"Life and Pandemic" - Spring 2020

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How to Write an Essay During a Pandemic

You’ll feel like one of the zombies in any one of those cheap horror

movies. Don’t worry, that’s normal after taking two cap’s full of cough

medicine while trying to come down from an Adderall high. At this point

you’ve regressed past the degree of being a functional human and your

survival instincts will kick in. So, binge eat. Eat everything you can.

You’ll want to go outside and catch a squirrel with your bare hands to

roast over an open self-made fire. Don’t, that’s weird. You live in suburban

Orange County and your neighbors will call the police. Just open the

fridge and eat all the leftover mashed potatoes and ice cream you can.

When you’ve eaten everything, fall into a food-induced-amphetaminecome-down-NyQuil-come-up


Wake up at 3pm when your cat starts licking the melted icecream

off your chest. Start to cry, first with little sniffles and then a fullblown

wail. Cry because you haven’t seen your friends in weeks, you’re

weeks behind on your virtual lectures and have gotten nothing done

with only 7 hours left to write a 10 page research paper. Cry harder because

you’re disgusting and covered in half-eaten food, you now weigh 8

pounds heavier than yesterday, you’re in the middle of a global pandemic

and you saw your neighbor with the Trump flag on the news yesterday

yelling “live free or die”, and on top of it all your cat is starting to puke.

Take a moment to let it all sink in-- not your cat puke, clean that up before

it stains your Nana’s rug.

Once you’re done cleaning and crying you’ll probably feel really

exhausted. Give yourself a break to restart your mind and take a nap. Set

your alarm for 30 minutes. When your alarm goes off, press snooze and

sleep some more. Then press snooze again. And again.

Finally, wake up in a panic when you start dreaming about your

essay. Reach for your phone before realizing that it’s dead since you

didn’t charge it last night because you wasted all your battery trying to

listen to sleep podcasts. Grab your laptop and flip it open, look to the

time and see that it’s 11:56pm. Realize that nothing has gotten done.

Your essay is due in 4 minutes. Tense all your muscles again like how

you did last night when you were trying to relax, and scream. Scream

again, but more blood-curling this time. Remember that your Nana is

home when she waddles into your room at lightning elder speed to make

sure you’re alive. Assure her that you’re okay, you didn’t fall, you’re not

hurt, and everythings fine as you close the door on her. Fall onto the floor

and rip out a few strands of hair to check and see if you’re still sleeping.

Daelyn Daniloff

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