a sad reality for Belgian

youth. And even if the schools are now open

again, a lot remains very different. Therefore in

the context of Studio Brussels’ Warmest Week,

Mobile School wanted to make an extra effort

this year for primary school children and their


themes, linked to Coronavirus issues. They look

at the children’s environment, but also at that

of street children. And together we look for the

opportunities that this crisis will undoubtedly

bring. Because everything will be fine in the end;

we are convinced of that.

Radio Coronials is available from November 30,

in Dutch, and is completely free. The module is

designed for children between 6 and 12 years

old. Teachers can easily further adapt it to the

specific needs and interests of their class(es).

“Really cool!”, said “competitor” Michèle Cuvelier

of Studio Brussels, when she talked about Radio

Coronials with volunteer Els.


5 videos and teaching module

Already over 250 views on the first episode

Over 250 downloads of the teaching module


In Radio Coronials, our volunteers developed a

pleasant online teaching module which gives

them the opportunity to reflect on the top performance

they are delivering. In 5 videos, with

accompanying teaching materials, radio stars

Els and Joachim address just as many relevant



These clients bought workshops, experience-based training programmes, inspirational

talks or other services at StreetwiZe:

54 55


58 mobile schools in 30 countries



Kenya Good Neighbors (Kenya, Nairobi) • since 2005

Kivuko / Railway Children (Tanzania, Mwanza) • since 2011

Hope for Justice (Ethiopia, Hosanna) • since 2012

Yenege Tesfa (Ethiopia, Gondar) • since 2012

Yenege Tesfa (Ethiopia, Debark) • since 2016

Glad’s House (Kenya, Mombasa) • since 2016

Child Rescue Kenya (Kenya, Kitale) • since 2018

IPTK - Cerpi (Boliva, Sucre) • since 2005

COMPA Teatro Trono (Bolivia, Cochabamba) • since 2007

Las Hormiguitas (Nicaragua, Matagalpa) • since 2008

Alimentos para la Vida (Mexico, Querétaro) • since 2013

Fundación Los Cachorros (Peru, Ayacucho) • since 2016

Yolia Niñas de la Calle AC (Mexico, Mexico City) • since 2016


Mwema Children Centre (Tanzania, Karatu) • since 2018

AGOPODE (Togo, Lomé) • since 2019

GPAS (Poland, Warsaw) • since 2006

Fundacja Ukryte Skrzydla (Poland, Krakau) • since 2008

ARSIS (Greece, Thessaloniki) • since 2009


Virlanie Foundation Inc. (Philippines, Manila) • since 2006

EkTara (India, Kolkata) • since 2017

Child Action Lanka (Sri Lanka, Kandy) • since 2020

PRAKSIS (Greece, Thessaloniki) • since 2009

Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro (Spain, Navarra) • since 2015

PRAKSIS (Greece, Patras) • since 2016


Ladies Union of Drama (Greece, Drama) • since 2017

*Some partners stopped the StreetSmart Wheels project or are currently not working

due to COVID-19, policital instability or other reasons.

Initiative for Social Change ARSIS (Albania, Tirana) • since 2019

Pal. J. Matulaicio socialinis centras (Lithuania, Vilnius) • since 2019

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions taken by governments worldwide, our local partners were forced to restructure their interventions. While the vast majority of partners was able

to stay in contact with their target groups, significantly less mobile school interventions were conducted this year as a result of lockdowns and social distancing measures. Some of our partners

were able to carefully restart their interventions in the second half of the year, but others are still waiting to get permission to take their mobile school out to the streets again.

“Maybe this crisis will help make the invisible people we work with visible, so people know they exist and need to be supported.

I know that, in one way or another, we will all keeping finding ways to be there for them.”

– Jessika Martinez - Alimentos para la Vida (Querétaro – Mexico)

56 57


our co-creators

...to our donors, for their valuable gifts, big

or small, that allow us to support educational

projects working with street-connected

children and youth.

...to the children, schools and organisations

who raised funds for us and in doing so,

inspired a lot of other people.

