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from Cambridge University found that the global cost of

debugging software has risen to $312 billion annually,

while other studies estimated the cost to just the U.S.

economy at $60 billion annually, or about 0.6 percent

of GDP. The reason for this high cost is that, while some

degree of software correctness can be achieved by careful

human or machine-assisted inspection, this is still a laborintensive

task requiring highly qualified personnel, with

the ensuing high monetary price. Even worse, the risk of

errors produced by human mistakes will still be lurking

in the dark. Reducing software errors in a cost-effective

manner is therefore a task that can greatly benefit from

the development of automatic tools.


annual report


The security of software systems is also paramount. The

European Commission estimates that the damage costs

due to cyberattacks in the European Union is in the order are at the same time secure, reliable, and efficient, while

of billions each year. In 2013 a single data breach cost ensuring that the process of developing such software

a U.S. retail company $160 million and more than a is also highly cost-effective. A distinctive feature of the

40% drop in its profits. Developing software technologies Institute is the concentration on approaches that are

that can detect malicious behaviors and provide defense rigorous and at the same time allow building practical

mechanisms against cyberattacks is therefore of primary tools. The research focus includes all phases of the

importance. However, producing automatic tools for development cycle (analysis, design, implementation,

reducing software errors as well as developing detection verification, validation, evolution and maintenance).

and defense technologies against cyberattacks is

extremely hard, because their design and construction In order to achieve its mission, the IMDEA Software

poses scientific and technological challenges. At the Institute gathers a critical mass of world-wide, top-class

same time, the ubiquity of software makes taking on researchers, and at the same time develops synergies

these challenges a potentially highly profitable endeavor, between them and the already significant research base

since solutions to these problems can have a significant and industrial capabilities existing in the region. Indeed,

and pervasive impact on productivity, safety, and on the most of the IT-related companies in Spain (and, specially,

general competitiveness of the economy.

their research divisions) are located in the Madrid region,

which facilitates collaboration and technology transfer.

The main mission of the IMDEA Software Institute is Thus, the IMDEA Software Institute materializes the

to tackle these challenges by performing research of opportunity of grouping a critical mass of researchers and

industrial experts, allowing for significant improvement

excellence in methods, languages, and tools that will

and goals

allow developing software products with sophisticated

functionality and high quality, i.e., software products that

in the impact of research and innovation.

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