"Life and Pandemic" - Spring 2020

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Trans in Pandemic

I feel trapped, like a prisoner in my own home.

I’m called by a name that isn’t mine, pronouns that haven’t fit for years

Terms of endearment for a little girl that was never me.

That’s not my name, I wish I could say

But I never told them what my name is.

I feel trapped, like a prisoner in my own home.

I felt safe, surrounded by friends.

I was called by the name that is mine, the pronouns I have claimed

Nicknames for the person I have grown to become.

But now that’s all gone, for we’ve all moved back home.

Except for me, “home” is the place I left.

I felt safe, surrounded by friends.

I want to feel free again, in more ways than one.

I need to see my city again, I need to hear my name again

Everything I left behind

I need to feel my friends’ hugs again

but I can’t

not now

not yet

I want to feel free again, in more ways than one.

I will survive this, for I am strong.

I call my friends, ones who know my name.

They offer their support, and I mine.

They provide me a respite from the hell we’re living in

And we know it will end, but we know not when.

I will survive this, for I am strong.

Rei Vignapiano

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