Clas Blomberg - Physics of life-Elsevier Science (2007)

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12 The biological molecules 96

12A General properties of proteins and amino acids 96

12B Sugars 104

12C Nucleic acids 105

12D The genetic code 108

12E Energy-storing substances 111

12F Lipids: membranes 112

13 What is life? 113

Part IV Going further with thermodynamics

14 Thermodynamics formalism and examples: Combinatorial expressions and

Stirling’s formula 117

14A General formalism: energy concepts 118

14B Mixing entropy 123

14C Water: solubility 125

14D Formalism of mixing and solutions* 126

14E Chemical thermodynamics* 129

14F Non-equilibrium thermodynamics* 132

15 Examples of entropy and order/disorder 138

15A Shuffling cards 139

15B The monkey library and DNA 140

15C Order and disorder 142

15D The relation to the second law 144

16 Statistical thermodynamics models 146

16A Magnetic analogies and molecule conformations 146

16B Ising-type models of 1D systems* 156

16C Renormalisation methods* 163

16D Spin glass 169

Part V Stochastic dynamics

17 Probability concepts 173

17A Examples 174

17B Normal distribution: approximation of binomial distribution 177

18 Stochastic processes 178

18A Introduction: general account 178

18B Terminology and formal basis 180

18C Ergodicity in biology 181

19 Random walk* 182

19A Formalism 183

19B Absorbing and reflecting boundaries 186

19C First passage time 188

19D Non-intersecting random walk 190

20 Step processes: master equations* 191

20A Poisson process 193

20B Processes with a small number of states and constant transition probabilities 194

20C Formalism: matrix method 195

20D A process with constant average and extinction possibility 201

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