The Good Life – September-October 2020

On the cover – Bowhunting: Fun for the entire family. Local Hero donates bone marrow in a lifesaving sacrifice. Having a beer with tv show host Chris Berg and more in Fargo Moorhead's only men's magazine.

On the cover – Bowhunting: Fun for the entire family. Local Hero donates bone marrow in a lifesaving sacrifice. Having a beer with tv show host Chris Berg and more in Fargo Moorhead's only men's magazine.


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lot of other places, you realize there is

good everywhere, no matter what the

person's race, religion, beliefs are,"

Nick says.

While Nick has been inspired by the

world, his selfless act has, in turn,

motivated countless coworkers,

friends and family around him since

sharing his story. "I got a lot of

messages that said, 'Thank you for

putting something out there. I had

no idea this existed. I registered,'" he

says. "If you've ever known anybody

who's been sick, had cancer, whatever

it is – if you could just give blood

and that would cure them ... I think

everybody would do it."

'Be The Good'

In the midst of a global pandemic,

priorities have adjusted and values

are re-discovered and even re-written.

For Nick, those values have remained

the same, as he plans to continue to

"still be the good in the world," he


"Our employer is really good about

allowing volunteering in any way we

want, so I always do that," says the Bell

Bank project relationship specialist.

Through his employment, Nick and

his fellow coworkers are awarded 16

hours of volunteer time per year and

$1,000 to pay it forward to the people

and causes closest to their hearts – a

unique benefit he cherishes.

"If you can be the good in the

world, I don't understand why

anyone would choose not to,"

Nick says.

For him, the good life simply means

"being happy and having a balance

between work life and personal life

that allows me to enjoy my passions,"

he says. Sometimes that means

accepting fate and enduring a sizable

amount of pain for the chance to save

a life, and other times it's much more

straight-forward. "A beer or a glass of

wine in one hand doesn't hurt either."

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