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Madrid Flight on Chip


The project Madrid Flight on Chip (MFoC) is a research

and innovation project funded by Comunidad de Madrid.

The goal of the MFoC project is to develop novel techniques

for the development of future-generation aerospace

satellite systems. The project will explore hardware

and software techniques for radically different aerospace

system development in that will enable much more costeffective

satellite missions with lower development time

possible with new-generation System-on-Chip designs,

while maintaining high levels of reliability.

The project will explore the use of modern hardware architectures,

including FPGAs and commercial multi-core to

solve common problems in the target aerospace application

domain. These problems include energy consumption

and resistance to cosmic radiation. The software techniques

will include applications of software engineering

techniques like model-based design and automated code

generation and testing.

The role of the IMDEA Software Institute in the MFoC

project will be the research, adaptation, and technology

transfer of techniques from program analysis, runtime

verification, and automated test generation to the

verification and validation phase of aerospace software

development. Due to the demand for high-reliability of

satellite systems, the development of their software is

very slow and costly. In turn, as projects become more

complex, verification and validation, usually relying on

highly manual techniques, dominate time and overall

cost. In this project, the IMDEA Software Institute will

explore formal and semiformal techniques to improve the

state-of-the-art of verification and validation of the newgeneration

satellite systems.

annual report


To improve the chances of success, the project will exploit

specific characteristics of the on-board software developed

for satellite missions. This software is to follow very

strict coding rules and patterns. One of the main challenges

will be to tackle automatically generated code

produced using model-based development technologies.

The MFoC consortium includes SENER as the main

aerospace industrial partner and IMDEA Software and

Universidad Carlos III as research partners, with GEN-

ERA, CENTUM, REUSE and MARM being the rest of the

industrial partners.

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