"Life and Pandemic" - Spring 2020

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YouTube, playing Animal Crossing, and letting their friends show

them movies that they’ve never seen.

Kristie Song (Because you are here)

I am a graduating senior and will be

attending UC Berkeley’s Graduate program

for Journalism as my next endeavor.

I hope to continue telling stories that are

meaningful for others through a variety of

mediums but have always found writing

to be my most comfortable retreat.

Caitlyn Johnson (What, then, will be left)

Originally from San Francisco (and presently living there due to

the pandemic), Caitlyn is currently a second year studying Film

and Media Studies and English at UCI. Her work has actually never

been published before this year (though another of her pieces is

being featured in Neon Anteater Renaissance’s 2020 spring issue)

and so she is very excited for this occasion! Aside from writing

short fiction, she spends her time writing scripts and making short

films, listening to music, and watching a whole lot of TV.

Brianna Pinon (Temporary Escape)

My name is Brianna Pinon. I am currently,

as I write this, a third-year education

major at UCI. I have been writing since I

was in the second grade and plan to keep

writing until I die (whenever that may

be). Without the constant support from

my family and boyfriend, I would have

disintegrated from stress. I hope everyone

is well and to appreciate the people

out there trying to make the world a

better place while holding all the broken


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