Maree Makom

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T., a scrawny man, stooped like a porter, his words

sharp and his story flowing bright in broken,

borrowed, Hebrew, is married to K., whose hair is

young and light, her eyes wrinkled and her quick

smile toothless. The color of the UN Relief Agency’s

donated tent, in which they are sitting, is olive

green like the enemy’s uniform, and around it lie

fallen bricks and lumps of broken cement out of

which coil twisted metal snakes. From a small

porthole cut in the backside of the tent, and from

its front opening, intermittent-kids are peeping.

K.’s hands know them by rote, and they delouse

their hair and wipe their noses on their own accord,

letting her eyes wander through the guests.

But just then the image is replaced, confused. And

here they all are again, sitting in the only cement

structure now left in the bulldozers’ flattened trail,

upon which several months later—or did this

perhaps already take place?—the iron bar will

swing and rip the house’s skin and crush its

foundations. The voices, as before, are alive and

effervescent, including that of T., who has just

returned from jail a few days ago, a bit thinner and

further stooped, his tongue agile and warm still

and bubbling with images, indulging in the texture

of the visiting filmmakers’ language, the language

also of those who uprooted his house.

Video Recording Site

Al-Khalil surroundings. A demolished home of

a Palestinian family

18,000 Palestinian homes have been

destroyed by Israel since 1967. The IDF carries

out three types of house demolitions: ‘Clearing

operations,’ which are intended to meet what

Israel defines as ‘military needs’; Administrative

demolitions of houses built without a permit;

And house demolitions intended to punish the

relatives and neighbors of Palestinians who

carried out or are suspected of involvement in

attacks against Israeli civilians or soldiers 1 .

Video Recording Occasion

1998. Production of a video piece by L. and R.

The majority of the scenes are shot in

Deheishe, a refugee camp, and in demolished

homes or homes about to be demolished in

the vicinity of Al-Khalil.


T. and his wife K. - Residents of a home at the

outskirts of Al-Khalil. T. and K.’s home has

been twice demolished by the Israeli Army

under the pretext of the absence of a permit.

Their land ownership documents date to the

Turkish Occupation period (prior the

constitution of the Israeli state in 1948).

L. - An Israeli videographer residing in Tel Aviv

R. - An Israeli writer living in Jerusalem

1. Through No Fault of Their Own,Nov. 15, 2004, B’Tselem Publications

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