Maree Makom

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The tent of the Bedouin woman is set up on the

hill, below a fortified stone structure owned by a

man called U. whose tiny silhouette, beyond the

barbed wire surrounding his house, is inspecting

the tall man and the three women standing nex t to

him. Behind the four figures, under a long laundry

cable and an assortment of fabrics waving red, the

valley spreads out wide and open in shades of

brown and bright green, and folding deep into it

are also thin grey shadow wrinkles creasing the

dry earth from the head of the mountain to the

hear t of the gorge. The guests, holding tall glasses

stained by a residue of sweet sticky tea, are

listening to their host, her large body in a blackknitted

jellaba, her voice expanding upwards,

there, on the hill, many days before the sound

track of H.’s sober voice will accompany it,

staggering, streaming low below the woman’s

absolute cry with an improvised translation into

broken English in which he will emphasize the

moral and the heroic:

Video Recording Site

Al-Khalil surroundings. A Bedouin tent

Video Recording Occasion

1998. Production of a video piece by L. and R.

A Bedouin woman reporting an attack by a

settler (U.) residing on a hill overlooking her



Bedouin woman

U. - Settler

H. - A resident of Al-Khalil and an Al-Khalil

municipality engineer, who is aiding the two

women in the making of their piece

L. - An Israeli videographer residing in Tel Aviv

R. - An Israeli writer living in Jerusalem

Before two nights, one settler, his name is U., came

from here, tried to attack this woman at night, and he

took his weapon, and said I want to kill you, but she

took a stone and she said to him, you have a weapon

but I have another weapon. If you try to kill me, I want

to kill you with this stone.

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