...to our partners PSSB, Limeparts-

Drooghmans, Ijzerwaar and DHL Global

Forwarding. The mobile school is produced

at Munsterbilzen Provincial Secondary

School (PSSB). Mobile School and PSSB

have made the clear and deliberate choice

to have the schools produced by Flemish

youth in a cross-border project that involves

aspects of social global education, technical

education and entrepreneurship.

DHL Global Forwarding has been a partner

and sponsor of Mobile School for more than

15 years. Over the years they have shipped

95% of all mobile schools.

De Zande


Bijzondere Jeugdbijstand

...to the owners of our building for allowing

us to grow as an organisation.

...to our board of directors and investors

for their advice, trust and support every year.

...to our volunteers for their endless energy,

creativity, warm comforting hugs in hard

times and trust in the organisation.

...to the worldwide networks we are very

honoured to be part of.

...to community institution De Zande, Auxiliary

Prison Leuven & Rode Antraciet for

partnering with us in our experience-based

learning programmes.

...to the organisations who give us strategic,

legal and digital transformation support.


...to our StreetwiZe clients for believing in

our approach.

...to the Tomorrowland Foundation, Google.

org and Synergie for the financial support.

...to the EU and the province of Vlaams-

Brabant for the subsidies involving

the TECH4GOOD story and the capacity

building of our Sri Lankan Mobile School


With the support of the

Erasmus+ Programme

of the European Union

58 59

MobileSchool.org developed a Coronials board game.

Want to know more? Check out p. 46


All StreetwiZe profits are invested in the StreetSmart projects for street children

€ 38.288,8

Public investment funding


€ 19.111,05

StreetSmart revenu



€ 144.907,7


Cost €3.673,27 structure MS.ORG 2020




€ 280.000

Private investment

donation (Google.org)

€ 12.695

Public funding

€ 1,09 million

€ 446.938,85

StreetwiZe clients

€ 196.752,61

StreetSmart Wheels


€ 1,02 million


€ 375.131,41







€ 101.694



€ 199.061

Private donations

€ 301.786,15

StreetSmart Digital



2020: 873.670 euro was invested to improve the sustainable development of individuals, organisations and society, starting from the strengths of street-connected children.

Independent non – executive directors are non remunerated and operate on a voluntary basis. Managing director, management and employees are remunerated based on the joint

committee grids of Belgian Social Cultural workers (PC 329.01).

€ 1.000.000



€ 900.000

€ 800.000

€ 700.000

€ 600.000

€ 500.000

€ 400.000

€ 300.000

€ 200.000

€ 100.000

Of total revue, 5% is public funding and 95% is private funding.

StreetwiZe covers 44% of the total cost of the Mobile School vzw.

€303.138,- of the total cost of StreetwiZe is directly invested in personal, team and

organisation development programmes for the clients.

In 2020 StreetwiZe transferred 100% of its profits €81.807,- to StreetSmart.

€ -

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021



It’s about that mission, the impact on vulnerable children and youth.


Follow us online


educational contacts with

street-connected children


people reached by

our awareness campaigns


StreetwiZe participants


visits on our educational content

platform StreetSmart Play


SS Wheels SS Digital MS.ORG SWZ






This was the last year we organised the Sidewalk Chalk

Campaign in primary schools. The campaign was stopped to

focus on growing the impact of StreetSmart Wheels and the

start-up of StreetSmart.





4 5



StreetwiZe impact

StreetSmart Wheels impact

StreetSmart Digital impact

MobileSchool.org impact









129,9 128,4





Our impact decreased in 2020 due to

COVID-19 restraints. StreetSmart Wheels

partners realised less activities and contacts

than the years before and StreetwiZe could

not deliver as much in-classroom training.

The average quality of contacts of the

StreetSmart Wheels partners increased with

8% in comparison with 2014.

This calculation is based on an assessment of the

StreetSmart Wheels partners.

www.mobileschool.org • wwww.streetwiZe.be • www.street-smart.be



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